Δευτέρα 27 Μαρτίου 2023

When the Russian Empire is defeated

I made the mistake and "browsed" Greek leftist Facebook pages.
What did I see:
A mad excitement about the insurrectionary movement in France, and I said at first ok, reasonable, right, there is a hope that something will be done here, etc.
And while I was looking calmly and having some sympathy with the Greek Left, I noticed posts about the war and especially about the visit of the Chinese president to Russia.
Not just sympathy, not just an indirect support of the Eastern imperialist axis, but triumphalism, cheers, even the "you hurted, didn't it?" said an idiot addressing us, (who are we?).
All my tolerance was gone at once.
This Left here, exactly here, must be crushed, it's a reactionary dark force, these guys are red-brown, just like that.

Έκανα το λάθος και περιηγήθηκα σε ελληνικές αριστερές σελίδες στο Facebook. Τι είδα:
Έναν τρελό ενθουσιασμό για τις εξεγερτικές κινητοποιήσεις στην Γαλλία, και είπα αρχικά εντάξει, λογικό, σωστό, υπάρχει μια ελπίδα ότι θα γίνει κάτι και εδώ κ.λπ.
Και κει που κοίταγα με ηρεμία και έχοντας μια κάποια σύμπνοια με το ελληνικό αριστερό πόπολο, άρχισε να πέφτει το μάτι μου σε αναρτήσεις για τον πόλεμο και ειδικά για την επίσκεψη τού Κινέζου προέδρου στην Ρωσία.
Όχι απλά συμπάθεια, όχι απλά μια έμμεση υποστήριξη τού ανατολικού ιμπεριαλιστικού άξονα, αλλά θριαμβολογία, αλαλαγμοί, ως και το "πόνεσε, έτσι;" είπε απευθυνόμενη μια ηλίθια, σε μας, ποιους άραγε;
Όλη η ανοχή μου έσβησε μονομιάς.
Αυτή εδώ η αριστερά, εδωνά, πρέπει να συντριβεί, είναι μια αντιδραστική σκοτεινή δύναμη, είναι φαιοκόκκινοι οι τύποι, έτσι απλά.
When the Russian Empire is defeated, because it will be defeated, by the West, I would like to be like a little breath in the leaves of the heart of some very hidden russophiles, supposedly neutral, to pour even more bitter poison into this wounded heart.
Russianism is for the new Greek nation and for the Greek left a corrosive deadly poison, already from the 19th century and from the beginning of the 20th century.
The other deadly poison with the same historical beginning was Germanism, although the latter mainly affected the Greek far right, before Nazism even appeared.
Russianism within the Greek left is a whole circle in which leftists participate who, through the close relationship of the Soviet Union with the ever-subservient to it Stalinist Communist Party (KKE), developed economic, personal, educational and family relations with Russia.
Many of the old leadership group of the KKE did not know English, French or German as a foreign language but Russian, and I am not only referring to those who went as political refugees to the Soviet Union after the end of the civil war (1945-1949), but also to newest members of the party of the ones who studied with party money in the Soviet Union in much later times.
Also, a part of the Greek capital (not particularly small), has a "left-Stalinist" origin, coming from agents of the KGB and especially the Stasi, who came from familys of the Stalinist party aristocracy and who played the role of the link between in the Soviet Capital and the Greek state, and when the Soviet Union collapsed they either joined their direct association with the USA (probably through some threats and eventually an agreement) or maintained an autonomy.
However, before the Soviet Union fell, they were playing a big game in Greek society.
I remember then that a central centrist-left newspaper advertised East Germany as heaven on earth, in articles that would not even be published within East Germany itself.
Today the family of the owner of this newspaper has a share in the big construction Capital.
Also, we must emphasize the existence of an extensive "Middle Eastern" network within: the Greek state, the populist socialist party of Andreas Papandreou, and the terrorist "anti-Zionist" extreme left, which had as its points of reference (I will say simplistically):
Τhe Greek secret services (the anti-Western faction within them), a suspicious figure of a major publisher who, however, was the sneaking co-leader of Papandreou and was the one who coordinated the anti-Western faction in the secret services, a well-known Arab-loving Greek Trotskyist leader (he was the leader of 4th international, and helped the Algerian revolution, but had relations with all the left-nationalist anti-Zionism in the Arab world), the KGB, the Assad (Father) regime, also PLO, and then partly also the PKK, which had not yet broken the his alliance with Assad and had not changed his ideological and geopolitical orientation.
If I tell you what I have collected as a trace for this circuit I will not do an analysis, I will have to write a detective novel.
In Greece, Trotskyism, apart from the corresponding Greek section of the Tony Cliff tendency socialist workers' party, played and plays a large complementary role near to Greek Stalinism in relation not only to Middle Eastern issues but also in relation to the former Soviet Union, I mean the Soviet Union as a mechanism (I'm not saying more) and then with Putinist Russia.
Greek Trotskyism is the most Stalinized and Soviet-Russianized Trotskyism on the whole planet Earth!
On the contrary, there are some Maoists, and former supporters of the PKK, who were and are sworn enemies of the Soviet Union and then of Russia.
About the left social democracy, SYRIZA Varoufakis, etc., I don't need to say much, everyone has seen its double game and the pandemic pro-Putinism that exists in its social base.
We are a strange country.
Η πιθανή πτώση από την εξουσία τής σάπιας διεφθαρμένης κατσαπλιάδικης, ημι-ακροδεξιάς, ακραιφνώς φιλοδυτικής ΝΑΤΟϊκής νεοφιλελεύθερης ΝΔ τού Μητσοτάκη (το τονίζω το τελευταίο), θα σημαίνει την επάνοδο, εν μέσω θυελλωδών διεθνών εξελίξεων, τής σάπιας ημι-ρωσόδουλης κρατικομαφιόζικης παρακρατικής κυπατζίδικης πασοκοαριστεράς, και της ρωσοακροδεξιάς.
