Παρασκευή 29 Ιανουαρίου 2021

PKK Executive Committee: “We will make them pay a high price”

On the path of truth with dynamism of the youth - Nûçe Ciwan

The PKK Executive Committee Member Murat Karayilan spoke to Dengê Welat Radio on developments in Kurdistan and Turkey.



In regard to the recent developments in Kurdistan and Turkey, Sawt al-Watan (Dengê Welat) Radio held an interview with the PKK Executive Committee Member Murat Karayilan.

At the beginning of his speech, Murat Karayilan who is both a member of the PKK Executive Committee and the commander of the People’s Defense Forces headquarters (the armed forces of the PKK) emphasized the importance of the “It Is Time For Freedom” campaign which was launched to establish the physical freedom of Leader Abdullah Ocalan. He said: “Revolting against the isolation imposed on the Leader in Imrali, is a struggle against fascism; without achieving the freedom of Leader Ocalan, the conflict cannot end, nor will the Kurds achieve their freedom or democracy prevail in Turkey.”

The commander continued: “The campaign that the resisters started in the prisons of fascism is of great meaning and importance because the freedom of leader Abdullah Ocalan means the freedom of all prisoners of freedom, opinion and thought. In another sense, it means the freedom of Kurdistan and the achievement of democratic transformation in Turkey.”

He said: “It is imperative for the families of the struggling prisoners and detainees, the patriots of our country, as well as the democratic institutions to support the resistance in prisons. Only so, will the campaign be able to achieve its goals.”

The fifth anniversary of Autonomous Administration’s resistance

On the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the establishment of the Autonomous Administration in Northern Kurdistan, the the PKK Executive Committee Member Murat Karayilan said: “We commemorate all our martyrs who signed a historic epic of heroism, in all regions and cities that participated in the Autonomous Administration’s resistance against Turkish fascism. We renew our pledge to follow their path of freedom and victory, and to achieve their hopes and goals for which they sacrificed.”

In his talk about the Autonomous Administration’s resistance, Murat Karayilan shared the depth of the war by Kurds in northern Kurdistan to establish an Autonomous Administration:

“60 brave young men resisted against fascism in Amed for 103 days, led by Cîyager, and the same thing happened in Nesibin, Cizir, Şirnex, Gever and Hezex. This legendary resistance was against the scheme of destruction and elimination of Kurdish existence. The enemies aimed to impose submission and surrender on our people, but thanks to that historic resistance, they were unable to implement their agendas.” He also made clear that there is no alternative other than resistance, to secure the fate and future of the Kurdish people.

Not only political leaders, but Yazidi community elders and religious leaders must intensify their struggle

Murat Karayilan touched on the sinister agreement that the Iraqi government concluded with the Kurdistan Democratic Party regarding Şengal, and said: “The Turkish state responds to Autonomous Administrations at the same rate, regardless of which part of Kurdistan. It does not want the Yazidi community to enjoy its will and autonomy even though the system of Autonomous Administration has legal basis in the federal law of Iraq.

The Turkish state claims that it is hostile to the Autonomous Administration in Şengal because of the PKK presence. The Yazidi community seeks to maintain its existence as a society which has always been subject to oppression and pressure by Islamists, being defended by no one. Therefore, the society in Şengal has a natural right to establish its own defense forces and an Autonomous Administration that manages its affairs and respects its will and privacy.

The duty to defend this truth is not limited to the political leaders only, but all personalities and notables from the Yazidi community, as well as the religious leaders of the Yazidi community must intensify their efforts and highlight their position regarding what is happening in Şengal to express the will of their community. Şengal must enjoy an autonomous administration in the Iraqi law and constitution, as well as in the laws of the Kurdistan Regional Government in order for the Yazidi community to protect its existence.”

The Şengal Agreement is not in favor of Kurds

Murat Karayilan stressed that the ominous agreement concluded between the Iraqi government and the Kurdistan Democratic Party (PDK) regarding Şengal is not in the interest of Kurds, and stressed that Al-Kadhimi government was not able to demonstrate an independent position that expresses the will of Iraq and its people, but rather yielded to foreign dictates, on top of which are Turkish state interferences.

He said: “Al-Kadhimi government faces many issues and problems in Iraq. It should have directed towards solving those problems and issues that determine the fate of Iraq, instead of moving towards concluding an agreement against the people of Şengal and deploying 10 thousand government forces, claiming a phantom victory over people who just recently survived a genocide.”

He continued: “This agreement is not in the interest of the Kurdish people, and it means aborting the Autonomous Administration of the Yazidi people in Şengal. The Kurdistan Democratic Party wants, through its accession to this agreement, to send a message that it will destroy anything it has no interest in, whatever the price.

With this agreement, KDP will hand over Kurdish gains to the Iraqi government, in an agreement that is hostile to the Autonomous Administration of Şengal and the will of the Yazidi community.”

Enemies attack Kurdish society through special warfare methods

Commander Murat Karayilan continued: “The enemies do not only attack the Guerrilla and political activists in Kurdistan, but they attack the Kurdish society with various methods and special tools of war. They also target women and youth in particular in the Kurdistan society. In response to this, the Free Women Movement expressed its will by launching a campaign named “We Will Defend Ourselves,” and this campaign is of great significance.”

He added: “The brutal rape incident that took place in Gercus in Batman became widespread in the press and media, and it is clear from the merits of this crime that the perpetrators are Turkish officers, and that the Turkish state does not pay salaries to these officers to fight an honorable fight, but to desecrate honor and dignity of the Kurdish community.

Therefore, I appeal to the Kurdish people in Northern Kurdistan, and tell them to take caution towards these officers assigned by the Turkish occupation state. If these officers are Kurds, they are traitors, and if they are Turks, they are representatives of the occupation and mercenaries.”

Murat Karayilan warned about the silence of the Kurdish community in the face of such crimes, and said: “This deadly silence must be broken. The Free Women Movement announced its position and it continues to struggle to a certain degree, but the entire society of Kurdistan must declare its position and struggle against these crimes and immoral practices that want to undermine Kurdish dignity and honor.”

He continued: “Kurdistan today suffers from an apartheid system wherever a Kurdish person is killed. The Turkish state seeks to mislead the true racist cause, hide the crime, in addition to granting impunity for the perpetrator. We have seen how they threw Kurdish citizens from a helicopter, and in return the perpetrators of the crime were defended and justified by government officials such as ministers. ”

They will pay for everything

Commander Murat Karayilan emphasized that the Turkish occupation state is practicing a chauvinist racist policy in Kurdistan, and seeks to conceal the truth of its crimes with different tools and methods. He said: “We will hold all the perpetrators and criminals accountable, and in order to hold the enemies and tyrants accountable and take revenge on them and avenge the blood of the martyrs of the Kurdistan people, the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) Movement was established, and our people must trust this and realize well that we will not stand idly and silent about all these brutal crimes. We will make them pay a high price.”


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