Δευτέρα 28 Φεβρουαρίου 2022

Όχι στον ανατολικό φασιστικό Ιμπεριαλισμό! This is not a war that came from NATO but from the emerging Eastern imperialism.

Marxists would like all resisting Ukrainians to be Nazis.
You will see in the coming days by the Marxists an incredible advertisement of any Ukrainians who are Nazis.
Marxists advertise Nazi Ukrainians, because in this way they will get an excuse to continue to maintain "equal distances" or to support Putin.
The Marxist slogan "neither-nor" means:
"You are all the same, you are all perpetrators."
Marxism breathed a last this week, showing once again that it has nothing to do with the purpose of classless society, of freedom and workers' democracy.
It is an authoritarian ideology that has as its code the predominance of a state exploitative system, which has a Priesthood, Priests, secret agents, theologians of "Holy Marxism". 

I AM FOR THE WAR of the democratic people of Ukraine AGAINST the neo-tsarist vampire, who is loved by the old Stalinist culprits and tolerated by the western far-left idiots.
Not in the pacifism of SLAVES. 

Are the Russian fascists bombing the capital of a country and do you analyze it as "Marxists" from "equal distances"?
You are cold ideological corpses. 
When bombs fell in Belgrade you were angry and mourning like mother who lost her child, while now what do you do?
The tears have dried for a people who hurt yours Marxist arrogance, for people who were victims of yours state-collectivist pseudo-socialist paranoia.  

There is a rape of a person [a] by a person [b].
Person [a] has a friend and protector a person [c], who is the enemy of the person [b].
What does the super-internationalist left-wing cretin say?
"Neither [b] nor [c]. And [a] is to blame for the fact that [b] raped him, since he had the friend [c]. Let him not have this friend. The [B] had warned him."
You say to the left idiot:
"But [a] befriended [c] to have a chance to escape rape from [b]"
The fool tells you:
"But he did not escape"
You answer him:
"[A] did not escape, but even if he had not befriended [c], [b] would have raped him. What do you have to say now? "
What should the idiot say?
He will say it again, neither [b] nor [c].
Idiots, idiots, idiots, idiots, immoral idiots. 


Anyone who claims that the Ukrainian bourgeois government is a fascist government is either a supporter of Putin and the Russian fascists or has fallen victim to their propaganda.


Όποιος ισχυρίζεται ότι η αστική κυβέρνηση τής Ουκρανίας είναι φασιστική κυβέρνηση ή είναι υποστηρικτής τού Πούτιν και των Ρώσων φασιστών ή έχει πέσει θύμα τής προπαγάνδας τους. 


There is no "third position".
Fight the Russian neo-tsarist vampires to the end. 


I AM FOR THE WAR of the democratic people of Ukraine AGAINST the neo-tsarist vampire.


Not in the pacifism of SLAVES.
I AM FOR THE WAR of the democratic people of Ukraine AGAINST the neo-tsarist vampire, who is loved by the old Stalinist culprits and tolerated by the western far-left idiots.
Not in the pacifism of SLAVES.  
The "third position" between the defending people and the state of Ukraine and the other side of the conquering Russian imperialist vampire, does NOT EXIST.
Take FIRST position against the Russian OCCUPATION army, and in favor of the defending DEMOCRATIC bourgeois state and people of Ukraine, then we speak.
There is no "Neither - nor" in the Ukrainian issue, there is NO "THIRD POSITION", there is only "Either - or."
Either with the people who are justly fighting for their homeland or with the Russian fascists.  
Ο δούλος τού Πούτιν Λιάτσος στον Ευαγγελάτο: εγώ δεν έχω πληροφορίες ότι στο Χάρκοβο γίνονται βομβαρδισμοί. Σε ένα λεπτό επικοινωνία με Κατερίνα Σεβτσένκο, που μένει στο Χάρκοβο: γίνονται βομβαρδισμοί στο Χάρκοβο. Επιμένει μετά ο Τσάτσος ο Λιάτσος ότι υπάρχουν συστήματα Κραντ, και αυτά φταίνε, που είναι ουκρανικά. Μετά τα μπερδεύει, μιλώντας για μη ύπαρξη τανκς στις πόλεις. Έλεος ρε αλήτη.
Russian bombs are sweeter and softer than NATO bombs.
That is where the dirty line of pseudo-Marxist pro-Russian propaganda will fall.
Deep Stalinism can not forget its habit of lying and covering up crimes if these crimes were committed by Holy Russia which was once communist. Russia was never communist, but for the Stalinists it once was. So they still show their favor to their favorite monster even though it is dead.
A mummy is enough.
Not only Lenin's mummy but also the mummy of the Soviet Union, today's Russia.
The argument for the danger of retaliation from a conquering imperialist power means ''not provoking a conqueror in order that not to retaliate''.
This argument serves a conqueror, it serves a great power, it is an argument of slaves, it is an argument of submissive dead souls.
This argument is used by the Greek pro-western right and Greek pro-western center, even if some centrist or social-democratic pro-western speak shyly and occasionally against western imperialism.
The same argument is used by the pro-Russian Greek left and the pro-Russian Greek Tudeh (KKE), even if they speak shyly against Russian imperialism.
The Greek left raises the banner of anti-imperialism resistance when it opposes Western imperialism.
When the issue is eastern imperialism reacts as a collaborator of the conquerors of the east.
The other ideological coalition, the Greek right, does the same with Western imperialism.
Collaborators and slaves everywhere. 
The general secretary of the pseudo-communist party of Greece (KKE, Greek Tudeh) asked that Greece not be involved in military aid to Ukraine, so that the country is not endangered by Russia's retaliation.
The argument for the danger of retaliation from a conquering imperialist power means ''not provoking a conqueror in order that not to retaliate''.
That is, what the Nazi collaborators said during the Occupation of my country by the Nazis when there was armed resistance. The KKE has "written" a historical essay in which it denies partial the national liberation struggle that it itself led, because ''it was influenced by nationalism-patriotism''.
The KKE is not even the KKE of 1940-1945, when it led the national democratic struggle, it is now another sectarian far-left party of the "new left age''.
Not only the KKE (the Greek Tudeh) but also the majority of the current sectarian world left, deny any possibility of an active and armed defense against Eastern imperialism.
They call the defense struggle of the Ukrainian people nationalist, and its defentive war only imperialist and capitalist war, to the point where some use slander against the Ukrainian people as a whole.
Shame on them. We will never forget this one-sidedness of the sectarians.
Their ideological attacks on this people will not go unanswered. 