Εγώ απέχω βέβαια από υποστήριξη ή ευνοϊκή τοποθέτηση υπέρ τού ενός ή του άλλου.
Κάνω προμήθειες ποπ κορν, και περιμένω να δω επιτέλους ένα αξιόλογο θέαμα.
Ελπίζω να μη τους τραβήξουν το αυτί πάλι οι Ευρωπέη, και χάσουμε το μαφιοζοθέαμα.
Εξαρτάται από το πόσο μεγάλο είναι το αγγούρι με τις τράπεζες για τους Ευρωπέη, και το πως θα το περάσουν αυτό στους εδώ, σαν «καθήστε καλά, έχουμε άλλα προβλήματα»; ή θα αφήσουν τους εδώ κατσαπλιαδοχύμα τύπους να τα κάνουν όλα «πουτάνα όλα» σύμφωνα με το τοπικό ταλέντο τους, το αυθεντικό;
It is a mistake, a big mistake, not to keep a record.
How am I going to write my Greek detective spy novel now?
The most surreal presence in this Greek far-left-far-right-Stalinist-Trotskyist-pro-Russian fog that I live in, here in Alabama in the eastern Mediterranean, with the -somewhat misleading- name of ''Greece'',
are the autonomous antifa, usually of German far-left ideological education (there is also a deep Italian far-left ideological educational influence, to some), who have gone completely mad, have reached the brink of the mental hospital, because what they are living does not exist in any dictionary of the autonomous anti-capitalist left of central Europe, nor in the Greek-translated manual of the Italian autonomous anti-capitalists (although, there, it should be).
When I see their posters and their texts, I am really amused. But they are useful sometimes in this fog, because they having been influenced by the anti-vaccination far right (but what are they reading?, I wonder).
There is no need to develop "conspiracy theories", everything comes spontaneously from the social base in the first place.
With those I talk to, here in Greece, for example, out of ten, 2 of us are anti-Russian (also, I), 6 are pro-Russian, and 2 "leftist" neutrals who are in fact pro-Russian.
This society has been looking for a way to leave the West for decades, it is simply calculating things rationally, knowing that this cannot be done without destruction.
But if the West sells Greece, does not fully cover it in what it is entitled to (I think it is indeed entitled to some security coverage), where do you think the Greek people will go, all together? (right and left people).
Sperm exists for a great apostasy, from the "cursed West".
For this Russia must lose completely.
Its influence on half-insane peoples, like mine, (these peoples, however, have some strong Rights which the West sometimes despises) is poisonous and dangerous.
A bad game is being played with Turkey.
If Erdogan falls and the Kemalists turn the wheel to the west, they will ask the West to upgrade Turkey's role, so the West will stop reinforcing the positive load of support in Greece, as it is now, and what will the Greek people do then? will start to squint again towards the Bear, well, it may then be the "Left" back in power.
Humans are global beings. Every event "elsewhere" is an occasion for them to show themselves in their own "here".
In Greece the pro-Western camp has rallied around supporting Ukraine, and the anti-Western camp around directly supporting Russia or around a neutrality which is only real for those idiots who support it truly, because most of the neutralists are pro-Russian snakes , such as the Stalinist KKE (about 5-7% in the elections) and Syriza+Varoufakis (about 25-30% in the elections, of which half are openly pro-Russian, a large part hypocritically neutral, and very few truly neutral).
There is the far right which is 90% pro-Russian (about 8% in the elections), the Greek Orthodox Church which is a wasp's nest of Russophiles in hiding (most of them hate the Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch who is anti-Russian).
Within the uniquely pro-Western parties, which are, the Euro-socialdemocratic continuation of the old semi-anti-Western populist socialist party of Andreas Papandreou (about 9% in the elections), and the centre-right/limits far-right neoliberal right-wing party of Mitsotakis (the equivalent of the German Christian Democracy) (about 30% in the elections) where there is a pro-Western majority, there also lies a more neutral semi-pro-Russian wing.
In the digital cloud of the supersized Proudhonian Varoufakisist central state bank with a fixed interest rate, the national-global petty bourgeois will finally feel safe.
What fruits my country produces! 
I'm a proud Greek!
Although Varoufakis presented himself as an enemy of the Saudis, in order to "argue" against those who speak only against the Iranian theocrats, in this particular phase he functioned as a small additional fart in their (Saudi Capitalists') enlistment in their aid to the Russian and Chinese attack on Western banking system, an attack said to be a counterattack to the US-led blockade of high-tech flows to Russia and China.
It is also said that this attack/counterattack was also done on banks that were involved in investing on these technologies.

Λοιπόν, υπάρχουν δύο ενδεχόμενα για το 2015 και την υπουργία τού τρελού νάρκισσου.
Ή ο Τσίπρας τον έβαλε για φραμπαλά μέχρι να υπογράψει μνημόνιο μέσω ενός βοναπαρτιστικου δημοψηφίσματος, έχοντας προσχεδιάσει την ταυτόχρονη ενσωμάτωση των μαζών και το ξεμπέρδεμα του με τους αριστερούς εθνικοκομμουνιστές και τους υπεραριστερούς ηλίθιους που είχε μαζέψει αλλά έπρεπε κάποια στιγμή να απαλλαγεί από αυτούς, ή όντως ταυτίζονταν με τον τρελάρα μυθομανή μεταμοντέρνο σταλινοπρουντονιστή που φαντάζεται σούπερ Χάι λαϊκές Χάι-τεκ κεντρικές τράπεζες, οπότε πήρανε από κοινού τα αρχιδια τους χωρίς προκαθορισμένο τίποτα.
Σε κάθε περίπτωση είμαστε για να μας κλαίνε οι ρέγκες.

