Κυριακή 16 Απριλίου 2023




''Often translated as “check” or “impulse,” the term Anstoß indicates both a limitation to the original activity of the I and an occasion for further acts of reflection on its part. In this way “sensible feelings” are transformed into representations of external objects in space and time. The “original limits of the I” also play a critical role in Fichte’s treatises on natural right in ethics, and in the revised version of the foundational portion of his system. In the doctrine of natural right, these limits appear in the form of a “summons” or Aufforderung from another individual, calling upon one to limit one’s own individual freedom in recognition of the freedom of others. In Fichte’s ethics, the original limitation of the I appears as the pre-deliberative determination of the pure will to will as its final end the independence and self-activity of the finite I, a determination of which one becomes immediately conscious through the feeling of duty. The Fichtean I is always a finite, materially embodied and socially embedded moral agent. These same limits indicate the limits of philosophy, which is strictly confined to a transcendental derivation of the necessary conditions for selfhood. In recognizing the necessity of these original limitations of the I as conditions for the possibility of its freedom, the Wissenschaftslehre can also be described as an “abstract realism.”