Όχι μόνο το ΚΚΕ αλλά και η πλειονότητα τής σημερινής σεκταριστικης παγκόσμιας αριστεράς, αρνούνται κάθε ενδεχόμενο να υπάρξει ενεργή και ένοπλη άμυνα απέναντι στον ανατολικό ιμπεριαλισμό.
Ονοματίζουν τον αμυντικό αγώνα τού ουκρανικού λαού εθνικιστικό, και τον συνολικό πόλεμο μόνον ιμπεριαλιστικό και καπιταλιστικό πόλεμο, φτάνοντας μερικοί να χρησιμοποιούν συκοφαντίες εναντίον του ουκρανικού λαού στο σύνολο του.
Ντροπή τους. Δεν θα ξεχάσουμε ποτέ και αυτή την μονομέρεια των σεκταριστών. Οι ιδεολογικές επιθέσεις τους απέναντι και σε αυτό τον λαό δεν θα μείνουν αναπάντητες.
Ο γενικός γραμματέας τού ψευτο-κομμουνιστικού κόμματος Ελλάδας (ΚΚΕ) ζήτησε μη εμπλοκή τής Ελλάδας σε στρατιωτική βοήθεια τής Ουκρανίας για να μη κινδυνέψει η χώρα από τα αντίποινα τής Ρωσίας. 
Το επιχείρημα περί του κινδύνου των αντιποίνων μιας κατακτητικής ιμπεριαλιστικής δύναμης σημαίνει να μην προκαλείς τον κατακτητή για να μην έχεις από την σκοπιά του αντίποινα. 
Ότι έλεγαν δηλαδή οι συνεργάτες των ναζιστών επί τής Κατοχής τής χώρας μας από τους ναζιστές όταν υπήρχε ένοπλη αντίσταση. 
Νέο μέτωπο ιδεολογικής άμυνας των υπεραριστερών: 
Επειδή κάποιοι δυτικοί δημοσιογράφοι εκφράσανε φιλικά αισθήματα προς τούς Ουκρανούς πρόσφυγες κάνοντας ρατσιστικές συγκρίσεις τους με τους πρόσφυγες από Συρία Αφγανιστάν κ.λπ, άρα οι Πολωνοί και οι Ευρωπαίοι είναι ρατσιστές, όλοι. 
Η υπεραριστερά έχει πρόβλημα ψυχικό. 
Οι άνθρωποι της υπεραριστερας είναι κακοήθεις αλλά η κακοήθεια τους έχει πλέον μια έντονη ψυχοπαθολογική διάσταση.
There have been speeches in the Russian media like ''If there is no Russia, why should there be World?"
"We can wipe out the West with our nuclear weapons."
All this was said in mainstream Russian media.
At the same time, Putin implemented a nuclear protocol ''before nuclear war''.
This is called a fascist totalitarian threat, whether put harder or not, in practice.
I study with a rather perverted diligence the comments written in the publications of hundreds of left-wing sites around the western world, and I see with real surprise and concern the following:
When something is written against Russia, from a leftist point of view,, a large army of pro-Russian leftists appears, from all over the Western world, and from Latin America, which expresses a black-red "logic".
At first I thought there was an army of Russian trolls, and that's all, but I find that there is now a massive and ideologically organized left-far-right!
A mass national-Bolshevism, a Trumpist anti-imperialism, a pro-Russian black-red ideological formation.
An arrogant geopolitical analyst was shouting today on Greek television:
"I told you! US plan succeeds, Europe brings NATO back "
What this bubbleman was saying, expressing the popular opinion as a "scientist", has nothing to do with what happened.
The West is uniting, overcoming internal contradictions, Europe is arming itself autonomously but also in cooperation with the USA.
No plan pre-existed from the Western point of view.
Now there is a plan to respond to the challenges of the new east.
And the imperialist west will win again, not because it ''built'' this new bipolarity but because the new imperialist east overestimated its powers, while still trapped in an archaic authoritarianism. 
The sectarians are outraged because the Eastern European countries wanted and continue to want a union with Western Europe and a move away from Russia.
They present the popular will of the peoples of Eastern Europe as a "map system".
See anti-Western and anti-NATO memes.
They present these countries and peoples as part of a map of sovereignty.
Look! they say, NATO has expanded! everything else is not counted in their alienated thinking.
How did the Marxists get to this ideological decline?
They think through maps drawn by geopolitical analysts, the well-known devotees of the pseudoscience of geopolitics.
And the people?
Within the Marxist memes, peoples are lost, transformed into non-existent entities.
So when degenerate Marxists reproduce memes from Moscow-sponsored pseudo-leftist sites (in the United States and elsewhere), they have already become left-fascist socialfascists.
After first various (supposedly?) "Communist" sectarians took care to draw equal distances between a country that was raped it and its rapist, after first blurring the YES and the NO that an honest person knows how to say, after they blaming to bourgeois government of Ukraine because it simply expressed the desire of the Ukrainian people to unite with the West, after they accepting without protest the vulgar propaganda of the Russian fascists that everything in Ukraine is dominated by the Nazis, after they did all the propagandistic nonsenses, stupiditys, now they find that public opinion is suspicious for them.
How do they try to restore their reputation?
Beyond their "Neither-Nor", this sectarian monster of their political immorality, they are now retreating, without taking away what they have said before, and publicly declaring that they have no responsibility for Putin, because Putin is not a communist.
We know this, we dοn΄t need anyone to repeat it to us.
Why does they repeat it?
They is repeating it because have realized that the common people have identified "Neither - Nor" with a retreat or even a sympathy for Putin. A new "neither nor'' "adventure" begins, where the "neither" in Putin inflates but does not remain "alone". The metaphysics of equal distances is lame, but it continues.
There is no far-left text that does not accuse Zelinski and his government of being a right-wing fascist vassal in NATO, responsible for almost everything, but there is no ordinary citizen in the West who cares about these far-left bubbles.\
Putin threatens with nuclear weapons.
This scum should exterminatet.
Ο Πούτιν απειλεί
με τα πυρηνικά «του» όπλα.
Αυτό το απόβρασμα πρέπει να εξολοθρευτεί.
What Marxists are you?
Does the fact that NATO and the "West" have committed the most rapes mean that we attach more importance to the rape committed by Russia NOW if we simply say that this rape is NOW being committed by Russia?
What Marxists are you?
Your rotten anti-Western "logic" and the logic of the scales that weighs a criminal as a lesser "criminal value" because he has committed fewer (quantitatively) crimes, is the "logic" that benefits this criminal.
What Marxists are you?
Your rotten anti-Western "logic" that baptizes a war as generally derived from "imperialism" or "capitalism" in general, does not mean real anti-capitalism but metaphysically abstract anti-capitalism / anti-imperialism that can't recognize at any given historical moment who is direct enemy, the most specific enemy.
What Marxists are you?
Your rotten logic refuses to see thats precisely, that because capitalism concerns all of humanity and precisely because it means as a system an extreme dynamic, so for this very reason it can bring as a system a change of its metropolitan-imperialist centralities.
What used to be its starting point can be replaced, in its significant dark dimensions, by another new starting point.
What Marxists are you?
When one capitalist-metropolitan pole has committed millions of crimes and another begins to emerge next to it that has developed even fewer crimes, this does not mean that the former is the most dangerous, because the new capitalist-metropolitan pole has not yet reached degree of criminality of the chronologically first.
When the Nazis began their criminal course in history, in the early days, they had committed fewer crimes than the Anglo-Saxons and French imperialists-capitalists, but that does not mean that they weren't ALREADY worse than the Anglo-Saxons-French imperialists-capitalists.
Weren't they ALREADY worse than they first appeared?
What Marxists are you?
You do not even know the basics of the dialectic you are referring to.
You live with the memories of this dialectic, not with the dialectic. 