The man is a bigotmoron, I'm talking about Varoufakis.
He proposes a soft statism, supposedly soft, with a central bank (by country?) that will be super hi-tech though, and take over the transactions of everyday citizens, via a digital card etc, which will also be also about savings, maybe with a fixed rate of interest, and which will secure the global-and-national petty-bourgeoisie from the adventurist storm of the private super-banks.
I have to say to any liberal neoliberal friends that this plan is not "state capitalist" in the serious sense, so don't rush to criticize it on the basis of Hayekian concepts.
This man is just a delusional huge-moron.
He has made his imagination a masturbator-hammer and hits it furiously.
Ο άνθρωπος είναι αρχιμαλάκας, για τον Βαρουφάκη μιλάω. Προτείνει έναν ήπιο κρατισμό, υποτίθεται ήπιο, με μια κεντρική τράπεζα (ανά χώρα;) που θα είναι όμως σούπερ χάι τεκ, και θα αναλάβει τις συναλλαγές των καθημερινών πολιτών, μέσω μια ψηφιακής κάρτας κ.λπ, η οποία θα είναι και αποταμιευτική, ίσως με σταθερό επιτόκιο, και η οποία θα διασφαλίζει τον παγκόσμιο και τον εθνικό μικροαστό από την τυχοδιωκτική θύελλα των ιδιωτικών υπερτραπεζών.
Οφείλω να πω στους όποιους φιλελεύθερους νεοφιλελεύθερους φίλους, ότι αυτό το σχέδιο δεν είναι «κρατικοκαπιταλιστικό» με τη σοβαρή έννοια, μη σπεύσουν να κάνουν κριτική λοιπόν επί τη βάσει χαγιεκιανών αντιλήψεων.
Ο άνθρωπος αυτός είναι απλά φαντασιόπληκτος μαλάκας ολκής.
Έχει κάνει την φαντασία του μαλακοσφύρι και το βαράει.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος



Ανατολή και Δύση, και ένας διάλογος με έναν Κούρδο κομμουνιστή..