NATO has committed more rapes, but this rape is committed by Russia.
The position that the Ukraine provoked its rape because it wanted to be Western-NATO expresses the view of rapist Putin.
This is not a war that came from NATO but from the emerging Eastern imperialism.

The society in Greece is informed directly by Russian agents who unilaterally promote the view of the general staff of the Russian army*.
They portray the war as a civil inter-Slavic war, wich is a racist, fascist, Nazi, position of panslavismus.
In Greece, there is a television station owned by a Luben mobster, a Greek-Russian capitalist, a friend of Putin.
Iranian leftists!
When the next uprising of the Iranian people takes place, these people they will inform the Greek people.
I don't need to say much.
I know, I know ... Neither-Nor, Neither NATO nor Putin.
* Thanasis Avgerinos is a propagandist of Russian positions. He describes the war as an intra-Slavic civil war, a position of Pan-Slavism, a position of Russian fascism.
These feces inform the Greek people from the television station of the Russian luben capitalist Savvidis. 
The Greek "communists" (the Greek Tudeh: ''ΚΚΕ'') demonstrated starting from the Russian embassy to end up at the American embassy, ​​shouting the slogan again "murderers of the people, American imperialists". But in Ukraine ... the Russian imperialists intervened. They started from the Russian embassy but went to the American embassy because the American imperialists are primarily responsible for them, a view that is indirectly identified with the position of the Russian imperialists. Although they are critical of Russian imperialism, it's really its friends, which is why the KKE has friendly relations with Putin's agent, the national-communist Zuganov. 
Russian Fascists killed 10 Greeks in Ukraine.
There have been Greeks in Ukraine for centuries.
Today it is about 100,000.
The Russian Fascists blamed the "Ukrainian nationalists" for the murder of 10 Greeks, but there is evidence that this crime was committed by the Russian Fascists.
The Russian Fascists are Liars.
The Russian Fascists are Liars.
The Russian Fascists are Liars.
The Russian Fascists are Liars.
The Russian Fascists are Liars.
The Russian Fascists are Liars.
Who keeps an equal distance between the West and the Russian fascists ("Neither, nor") is the useful idiot of the Russian fascists. 
Clown resists, while you "Marxists" masturbate with "equal distance" ideas.
We are all Clowns.
The "male" Marxists are hens.
Marxists would like all resisting Ukrainians to be Nazis.
You will see in the coming days by the Marxists an incredible advertisement of any Ukrainians who are Nazis.
Marxists advertise Nazi Ukrainians, because in this way they will get an excuse to continue to maintain "equal distances" or to support Putin.
The Marxist slogan "neither-nor" means:
"You are all the same, you are all perpetrators."
Marxism breathed a last this week, showing once again that it has nothing to do with the purpose of classless society, of freedom and workers' democracy.
It is an authoritarian ideology that has as its code the predominance of a state exploitative system, which has a Priesthood, Priests, secret agents, theologians of "Holy Marxism".  
Okay, we got it "Marxists".
You support national struggles only when they are adapted to your ideological and political formations.
If the national struggle is tailored to your ideological and political interests it is fair.
If the national struggle is not adapted to your ideological and political interests, it is nationalist, fascist, racist, reactionary.
You have no other political criterion than your ideological and political adventurism.
You have no moral value other than the realization of your abstract ideals beyond any human measure.  
Now that the drums of a heroic people's defensive struggle MUST sound, left-wing idiots remember all their pacifist internationalist sensibilities.
You are slimy hypocrites when your primordial ideological homeland, even in the hands of the ''foreign'', capitalists, is in the position of the rapist murderer.
Then remember that "must-peace".
I know you well, enemies of humanity.  
"Neither-Nor", the monotone song of the idiotic revolutionism.

"Neither Churchill nor Hitler".

And then the heavens fell.
Ideological balances on the world left, on the occasion of Putin's war.
The attitude of the left all over the world has presented in extreme form the ideological crisis within it, especially in relation to the Marxists of all tendencies.
Beyond the black-red left-wing admirers of Assad and Putin, the masses of the left have switched to the Neither-Nοr mentality (neither Putin nor NATO), a mentality more reminiscent of the existential quests of a theological hiker than a political position from a faction that strongly reflects the current reality.
But this position, beyond its metaphysical sloppiness, beyond its nihilistic sectarianism, reflects something deeper, a regression of the left in relation to the awareness of the danger of the new Eastern fascisms.
The left is accustomed to a general denunciation of the western world which still considers it to be the starting point of the "radical evil" and the main source of the racist inhuman system of colonial imperialist domination, so that it can not even comprehend the appearance of these new Eastern fascisms.
In the "soul" of the left, the first and foremost cause of evil remains the West, and the new philosophical and worldviews developed after the "movement68" do not remove this metaphysical bias, but rather reinforce and "elevate" it to an unprecedented - for a progressive movement - "height" of metaphysical certainty.
It is possible that the left, especially as the new western left, is not imbued with a direct and unmediated "reverse" Orientalism, but through elaborate and refined heterodeterminations of thought is imbued with a direct ideological heterodetermination by its internal social class-enemy, which is considered as the only one who really has power and whom we must destroy even at the cost of acquitting his enemies, that is, every Eastern fascist imperialist.
It even happens that the main actors of this Eastern imperialist fascist, Russia and China, have "on them" the symbols but also the "dominant aura" of their Marxist past.
Whenever there is a subtle favor to them, worthy of recognition of the most badly played psychological melodrama.
How can the left believe that Mao's anti-colonial China, which still bears communist symbols and titles, is a fascist totalitarian state with expansionist tendencies and excessive planetary ambitions? Even under Mao it had such tendencies (occupation of Tibet) but it can not be understood today as what it is, a fascist totalitarian force.
How can the left believe that the country founded by Lenin, is today the ideological and political center of neo-fascism in the West itself? and not a rather "likeable" authoritarian but "heretical" regional capitalist force?
The Neither-Nor of the new left contains these psychic predeterminations, because, although it means distance from an open pro-Orientalism, it also means distance from the harsh reality of the practical "Orientalism" of the capitalist "East" itself, which " teaches '' that it is clearly worse than the practical "westernism" of the "west".
The "Neither-Nor" ideological balance not only shows ignorance of the danger posed by the fascist or theocratic "east", but also shows practical synergy with it, an indirect and perhaps unconscious alliance with it, from the point of view of the newleft. .
Putin gave a cuff to the delusions of this left, but this left will insist on "Neither-nor" until the end. In order for there to be an ideological abolition of this "Neither-Nor" we must reach and transcend other limits as "western" humanity. 
Perhaps the people persecuted from the east are wondering, why is there such passion and interest for Ukraine and the Ukrainians, and not for them?
First I will tell them:
Do not listen to the flattery of the left in the west, towards you, which flattery is combined with the guilt of the west as a whole. These flatteries do not interest everyday Westerners, who think more simply, so they see Ukrainians as their own brotherly people while they do not see you that way, at least to the same degree.
Is this a racist prejudice as the neo-left westerners say? No, it is a given and normal situation (and I say that as a Greek who I am not considered a normal western person).
It is perfectly normal for every people and every set of peoples to consider another people as closer to them if exists common historical experiences.
Ukrainians are part of Western history and the common Western historical experience, and that can not be changed by wishful thinking, but also why it should change?
There are also special sympathies when there are specific common experiences: The Poles are really brothers to the Ukrainians, and this has its reasons, such as the common experience of their oppression by the Russian imperialists.
Also, in general, the people of Europe and the West in general have a perfectly reasonable sense, wich it has been confirmed, that the West is being attacked by an emerging authoritarian east.
Is it the fault of ordinary persecuted people from the east, poor immigrants and refugees?
Of course not, but on the other hand there is no person who has a "certificate" of innocence if he comes from the territory where this threat is now emerge made.
The "certificates" of innocence are generously provided by the western far left, but as "certificates" they have no value, since in the end they do not only give them to the really innocent who are the majority of the Easterns but also to guilty fundamentalists and in others who want to bring with them the clitoridectomy, the hijab, the violence against women.
So is this suspicion racist?
Apparently not, although it nestles perhaps a one-sidedness that can turn into racism.
I have read complaints about this one-sidedness, but I have not read complaints about the fact that those who may cause it are considered by the "open" and them as innocent.
But also, how can you consider innocent people who accepted to become instruments of Lukashenko and Erdogan on some border lines?
Are they all guilty? No, but they are not innocent, just like that.
When you become an instrument of destabilization of a society that wants to welcome you or you are innocent but stupid, so not so innocent, or you are guilty and you know it, you just suggest your bad situation, your persecution, your previous innocence, and in this request is you helped by the far left leftists mentioned above at the beginning of the text.
But do you want my opinion?
From the moment you became, even out of necessity, an instrument of Putin, Lukashenko and Erdogan, you have for me lost your innocence.
If you want to win her over with the flattery from the well-known philanthropists, you can do it.
But you will not have our total love.
We will continue to love more those who stand up clearly to the Eastern fascists, that is, the Ukrainians and the Poles, but also the Kurds, Iranians and Afghans who resistend to the Eastern fascists.

Not to have some excuses to deny ideological responsibility:
If it were not for Stalin but Trotsky at the helm of Soviet pseudo-workers power he would have committed the same crime against Ukrainian peasantry.
This genocide was planned by Russian Marxist-Bolsheviks from the time of Lenin. Unless the revolutionary movement breaks away from these rotten dogmatic inhuman Marxist traditions it is not going to build socialism and workers' democracy but again another exploitative system of slavery and authoritarian rule.
One more clarification:
The Soviet system was not "state capitalism" as various neo-Trotskyists and workers' council Marxists call it.
It was a new exploitative state-centric non-capitalist but exploitative system that emerged from the Marxist elite of Marxist Imams of theology called "Marxism''.
Ruhollah Khomeini:
The "logic" Neither-Nor belongs to me, my dear idiots.
Keep it up.
There is the great Satan = USA, and the little Satan = Russia.
I was the first to say it, and now the leftists, in the West and in Iran, says it too.
The prisons and executions I ordered against them achieved my goal, now they agree with me, I became their Imam.
The "logic" Neither-Nor belongs to me, my dear idiots.
Keep it up.
This war is our war. It is a war against the emerging insidious and hypocritical Eastern imperialism. It is a war against Russian expansionism and imperialism.
It is a war against the reactionary theocratic and fascist Discource.
It is a war not to turn the clock in history before the victory over Nazism in 1944, at a time when borders and states were changing without the existence of international rules and laws.
It is an ideological war against the spidery and degenerate Marxisms of the 19th century that they can not meet the modern needs of the working classes in the west and east.
Those who keep equal distances are direct or indirect allies of fascist Putin and tails of emerging Eastern imperialism.  
This war is not a reactionary war "from all sides". From the point of view of the Ukrainian people and the Ukrainian government, this war is a democratic defense war.
I told you Marxist:
Take a look at yourself in the mirror and say:
"I'm an asshole again''.
I said it and I say it again, until the leftists, especially the Iranians, hear it:
The logic of Neither-Nor, has limits, does not always apply.
The logic Neither NATO nor Putin, while generally and abstractly correct, at this point means SUBMISSION to Russian fascism and means abandonment of the defending Ukrainian people.
Marxists! once again you miss the train of history, once again you leave an entire people politically and ideologically, because the struggle of this people does not fit into the dogmatically moldy ideological and geopolitical forms of your degenerate dialectic.
Leftists! Let go of the new so-called internationalist dogma that has been planted in your mind by western far-left neo-left pseudo-philosophers pseudo-historians and pseudo-thinkers and think for yourself, based on the experience you have in your life. 