The working classes in the West have learned to bargain with the geopolitical enemy of their own "internal" class enemy which is their "nation" or the wider Western coalition or sub-coalition to which that "nation" belongs.
Be careful non-western leftists and non-western working classes, don't get caught in any wrong bargaining scales.
Your wild-centrist friend, also a worker, but disgusted.
I have experienced how a Western working class, the Greek working class, saw in front of their eyes some selling a hunted leader of a hunted non-Western nation, Ocalan (I am not judging the ideological profile of this person now), I saw how they "protested" Greek workers and leftists, relieved that the bourgeois leadership did the dirty work of selling him like a calf in a dirty meat market, all this "for peace" the bread, the guaranteed pension (I'm supporter, but..), and since then I do NOT believe anything, anyone, in the western working class, every its "struggle" move seems to me a bargain with anyone for it self, its over-loved self. I might be exaggerating, I don't know.
Your wild-centrist, suspicious friend.
A direct shot at the worker's pole of the class struggle in the hardcoreWest:
You are the descendants of Gracchus, Robespierre and Babeuf, not Spartacus, you are the plebeians of Rome, I know you well, and please..don't go and blame the Caesar's leadership, Napoleon, Louis Bonaparte, so-and-so, who does the dirty work for you.
The plebeian party is that produced Caesar, no the aristocrats, and you know this well and the western "aristocratic elites" ironically threw it at you, but somewhere there there is a point of truth.
Finally look at yourself, to convince me a volcano must erupt.
Post-Orientalist Fantasy:
I am Damascius, disgusted with the plebeians and hunted by the Christian Caesar, and I want to find refuge in the court of the proletarian Chosroes.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος
Προλογικό σχόλιο, πριν την εκκίνηση τής μικροσυζήτησης.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος
No matter what you do, you're not saving it, dear.
You have fallen into the abyss of the sophisticated justification of Eastern imperialism, and you will never get out of it if you don't openly support the struggle of those who fight the conqueror torturer rapist.
It takes guts to overcome the sanctimonious anti-Western a priori, and few have that guts.
Nice try, sure, but it wouldn't take me long time to crush it, though as an effort it's more serious than others like it.
Your wild-centrist friend, comrades.
1 ημ. 
طبقه کارگر نباید خود را به تبلیغاتچی و گوشت دم توپ بحرانها و جنگهای نیابتی و یا مستقیم بورژوازی خودی تبدیل کند!
شکل گیری نظام چند قطبی جدید امپریالیست های شرقی و غربی، اتحاد طبقه کارگر این قطبها علیه امپریالیست های داخلی را طلب می کند نه تبدیل شدن طبقه کارگر و جبهه آزادیخواهی و برابری طلبی به ابزار سوخت و ساز و بازسازی بورژوازی و امپریالیستهای داخلی یا امپریالیستهای طرف مقابل.
اینکه امپریالیسم چین در ظاهر هم شده واسطه ای برای کمتر کردن تنش میان شرق و غرب و رژیم‌های فاشیستی خاور میانه مانند رژیم حاکم بر ایران و حجاز و کشورهای خلیج شده، بنظر من همین ظاهر هم باعث خواهد شد که امپریالیستها و اقمار آنها را تا اندازه ای از رویارویی های نظامی بویژه در خاورمیانه دور نگهدارد و این یعنی طبقه کارگر خاورمیانه حد اقل در بحران بین رژیم فاشیست ایران و حکام فاشیست خلیج کمتر قربانی و گوشت دم توپ رویارویی های مستقیم نظامی خواهد شد.
کمتر شدن تنش ها میان امپریالیست ها و اقمار آنها در سراسر جهان به سود طبقه کارگر جهان و صلح جهانی حتی زیر سلطه نئولیبرالیسم و شرکا و کارگزاران منطقه ای آنها نیز خواهد بود.
در رابطه با بحران روسیه و امریکا در اروپای شرقی و کانون آن در اکراین نیز همین طور است. چین می تواند با همکاری سران اصلی اتحادیه اروپا به خواباندن بحران یا حداقل مدیریت و کنترل آن جهت جلو گیری از یک جنگ هسته ای بدون طرف پیروز نقشی کلیدی داشته باشد به شرطی که اتحادیه اروپا سیاستی واقعبینانه و مستقل از زیاده خواهی ها و قلدری و جنگ افروزی های امریکا بعنوان همه کاره ناتو دنبال کند.
بنظر من پیام اصلی پنهان و آشکار شی جین پینگ، کدخدای امپریالیسم چین در سفر اخیر به مسکو، قبل از اینکه میانجیگری در بحران اروپای شرقی و شمالی و اکراین باشد چراغ سبز اعلام پشتیبانی قاطع از پوتین در صورت گوش ندادن سران اتحادیه اروپا به بسته های سازش “آبرومندانه” با روسیه از طرف چین است. کل اروپا امروز در واقع قربانی موجودیت پیمان ناتو و توسعه طلبی های سیری ناپذیر و جنگ افروزی ها و بحران آفرینی های جهانی بی پایان آن است. پیمان ناتویی که همه کاره اصلی آن عملا روسای کمپانی های سیاسی و اقتصادی و نظامی امریکاست.
طبقه کارگر ایران و عربستان و شرق و غرب باید سیاستهای مستقل و طبقاتی و جهانی و منطقه ای خودش را علیه جنگ افروزی ها و بحران آفرینی ها و شرارت های بورژوازی خودی و جهانی دنبال کند. طبقه کارگر نباید در هیچ کشوری و در هیچ گوشه ای از جهان خودش را به سرباز تبلیغاتی و یا نیروی نظامی برای پر کردن جبهه جنگهای مستقیم یا نیابتی در سوریه و یمن و اکراین و … تبدیل کند.
بنظر من وظیفه طبقاتی و انسانی کارگران و مردم آزادیخواه و برابریطلب در کردستان و ایران و هر کشور دیگری از جهان در وحله اول مبارزه با فاشیسم بورژوازی خودی برای به گور سپردن آن و به قدرت رساندن حکومت های کارگری و شوراهای سوسیالیستی کارگری باشد. طبقه کارگر ایران و عربستان و سوریه و اکراین و غرب و شرق در عین حال نباید از اتحاد و همکاری و پشتیبانی جهانی همدیگر در راه مبارزات مشترک خود برای ساقط کردن فاشیستهای داخلی در کشورهای های خودشان لحظه ای غافل بمانند!

    آلان رضایی
    From the point of view of the communism interests of the working class, both Western and Eastern imperialists are aggressors. For us, the working class and the communism of this class, it is not important which imperialist started the aggression first and which one did the second. The important thing is that both are aggressors. Both the aggression against the working class insider and the working class imperialism on the other side of the fight.

  • آلان رضایی
    The communists are always against both poles of the bourgeois and imperialist wars against the interests of the working class. They have never turned themselves into gunners and propagandists and cannon fodder for the imperialist wars.

  • آلان رضایی So let's get started.
    1st. The fact that the communists never became propagandists or supporters of a so-called bipolar intra-imperialist war, being themselves in alliance with one pole, has not been true since the second world war, where all the communists except few of the ultra-leftists (also the Trotskyist organizations in the vast majority of them supported the allies) supported the Allies against the fascist Axis of Italy, Germany and Japan. At first, even Stalin tried to stay out of the frame with a simultaneous unacceptable tilt rather to join the axis (aggrement with the Nazis, of a non-tactical nature, since the Soviets and the Nazis later divided the unfortunate Poland) but eventually joined the liberal imperialist world against the axis.
    The reproduction of an a priori and always, a priori, equal revolutionary distance from...and conflict with both poles, as there was on the part of the revolutionary forces in the 1st world war, was partially undone. It was not completely abolished as a general principle but it was put into possible partial repeal depending on what each pole is on a case-by-case basis and political ideological content.
    2nd Indeed, it is not so much or exclusively important who the aggressor is, but what each individual factor is in the current world conflict, and at this moment Eastern imperialism is consistently a supporter of the darkest reactionary ideological and statist tendencies among the world bourgeoisie:
    a. pursuit not only of interventions with a dissolving chaotic geopolitical and economic goal (export of capital, through spheres of influence, etc.) but restoring the logic of territorial integrations of weak or competitive states, just as the Nazis operated.
    The Russians especially copy them exactly, while China steals maritime sovereign rights from Vietnam, while of course already, in its supposed communist past, it has swallowed Tibet, while of course committing genocide, insidious and seemingly mild, against the Uyghurs within its territory.
    The West after the second world, even in its most violent fascist moments, never reached in the magnitude and intensity of its fascist criminality at this point that the East imperialism are now reaching. Continue in other comment.