Marxism as a dead dog.
I see texts and comments of "Marxists", about what the Ukrainian workers should do, about how the "internationalist workers' revolution" will take place. All this is nonsense, which at best addresses the ideological ultrabeyond but even then benefits only Putin and the new Eastern Fascists (in particular benefits indirectly but clearly Putin) ..
Marxists have become useful idiots of Eastern fascists. I would expect Iranian Marxists to have a better position, but ideology always seems to transcend experience. The anti-capitalist ideology can not cope with its test against the new, eastern fascism.
Marxists constantly talk about a NATO-Russia war, ignoring the national and democratic status of Ukraine.
They more or less believe that since Ukraine is still part of the Western imperialist ''regime'', that is why it does not "have" the right to define war from its point of view as a defensive democratic war.
This is the essence of Marxist positions throughout the world, this is the essence of misery, ignorance, nonsense, and finally the immorality of Marxist positions as expressed in our time.
All countries are one part of an imperialist formation, so from the Marxist point of view they are "guilty", so no people living in these countries have to defend themselves against an occupying army.
It is a corrupt cynic and at the same time moralistic logic that refers everything in the productive relations and the power structure, with the only our prospect of coming out of their existing form.
Until then, everything else is put in the space of the "superstructure", and is ignored as secondary and misleading when someone invokes them.
Marxists are now on a trajectory of detachment from human reality, to a greater degree than they were in the past.
This detachment from the duty of konkret humanity, a detachment that has been strengthened and has not diminished by the new structuralist/post-structuralist Marxist currents, has turned them as individual subjects into vengeful theological subjects who consider other people to be sinners, hence as justly expendables when they do not listen to the "divine" Marxist Discource.
But life exists, human problems exist, the problems of the workers exist, and they will not be solved by the sick ideological priesthood of the Marxist sects.
When an aggressive force, an imperial expansionist force, provokes war and conquers a country, the people and especially the workers of this country can not hear the Marxist sermons about the reign of the last communist times, when all the working classes will be united and they will overthrow capitalism.
Until then; We see what is happening in Russia.
Apart from pro-Western protesters, the trade unions are silent, the Russian workers are silent, and the Ukrainian workers can not wait for the communist revolution to defend their lives and their homeland from the occupier.
What should they do? Going out with flowers to meet the Russian conquest army? To raise flags of workers' international solidarity? and what will happen then? Will the Russian soldiers faint and all embrace and sing the international?
And if, in any case, this does not happen, should the Ukrainian people remain apathetic and not resist in favor of their homeland because if their homeland is a NATO ally, then they have lost the right of defense?
Look at yourself in the mirror Marxists and say it once and for all at last: "I'm an asshole".
If what you are doing is not murderous idealism, what is?
Who is served by this murderous idealism-utopia?
In this case, one is the beneficiary: Putin, the Russian fascists. Your logic that this war should not belong to the people is a rotten logic that serves Putin and Eastern fascism, and everything else is ideological pretexts, inability to portray reality, and utter immorality and submission to the enemy of the people when this enemy appears in reality itself.
After all, ask the Ukrainian workers, the Ukrainian people, do not expect to draw conclusions from the demonstrations of Western pacifists, students and various radical intellectuals. In the western radical mob of the sensitive petty bourgeoisie and neo-left dissolved brains, you will hear what you want, but what you will hear there you will not hear in the Ukrainian working class and in the Ukrainian people.
Who are you primarily interested in?
I don't know.
However, those who seems to you same ideologically, are not interested in you at all, in practice, and I can prove it to you.


The Russian invasion did not just remind the non-Russian peoples of the Soviet Union and the peoples of the "Warsaw Pact" what the hell shit was the pseudo-socialist Greater Russian Soviet Union, made this memory of them an eternal mark.
The Soviet Union, this Lie that destroyed socialism for at least a century, did not fall in 1990 but now, this week.
Because these people of the former pseudo-socialist countries are not idiots and they learn what other people are saying, all over the world, seeing the stupid reactions of most leftists in the world, I guarantee you that they are already becoming ideological carriers of anti-socialism.
You idiots of the far left, not only the pioneer idiots of Stalinism, you did it, even now! with your equal distances, not me. 
Remarkable dimension of the war in Ukraine:
The Russian ethnic minority in eastern Ukraine was not limited to its own special interests, but participated in the conquest of the country that "contained" or "hosted" it as a country with a Ukrainian ethnic majority.
Imagine, especially you Iranian leftists, an oppressed minority such as the Arabs in southwestern Iran, participating in a Saudi invasion of Iran but not confined to the area where they live, simply welcoming their Arab compatriots who liberate them, but also to take part in the attempt to occupy Iran by the Arabs and in the siege of Tehran by an Arab army!
Oh yes!
This war is not yours, yet.
Let us not be Eurocentric comrades!
The Russian national minority now functions as an instrument of imperialist occupation of Ukraine.
As we can see, not everyone is polite, but also suckers like the Kurds of Iran, to be criticized for being nationalists if they ask for a federation. 
One can not imagine Kurds doing such a thing, while proud Arabs who have the support of Arab nationalism and Arab states or proud Russians who have the support of Russian nationalism and the Russian Empire, we can imagine them playing the role of traitor.
We say it again and again: not everyone is as polite as the Kurds, to hear criticism from "communists" of the ruling ethnic majority ..
Other similarities between "communist" supporters of chauvinist nations:
The Communist Party of Greece called on Ukrainians not to split due to ethnic conflicts.
Sounds good, only there is a detail that the KKE hides but shows a lot:
The Russian ethnic minority in Ukraine had a superpower by its side. It is one thing to be a Kurdish minority without a state anywhere in the world, and another to be a Russian minority with a large nuclear superpower by your side. Of course, even so, you may find yourself oppressed. But when the huge nation-state of your nation defends you, I probably see you taking revenge on the ethnic majority that used to oppress you. But let us not forget what role the Russians of Ukraine played during the Soviet Union and after, until 2014! They dominated the Ukrainians! The same happened to the Sunni Arabs of Iraq who when they lost the game became the yeast of ISIS (not all, but ...). And the Russians of Ukraine became the yeast of Russian return to Ukraine which will be their own return to its domination, where they will play the role of the treacherous dominant ethnic minority.
The KKE speaks eloquently and meticulously about all, against hatred between ethnic groups. But it does not generally defend the brotherhood of peoples beyond ethnic groups, it shows his sympathy for a dominant oppressive and anti-national minority ethnic group that has always played the role of representative of Ukraine's national submission to the Russians. The KKE, like most Marxist parties-movements, has preferences, and these are usually directed at the nation-states and ethnicities that fit the chauvinistic assimilationist plans of the despotic and potentially exploitative communist elite that wants to build an exploitative state. These chauvinistic assimilationist plans use many different dynamics to be fulfilled, yet they often have a tendency to express in the national problem the dominant majority ethnic group or a national-ethnic group that although a minority in a state is based on a large national-ethnic -state authoritarian group.
Marxists are great liars, I have just given two examples that prove this.
So what did the KKE do with the example of Ukraine? took the side of Russia and the Russian national minority, so it used the term ethnic group and not nation, when it spoke of ethnic differences, another reason that shows how chauvinistic Stalinist-fascist party is that in this way degrades a nation (Ukranie) as a nation and degrades it to an ethnic category, when exactly this demotion does not mean the possibility of "brotherhood" with the Russians but Subordination to Russia, since Putin said it almost openly: Ukrainians are not a nation! is an ethnic sub-category of Russians!
The Iranian communists are doing the same, in other but similar circumstances. They do not want to hear about the Kurdish nation, they shudder and speak out against nationalism (of Kurdish nationalists), and equate the defensive nationalism of the Kurds with the nationalism of the super-nationalist Persians.
Yes they want to control Persian nationalism super-nationalism of their Persian compatriots but it is not the same!
The Persians have secured their national-ethnic continuity, the Kurds do not, they are in danger of ethnic assimilation. The Iranian Marxists are Marxists, so they take the side of the most powerful and they, like the Greek Stalinist communists of the KKE. 

Sometimes you wonder how the arguments of the Eastern fascists are accepted by people who say that they have dedicated their lives to thought and argumentation, but you quickly understand that they want and are convinced, they are already ready to accept the arguments of the one they consider as the enemy of their enemy.
So, you say, aren't they stupid after all? and we just have the problem that we do not understand their intentions?
No, I're not going to give the useful idiots more mind than they have. Their stupidity remains, they are just more than containers of the intelligence of their enemies of their enemy.
They have an initiative, a negative intelligence for which, however, we should not blame or admire Hegel who gave it to them.
Their negativity is simpler, more primary than Hegel's complex denial schemes, which they do not understand correctly but with the mind of a heretical madman who reads philosophy and thinks he is reading Revelation of John.
Their negativity is a compass in a troubled swamp that they think of and baptize as an ocean, as they baptize their mental disorder as a storm of spirit, while it is a small ripple in the mud with the frogs that roaring: "dialectic-dialectical".
No, intelligence, the elaborate form of this mud-storm and these frog-like thoughts, is elsewhere, and this "elsewhere" is some military formation, some state capital, some mechanism of manipulation by sophists and manipulators. 
Don't imagine dark stories. 
People are professionals.
«Condemn war everywhere...»
«Don’t let the mainstream media’s Eurocentrism dictate your moral support for victims of war. 
A human life is a human life. Condemn war everywhere..»
That is, when a war breaks out at a particular point, a war caused by a rapist state, let us not focus on that point, especially if the rapist is not Western but anti-Western. So leave him alone until all the wars are over, and defeat all the rapists.
What a nice neo-left logic!
Think about it. There is a rape next to you, it is not just harassment (miserable too), a bombing, but the conquest of a country by a rapist, and when you want to shout, to complain, the left-wing pro-Russian fascist, the left-wing Hezbollah-fascist, the anti-Zionist fascist, controls you morally:
Why not talk about the harassment next door?
But it is not like this rape -you say, and he calls you a Eurocentric.
What does the Western neo-left fascist bastard tell us?
To leave the people who are raping them right now, to their fate.
Rogue pro-Hezbollah pro-Hamas fascists, rubbish, agents of the Tsar and Khamenei, psychopaths lovers of Stalin, admirers of Putin, apologists of Eastern fascism, lovers of Assad, accomplices of Baathists, worms, your arguments against Ukrainian independence are Hitler's arguments. You are the rubbish of tnew left, disintegrated brains. 

"Neither with Putin, nor with NATO"
The slogan of the idiot.
As if to say 40 ', "neither Churchill nor Hitler".
The ideal slogan for Putin's propaganda.
Every Hitler and a useful idiot next to him.
Redfish-Jacobin-Idiots everywhere!
The Greek fascist Nazis are outnumbered by the Ukrainian fascists, so does Turkey, for example, have the right to invade Greece? Of course, Turkey has the largest number of fascists, who are not only Erdogan's Islamo-fascists but also the gray wolves that co-rule with Erdogan. However, when a Turkish attack occurs, the Turkish fascists will talk about the possible disgrace of the Greek fascists, in order to justify the intervention. What will the left do then? Will it use a measure of fascism to judge which countries have the right to resist and which do not? This is today the mental capacity of the leftist anti-imperialists, not to be able to control the sophistry and propaganda of an expansionist force.  ---
When a conquering foreign power forcibly occupies your country, you do not call for peace and disarmament (fools, who idiotly you wear and boast the Marxist emblem) but call for armed popular national resistance.
When a conquering foreign power declares that you are not a nation, that it does not exist, then you do not call for disarmament and peace but for war to the end.
This war IS ours.
Let me make it clear to the Marxists (for fun) of Iran: Iran belongs informally, but belongs, to an Eastern imperialist formation opposed to NATO.
What would you say if the forces of the opposite imperialist formation occupied your country? "Peace and not war"? "This war is not ours"?
If your country is occupied not by the NATO but by your country's allies (Russians and Chinese, maybe even Turks) to help the theocrats, what will you say? "Peace and not war"? "This war is not ours" ?.
In either case, how do you justify your miserable defeatist position?
Blaming the nation for already participating in an imperialist formation, while it should ALREADY be neutral?
And what does neutral mean?
Does it mean a disarmed nation and a disarmed people? next to enemy hegemonic troops and enemy hegemonic imperial powers?
Do you want this disarmament and this neutrality?
Neutrality the disarmament? and peace of the slave? of the submissive? of the faithful dog?
I know, I know, all this is nationalism.
Marxist, shut your mouth.
Long live the PKK!
Βλέπω ότι η υπεραριστερή ηθική αθλιότητα και βλακεία τής τήρησης ίσων αποστάσεων ανάμεσα στον θύτη και το θύμα συνεχίζεται. Θα συνεχίσω να ρίχνω τις μάσκες των αριστερών φασιστών, σήμερα, όλη τη μέρα. Κάτι προλογικό προς αυτούς τούς ΗΛΊΘΙΟΥΣ: Και να μην ήθελε η Ουκρανία να γίνει μέλος του ΝΑΤΟ, η Ρωσία θα έκανε πάλι αποικιακή εισβολή. Δεν το καταλαβαίνετε αυτό που σας λέω γιατί είστε ιδεολογικοί σωβινιστές μαρξιστές ηλίθιοι. Κρύβετε την ανηθικότητα και την πολιτική παρακμή σας πίσω από την παρουσία τού ΝΑΤΟ στην κρίση. Δεν βλέπετε ηλίθιοι ότι ο ουκρανικός λαός παρασύρθηκε από την αυταπάτη ότι θα τον σώσει το ΝΑΤΟ διότι ήξερε ότι υπάρχει πρόβλημα με την Ρωσία είτε υπήρχε ΝΑΤΟ είτε όχι. Ηλίθιοι.