  • Ιωάννης Τζανάκος
    آلان رضایی 3rd. The perennial imperialist policy of the Russian (and Soviet) empire towards neighboring nations has created an inevitable inclination of these societies towards the Western imperialist alliance, and this is quite logical on their part. There is no people neighboring Russia that does not hate this ever-expanding militarist state, so it is not NATO or the evil West that seduces these peoples to make them instruments of attack against Russia, it is Russia that with its timeless aggression makes the pro-Western tendency of these peoples a one-way street. The fact that NATO is taking advantage of this situation is solely the result of Russian imperialist brutality. In any case, ask the people themselves, especially the leftists in these countries, but not the pro-Russian pseudo-communist collaborators, about all this. None of you asked them, and since the Iranian rightists support Ukraine, that's enough for you.
آلان رضایی 4th I have left for last the role of the ideological-value factor which you hard-line Marxists usually see as an effect and not a cause. I respect that but I disagree.
In any case, why don't you see the institutionalization of reactionary ideology in the new imperialist east? Traditionalism, patriarchy, sexism as principles of the state.
Also in the West there are these, strong, but in the new east they tend to dominate as an institutionalized aggressive state ideology. It is not the fault of the people, it is a strategic choice of the new eastern imperialist states to structure their sovereignty through this ideological cement.
Finally, regardless of the above:
I love your movement and have my own personal preference for the Kurdish people since my teenage years.
See all of this as a contribution from a devil's advocate perspective, for goodness sake. Maybe I'm wrong, but whoever loves makes it difficult for their friend.

Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

Σάββατο 25 Μαρτίου 2023

Let's slang.

Let's slang.
Just as Iran-Kurdistan is the twin heart of revolutionary potential in western Asia, so is France something of an eternal counterpart for the West.
Those involved in radical politics in the West are somehow "French".
I am from the Alabama of the eastern Mediterranean, an ideological colony of Russia and the USA, at the same time, with the somewhat misleading name of Greece, but I feel more Sicilian, so I await the developments.
My suspicion is a given.
Come on comrades French, break it all, again, anyway you are experts in revolutions and deconstructions.
The whole West a Weimar republic and its bourgeois pseudo-centrist leadership a thin layer of stupid neoliberals.
I, the humble one, who has oscillated ideologically between defensive patriotism and revolutionary socialism all my life, have NEVER flirted with Strasserist "leftist" national-socialist national-communist ideas, but I see with horrifying surprise and horror that more consistent supposedly "Marxists" and Marxists -Leninists (not only Stalinists/neo-Stalinists) or they adopt such ideas in new versions that have anti-feminism, anti-woke and other content in them, or if they are ultra-internationalists they look at this rotten new "left" National Socialism/National Communism dumbfounded and frozen, defenseless and ideologically unarmed, because it comes from... Russia and not from the West.
It seems that Marxism, to most, not all, obfuscates their mind.
There is an even more suspicious scenario, as a possibility, for the deepest thoughts-hopes of some Europeans (also Greeks), perhaps also non-Westerners, e.g. Iranians and other national-communists.
That if Russia wins and the new eastern imperialism rises more power, these fools they hope that will perhaps be able to build some national-communist, and somewhat national-socialist island on the sidelines of this new empire.
I inform them:
Russia will lose overwhelmingly, and when it happens we will celebrate wildly.
Even if Russia wins and expands its influence through a pan-European crisis, it will continue to support theocratic fascists and far-rightists, so the stupid national-communist Strasserist "left" national-socialist ideas of these neo-nationalstalinists, will be useful to them only in the dungeons that the (pro-)Russian fascists will throw them in deep, where they will have thrown also us who are not stupid like them.
If I judge from the anti-Ukrainian position of this Iranian neo-Stalinist, maybe he is right, that is, that the sharpened class struggle in France, Greece (where is the sharpened class struggle in Turkey that saw? in which neo-Stalinist "magic sphere"?) can it means a weakening of the Western bourgeois leadership to the benefit of the Russian Fascist Conquerors.
With such a left in Iran, the Iranian left itself wonders why the iranian people are perhaps turning towards monarchism.
Let them look at the neo-Stalinist rot within them.
تنها با انقلابات جهانی می‌شود جلوی جنگ و توحش بورژوازی را گرفت. این انقلابات هم اکنون در ایران، فرانسه، آمریکا، یونان، ترکیه و... جاریست.
«Μόνο με τις παγκόσμιες επαναστάσεις μπορεί να σταματήσει ο πόλεμος και η κτηνωδία της αστικής τάξης. Αυτές οι επαναστάσεις βρίσκονται τώρα στο Ιράν, τη Γαλλία, τις ΗΠΑ, την Ελλάδα, την Τουρκία και... Σε εξέλιξη...»
The right of your wild-centrist friend.
Yes, I understand your anger towards the despotic and limited to bourgeois interests (supposedly "Western") bourgeois parliamentarism.
But, you hoteheads of the workers' socialist social revolution, you don't not have a propose to a coherent system of representative democracy at the level of the working social totality, you don't have a propose to the establishment of a central political body, of freely directly elected and directly revoked representatives.
Your criticism, therefore, of the democratic lack of the bourgeois parliamentary democracy is not made from a more progressive, left-wing, even anti-authoritarian point of view, since you either leave the issue to the competence of a "party", which it is will not unter control and direct election from all the working population, whether you are talking about a body of workers' council representatives who then elect the central legislative authority, without also excluding that central legislative authority from being under the narrow and distorting rule of the "party".
What you are proposing leads again to an authoritarian form of "socialism" which, among other things, will lead again to a state-bureaucratic system of exploitation of the workers and citizens, even if lively and powerful workers' councils remain active for a time.
If you say that what I am telling you is a bourgeois argument, you will be making a sophistic argument.
However, until you answer, in theory and in practice, I am not only entitled, but also obliged to remain a wild-centrist.
Friendly, and kisses from me on your mouth and not your ass, comrades.
Political negative fantasy of a strange, a little paranoic man, concerning the unhappy Ukrainian and Iranian workers and their "lovers" in the possibly more "radical" Europe that is likely to come.