The rotten logic of those who justify Russia has a cynical and immoral core.
Since the West and the USA are fascist forces, does not Russia also have a right to Fascism?
This is the argument of the anti-Westerners.
When at some point they are forced to back down in the face of the violence, the brutality, the bombings and are forced to admit that all this is happening, they put forward this argument:
Okay, Russia is raping a country, but does not it also have the right to rape countries? Will only westerners be rapists?
As the Nazis/Stalinists used to say, ''do you not oppress the Indians? Because you say that we oppress peoples''. Erdogan says the same, China says the same about the Uighurs, they all say the same, but beware! the same is said by many of those who pretend to keep equal distances.
We have equal distances from all of them, they say, so we defend the right of all to be rapists, until rape and rapists cease to exist all over the world.
This ends up being the "logic" of anti-Western anti-imperialists.
Rape for everyone, not just Western rapists.
This is the moral decline of the left of our time. 
When there is a conflict between two states and one is obviously expansive, aggressive, conquering, and you quickly take a neutral pacifist position "against both", then my friend you take the side of the aggressor, the conqueror, the aggressive state.
Νeither-nor logic, which again manifests the dominant tendency within the left, is a rotten logic, a hypocritical attitude, a lie, a decadent immoral meaningless pseudo-logic.
It is today "logic" that benefits all the emerging new revisionist forces of Eastern fascism.
It is today the "logic" that will alienate huge masses of people living in countries defending, from leftist ideas.
As Poland and its people were once alienated from the left ideology, because of Soviet imperialism, and now it is a super-conservative country, so Ukraine is now alienated from the left.
All this in order to maintain the abstract and irrelevant ideological purity.
And the leftists of equal distances between attackers and defenders, do not just keep equal distances between the wolf and the sheep, but in order to perform this "equal distance" they end up adopting the wolf propaganda, because only in this way can they support the their lie, the lie of the idealist non-participant.
Unfortunately you lost again, you made the wrong predictions, you bet on the wrong analyzes, you kept the immoral attitude of the neutral observer. 