Let's assume or imagine that all this class upheaval in opposition to the center-left/center-right neoliberal big-bourgeois elite, brings to the helm of one of the largest and most central countries in Europe, a left-wing dude like Melenson (the best case, because also lurks Le Pen) who was initially neutral towards the Russian intervention, mildly pro-Russian you would call him, although he later changed his stance, orienting himself in the direction of criticism of Russia (something stinks over here).
A little further down, in the country of Joy, it reappears as governor again this weird left-wing dude who co-governed with a far-right pro-Russian party, and had as his man for all the international dirty work a strange adventurer narcissist-economist who has also expressed strange sympathies and tolerances for the Russian invaders, and who is quarreled with strictness with those who are shouting about the murders of Iranian citizens, women, workers by the theocratic regime, if at the same time they not criticize the Saudi theocratic regime (sounds right...but it stinks).
When this progressive chorus rises to power again, maybe then Ukraine will be tired, "warmonger" NATOist Macron will be gone, as well also the far-right pro-Western NATOist Mitsotakis, then, what could be better than a peace initiative ?
Come guys, give some of your territory, come now, we are with you too, you too Putin stop a moment, we are not NATOists, sign now, peace.
(Α little more aside, in a another issue: you Iranian comrades, be patient, we also need the oil of your country, don't overdo it guys, we are with you).
Smells, stinks, fragrant Russia and Chinese rice.
But know this, Iranian and Ukrainian left-wing friends, if this scenario were to happen, it would not be created in the dark by the left-wing political elites of Europe, but by the European workers and petty bourgeois themselves, in the open in the sunlight.
The left-wing political elites are running behind them, and if they don't manage to satisfy them, don't wonder if the far-right will play this role.
If it happens like this, a little difficult of course to the point of being impossible, we too will know why we ended up not far-centrists but wild-centrists.
Putin wants nothing more from the Western left than to help to stop or minimize Western military aid to struggling Ukraine.
If the sharpening of the class struggle (from the point of view of the poor, workers, etc.) in Europe, in Greece in France or in the European South or elsewhere, has this effect, even by refraction, I, who am not a Marxist but a wild-centrist, I say, let the "class struggle" go to hell.
The "class struggle" in one zone or "nation" of the world must have beneficial effects on the peoples in another zone or "nation" of the world, or else, I repeat, to go to fuck it.
The faithful of the Marxist or anarchist church can continue to light candles, follow their holy texts, I am elsewhere, and I have no need for such nonsense.
It's a crazy ideological situation.
Hearing that left-wing MPs in the French National Assembly were thunderously singing the national revolutionary anthem, the Marseillaise, on the occasion of the anti-worker's reform about "pension age", I thought how much I would be bothered by this if Greek MPs they did it, if also Greek left-wing MPs they did it I would consider it a disgrace, even if the issue was not pensions but a military invasion by Turkey.
Watch out now!
According to the Greek leftist and anarchist criteria, I am an unacceptable leftist nationalist at best, because there are also worse negative characterizations about my humble person, while at the same time, is true, I have never hidden my position in favor of the national defense of Greece against Turkish expansionism.
But such pompous nationalist things cannot accept, nor do I need them to be -when it is appropriate- defensive nationalist or patriot, even if I don't want to identify myself as such either.
Watch out again!
The Greek ultra-internationalist leftist anarchist leftist anti-capitalists will not show the French leftists and their chauvinism the same severity they show people like me.
Twice colonized, the poor my self, therefore, twice hunted, I neither exaggerate nor weep.
Go to fuck yourself, friends, dare I say??
Είναι μια τρελή ιδεολογική κατάσταση.
Ακούγοντας ότι οι αριστεροί βουλευτές στην γαλλική εθνοσυνέλευση έψαλλαν βροντερά τον εθνικό επαναστατικό ύμνο, την Μασσαλιώττιδα, με αφορμή την αντεργατική μεταρρύθμιση για το ηλικιακό όριο συνταξιοδότησης, σκέφτηκα πόσο θα με ενοχλούσε αυτό το πράγμα αν το έκαναν Έλληνες βουλευτές, αν μάλιστα το έκαναν Έλληνες αριστεροί βουλευτές θα το θεωρούσα ένα αισχος, ακόμα κι αν το θέμα δεν ήταν οι συντάξεις αλλά μια στρατιωτική εισβολή τής Τουρκίας.
Προσέξτε τώρα!
Σύμφωνα με τα ελληνικά αριστερά και αναρχικά κριτήρια, είμαι ένας απαράδεκτος αριστερός εθνικιστής στην καλύτερη περίπτωση, γιατί υπάρχουν επίσης χειρότεροι αρνητικοί χαρακτηρισμοί για την ταπεινότητα μου, ενώ την ίδια στιγμή που ισχύουν όλα αυτά όντως δεν έκρυψα ποτέ την θέση μου υπέρ τής εθνικής άμυνας τής Ελλάδας απέναντι στον τουρκικό επεκτατισμό.
Όμως τέτοια εθνικιστικά πομπώδη πράγματα δεν τα αντέχει η υπάρξη μου ούτε μου χρειάζονται για να είμαι όταν είναι πρέπον και αμυντικός εθνικιστής ή πατριώτης, κι ας μην θέλω να αυτοπροσδιορίζομαι ούτε έτσι.
Προσέξτε πάλι!
Οι Έλληνες υπερδιεθνιστές αριστεροί αναρχικοί αριστεριστές αντικαπιταλιστές, δεν θα δείξουν απέναντι στους Γάλλους αριστερούς και τον σωβινισμό τους την ίδια αυστηρότητα, την οποία δείχνουν σε άτομα σαν κι εμένα.
Δίπλα αποικισμένος ο έρμος ο εαυτός μου, λοιπόν, δίπλα κυνηγημένος, και δεν υπερβάλλω ούτε κλαίγομαι.
Δε μου γαμιεστε λέω εγώ;;
Some comrades have not understood how frozen our hearts have become, some of us here, in Greece.
I will retire at 67, if I survive until then.
Well. In 2015, no one supported the Greek people, not to keep Tsipras in power, but to not reach the retirement age in 67.
In the meantime, in the steel factory where my father used to work, without any precautionary and safety measures, all his old colleagues have died at the age of 60, the luckiest, most of them from cancer.