"We are not looking to support our 'imperialist'."
And if your country is conquered by a foreign power, what will you do?
Will you write "distance'' brochures' from all the "bad guys"?
You live before 1940. 
China is now an even worse shit than post-Stalinist-neo-tsarist Russia.
Russia, China and Turkey "think" hegemonically through the annexation of territories and the change of borders.
We are obviously entering a frightening new historical field, where these scheming Eastern imperialisms are already worse than "Anglo-Saxon" Western imperialism over time. These new imperialisms have an ideological and political affinity with the Stalinist USSR and Nazi Germany, they have the same principles of interpretation and implementation of the "Westphalian" principle of sovereignty, in its worst reactionary and darkest version.
Anyone who does not stand with the West in this global confrontation will simply be the useful idiot of the Hitlers of the East.
That these countries were once oppressed at some point by Western imperialism and other imperialisms (China from Japanese imperialism) means nothing at present.
Μy great-grandfather in the 19th century was a pirate (true), but that means nothing to me today.
And the pimp was once an innocent kid playing ball in the streets of his neighborhood, and?
If we can call these forces "innocent" completely in this "once". Dude no, these countries were always fucking empires, they were not minorities, even in the past.
What are the mythologies that torment us?
The cry of the wounded empire? I do not give a damn anymore.
The reverse orientalism makes me vomit now.
I will no longer make the ideology of the cry of the wronged Μandarin and Pasha my ideology, nor will I show understanding for the Russian emperor and his lost provinces, to go to hell better.
Nor does what the West once was mean anything to what the West is today.
Post-colonial studies and fantasies are the pit with shit of decadent radical ideology.  
China said it is wrong to call it an "invasion." And how to say China? Penetration; Entrance for tanks to an unknown planet inhabited by post-Maoist idiots? 
China has said it is wrong to call it an "invasion."
It wants to enter Formosa and then he will call it ''reunification'', Formosa's return to the arms of the new totalitarian shit, which will continue to soil the symbols of communism, but damn the symbols, the symbols are for the idiots. 
I'm just pointing out that post-maoist China is an even more dangerous shit for humanity, and I'm preaching my position now: Get your hands off Formosa.  
You know, I've changed.
Fuck mom Russia but don't forget to fuck daddy too.
Divine! unrepeatable! The Greek Tudeh, the KKE, decided to march against the war, starting with the Russian embassy but ending with the US embassy.
But it is obvious, the party of God, the party of communism-God, the party of professional anti-Americanism in Greece, is dialectical! it starts from the Phenomenon-result which is the evil but secondary Russian imperialism, to reach glorious to the Essence-Cause of the great evil that is the imperialist USA, in order to shout again "murderers of the people, Americans".
The KKE thinks like Khomeini: there is the little Satan on the outer surface of Satanism, Russia (once the USSR), and deep down there is the big Satan, the USA.  
To the leftists who continue to justify Hitler of Moscow.
Until now, one could justify you as an idiot who has confused in his mind what is hostile to the West and imperialism in general, with what is leftist and democratic.
You somehow understand the idiot, you sympathize with him, knowing of course that he is dangerous, dangerous because of stupidity and not because of intention.
From one point onwards, however, this understanding can not prevent us from seeing the intention of this fool.
And this idiot has an intention, he has an ideology, he has a system of purposes in him.
What is this idiotic system of ideas of Russophile idiots?
They want a strong geopolitical power opossite the United States and the West, whatever that power is.
It does not bother them if what is opossite the west is sometimes worse than the west.
The ancient stupidity of the left, which was once the vengeful hatred towards the rich as a persons and the hatred towards cultural accumulation from the point of view of a post-Christian and post-Muslim miserability and primitivism, has made a cancerous metastasis as anti-Westernism and primitive anti-imperialism.
So, idiots exist and have a plan, a stupid ''socialist'' plan that has nothing to do with the democratic plan to free itself from the slavery of capitalism and statehood but rather (has to do) with totalitarian visions of a state-controlled authoritarian society dominated by the leaders of the nation-state and the party.
So, these idiots are not as stupid as they seem.
They have infected with their presence all the leftist and progressive movements, which especially in the west have mutated into movements of flattery of ethnic and racial differences, into movements of anti-Western Luben-populism, into movements dedicated to the destruction of the domination of Western imperialism but with its replacement from an eastern non-western imperialism.
Dark anti-colonialists worse now than the colonialists, easy targets of the new far right, complementary to them, reactionary ethnocentrists, post-feminist racists, far-left idiots competing in the madness their far-right enemies, while capitalism and the statesystem going to a new crisis.  
The Russian Nazi, a fan of the Tsars and Stalin - at the same time! (paranoid ideological synthesis of a crazy fascist), he stated through his propaganda mechanisms (which include Western and Greek correspondent reporters) that his goal is to de-Nazify Ukraine.
A characteristic feature of all fascist occupiers is the distorted reversal of reality, the creation of the most imaginative distorting pretexts to give a garbage-garment to their malicious intentions and actions.
Typical western (Greek) new-leftist idiot.
A leading member of the largest left-wing party in Greece (Syriza), which ruled with the idiot Tsipras as prime minister.
This gentleman was convinced that everything that was said about a Russian attack was Western propaganda.
In fact, this gentleman is of the leftist tendency, and expresses the public opinion of the leftists and communists in Greece, of these idiots who, if you talk to them about the Turkish threat, call you extreme right-wing and nationalist. We are talking about such idiots, and they are not limited as idiots to the political leadership of their idiotic organizations but also to the mass of the Greek left, which, however, is not much different from the rest of the western new left.
The end of Sotiris Walden's text on tvxs about a week ago (before the Russian intervention) in which he talks about demonizing Russia and black propaganda of the West:
"... there are two most likely scenarios:
Or the impending invasion is completely unfounded and fabricated and is a psychological warfare operation - on a scale we have never seen before - which aims, and unfortunately seems to be achieving, the goals I have already mentioned.
[Or] "The West is preparing to support a major Ukrainian military offensive in Donbass and intends to characterize the inevitable Russian reaction as an invasion...''
The tweet of Hussein Amir Abdullahian, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran:
"The Ukrainian crisis is rooted in the provocative actions of NATO ..."
But is he definitely the Iranian Foreign Minister of the Islamo-fascist regime?
I thought it was some announcement of the KKE (Communist Party of Greece) of Nar (New Left Current - Left Party in Greece), or of some leftist trend of Syriza (the largest Left Party in Greece).
Under some circumstances it could be Tsipras' position.
However, it certainly expresses the Fascists in Greece (Golden Dawn - Greek Solution, fascist Greek parties), and the largest part of the Greek Christian church.
Do you understand now comrades?
Any leftist who judges the issue of war according to the data of the First World War by bypassing the moral and political data created after the Second World War is simply an STUPID.
Let some stop referring to Lenin's texts without mediating these texts with the moral and political data created after the Second World War.
The attempt I see in some Iranians and Afghan leftists to maintain equal distances between a defending bourgeois democracy (Ukraine) and an expansive empire (Russia) is a morally miserable ideological and political effort that shows their own political and moral decline.
Do not hide behind your drunken toxic ideological self! Russia carried out a fascist intervention in Ukraine, not NATO. Cut off ideological drugs and stop being immoral idiots. 
Αν αυτή τη στιγμή καταγγέλλεις την Ρωσία μαζί με τις ΗΠΑ, λειτουργείς σαν έμμεσος γλοιώδης υποκριτής προπαγανδιστής των Ρώσων.
The Treaty of Versailles was a predatory treaty to plunder Germany's national and social wealth, which humiliated not only the German Empire but also the German people themselves, forcing German society into a huge debt of war reparations.
The leftists denounced this treaty, and they did well to do so, but they did not set its abolition as their sole and ultimate goal. On the contrary, the nationalists and the most extreme of them, the Nazis, ideologized the negative significance of this treaty, wanting to express the "feeling" of "injustice" and the intention of aggressive revenge on the part of the German monopoly capital and of the part the military and the petty bourgeois super-nationalists.
The "syndrome" of the wounded imperialist power must not be internalized and legitimized morally and politically by progressive narrators and analysts of historical events, even if there is a degree of truth in this "syndrome".
Even today, the syndrome of the trauma of the defeated Russian and Soviet-Russian empire, which has some real underpinnings in reality, since it reveals the predatory actions of the other imperialists, must not be taken as a purely objective and unmediated fact.  
The fact that the imperialist east is not at the top of the imperialist pyramid does not make it any better. It probably makes it worse. See Germany in the interwar period. The vengeful ''wronged'' imperialist powers are always worse! Don't be so naive anymore! Both the new-Turks and Kemal came after the development of nationalism in the Balkans (which also operated with ethnic cleansing, etc.), showed themselves as victims of Western imperialism and finally ended up committing 3 genocides! not one, 3!
People of the east, workers of the east, wake up from your Marxist lethargy, is this Marxism? I don't know, but I know that you have not yet stood up, and listened the flattery of the anti-Western Western(!) leftists, which because they are incapable of making a workers' revolution in their countries are waiting for you as their ideological salvation but want you to defeat their own special internal class enemy, without caring about your own terrible internal class enemy, which is the Eastern imperialists and capitalists.
Let the western leftists defeat their own enemy mainly with their own forces, and then ask you for help for it, after letting you concentrate on your own enemy.  
Russia, not the West, is primarily responsible for this war.
Anyone who can not understand this simply does not want to understand it because it bothers their a-priori psycho-ideological meanings.

The fact that we support the defense struggle of the Ukrainian people and do not equate it with the occupying army does not mean that we will go to war under the official Ukrainian army, nor does it mean that we agree with Zelinsky's government. But this is the government now, and to "use" it as an argument to equate a defender and a conqueror is an unacceptable attitude.
Both Western and Eastern imperialism are to blame for this war, but Western imperialism is more to blame (and if it does not say so, it means it).

Anyone who has eyes and has not suffered from "psycho-Marxism" and "psycho-post-colonial stupidity":
Both western and eastern imperialism are to blame for this war, but eastern imperialism is more to blame. 

Ιωάννης Τζανάκος 



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