My father was spared because he was lazy, argued with the foreman, often went to the cinema instead of work, and was fired for this reason.
We are southern, almost Sicilian, but our hearts are frozen like the North Pole.
Can you imagine if the final moment of the Iranian democratic revolution finally broke out in Iran and the crowds made the mistake of singing the old Iranian national anthem at some point?
Many of those western leftists who today consider the singing of the national anthem in the demonstrations in France also in the national assembly to be something understandable, perhaps even sympathetic, would discover in the Iranian counterpart chanting of the Iranian crowd the hidden or open presence of the monarchist-fascists.
As we are informed by reliable sources from the anarchist and autonomous anti-capitalist ''factor'' who are positively adjacent and not negative to the movement in France, so they have no reason to slander it, this movement is imaginatively and meaningfully framed by symbols of the great French revolution and by a radical democratic patriotism/nationalism.
I am not, as you may know, ontologically opposed (in the general sense) to such semantic frameworks, although the specific historical revolutionary context no longer satisfies me at all, that is, I do not consider the great French revolution something that attracts me, neither as a model nor as germinal Discource.
Apart from the specific, and now fixed in me, radical renunciations of this specific specific imaginary meaning framework that haunts the imaginary of revolutionary movements around the world, its additionally more specific appearance, again, in its "national owners", fills me with suspicion and worry.
Guillotine for the "android" robot of technocratic westernism (in part I capture in their literalness the symbolic threats of this movement itself), a vociferous choir chanting the ''Marseilles'' in the national assembly, what was its composition? because I heard an unpleasant rumor etc.
I don't predetermine anything, I see I hear and I don't get excited, I have my reasons.
When all wish to return to an old symbolic foundation, the crowd chooses -among the many returns- return to that symbolic foundation it knows best, that is, in the depth of the many returns the "nation" is rise again, amen, hallelujah.
When this pandemic return is made by the French, there is understanding even by the greatest ideological opponents of this idea, the anarchists, or (there is) even an enthusiastic reception of it by others, not so radical as the anarchists and other pure internationalists, but anyway they are also anti-capitalists.
But when this return takes place among the Greeks or other equally disreputable uncivilised peoples, all of the aforementioned, among whom the Greek leftists and anarchists are the first, are foaming at the mouth, revealing at the same time the emergence of nationalist hysteria and the fascist danger.
Do not worry, however, also their own acts of orientation towards theire familiar foundations, they will bring similar results, if the Greek crowd goes out on their own massive path.
But they know it, for this and the Velouchiotis symbol, which is enlisted when things are difficult, to semi-support what they took care to suppress and send packaged for the exclusive use of the Greek extreme Right.
However, I don't see a national anthem to be sung in the parliament by Greek leftists, they have certainly left this as a possibility only to the Greek fascists.
When the French leftists do it, did I listen with the fascists? is true? Well then, there is no question, they are French, they are not National Socialists, it is a shame to say this, they tell us, without telling us.
Όταν όλοι επιθυμούν να επιστρέψουν σε ένα παλαιό συμβολικό θεμέλιο, το πλήθος επιλέγει μεταξύ των πολλών επιστροφών να επιστρέψει σε αυτό το συμβολικό θεμέλιο που ξέρει καλύτερα, ήτοι στο βάθος των πολλών επιστροφών αχνοφαίνεται πάλι το έθνος, αμήν και αιώνια η μνήμη του, αλληλούια.
Όταν αυτή η πάνδημη επιστροφή γίνεται από τους Γάλλους, υπάρχει κατανόηση ακόμα και από τους μεγαλύτερους ιδεολογικούς πολέμιους τής ιδέας ταύτης, τους αναρχικούς, ή (υπάρχει) ακόμα και ενθουσιώδης υποδοχή του από άλλους, όχι τόσο ριζοσπάστες ως οι αναρχικοί και οι άλλοι πούροι διεθνιστές, αλλά πάντως αντικαπιταλιστές κι αυτοί.
Όταν όμως τούτο το ιεροεπιστροφικόν πάει να γίνει μεταξύ των Ελλήνων ή άλλων εξίσου ανυπόληπτων λαών, όλοι οι προαναφερθέντες, μεταξύ των οποίων πρώτοι και καλύτεροι οι Έλληνες αριστεροί και αναρχικοί, φρικιούν αφρίζοντες αποκαλύπτοντας ταυτοχρόνως την ανάδυση τής εθνικιστικής υστερίας και τον φασιστικό κίνδυνο.
Να μην ανησυχούνε πάντως, επίσης και οι δικές τους ιεροεπιστροφικές πράξεις προσανατολισμού προς τα οικεία θεμέλια, ανάλογα αποτελέσματα θα φέρουν, αν τυχόν και το πλήθος βγεί στους δικούς τους κινηματικούς δρόμους.
Το ξέρουν όμως, για αυτό και το σύμβολο Βελουχιώτης, το οποίο επιστρατεύεται όταν είναι δύσκολα τα πράγματα, για να κοπάσουν και ημι-υποστηρίξουν αυτό που φρόντισαν να καταστείλουν και αποστείλουν πακεταρισμένο για αποκλειστική χρήση στην άκρα Δεξιά.
Πάντως εθνικό ύμνο να ψάλλουν στο κοινοβούλιο δεν το βλέπω, αυτό σίγουρα το έχουν αναπέμψει ως δυνατότητα μόνον στους Έλληνες φασίστες.
Όταν οι Γάλλοι αριστεροί το πράττουν, άκουσα μαζί με τους φασίστες; ισχύει; Ε τότε, δεν τίθεται ζήτημα, Γάλλοι είναι, δεν είναι δα και εθνικοσοσιαλιστές, ντροπή να το λέμε αυτό, μας λένε, χωρίς να μας το λένε.
I am wholeheartedly with the workers and petty bourgeois in France, anyway I support the full return of the social welfare state and full pension and health coverage with full legal state enactment, according to the old pre-neoliberal data, but I have to say that I have NOT hope for the movement that is developing in this country, because I believe that it is a politically part of dissolutive anti-Western strategies.
Of course, the "centrist center-rightist" leadership of the West is mainly responsible for this turn of events.
It sends the common people of the West to the mouth of the wolf.
The people themselves are responsible, but the greatest responsibility lies with the "moderate" bourgeois forces.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος


Τετάρτη 22 Μαρτίου 2023

Τhe emergence of non-Western imperialisms..

The joint declarations of the Chinese and Russian presidents, marks the beginning of the formation of a new, second in world history global superpole of imperialist capitalist power.
Hitherto intra-imperialist/intra-capitalist divisions and conflicts have been initiated and sustained within the Western hyperpole, even as they spread across the globe.
Until now the relentless intra-imperialist/intra-capitalist conflicts between separate imperialist poles had as their structural seat a wider informally formed Western hyperpole, which meant that the global conflict was primarily an intra-Western capitalist affair extending across the globe, whereas now the global capitalist- imperialist conflict is constituted as a global conflict right from its inception, since the point of its structural seat is not only the hyperpole of the west but the west plus the new hyperpole.
This historical development is an indication that capitalism is being completed as a global system of domination and competition, but it is NOT a positive development for the peoples and working classes around the planet, contrary to what the politicians and ideologues of the "new east" but also western far-right and part of the western extreme left proclaim, propagating the theory of "multipolarity" as something good and progressive.
One clarification: the conflicts we knew from the "classics" as intra-imperialist conflicts were all conflicts between separate but always Western imperialist poles (let's consider Japan as an exception, issue for questions some other time).
The various separate Western imperialist empires (which also included the Russian Empire and later the state-bureaucratic state-capitalist Soviet Union) clashed with each other over the distribution of power and resources across the globe, but were nonetheless unified as being based on a common geopolitical and sovereign world, the Western imperialist world as a single super-pole.
With the new era we first have the emergence of non-Western imperialisms, the new Russia and China, perhaps also India, which are now trying (perhaps with an unsuccessful outcome in the future) to form their own special supranational (that is separate from the Western superpole) hyperpole, their own common sovereign base.
What is vague and incomprehensible about what I am claiming?
I don't understand the ideological incompatibility of some comrades.
The time when vampires with global ambition and global bloodsucking practice were western (and Russian vampires were western, and are?), of specific western supranational origin, is over, and now we have the emergence of new vampires of specific non-western supranational origin, with the same global ambitions and global bloodsucking practices.
This is the meaning of the multipolar, in fact new bipolar world that the meeting of the Chinese and the Russian vampire marks.
"We're making progress", wow! as Varoufakis, Corbyn's friend, the one of these two lickers of the new vampires, said.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος


Δευτέρα 20 Μαρτίου 2023

Μήπως είσαι αντισημίτης, ακροδεξιέ «υπερασπιστή» τής Ουκρανίας;

Ιωάννης Τζανάκος
Μήπως είσαι αντισημίτης, ακροδεξιέ «υπερασπιστή» τής Ουκρανίας;
Ρωτώ, απορώ, υποθέτω.
Ο μύθος περί τού μαρξισμού ως «εβραϊκής προέλευσης» βρωμάει αντισημιτισμό από χιλιόμετρα..
Δεύτερο φάουλ τού Δημήτρη Τριανταφυλλίδη.
1ο φάουλ, μετέφερε ως «κάτι καλό», χωρίς αιδώ, σε περίληψη, το περιεχόμενο του βιβλίου ενός πρώην κομμουνιστή Ναζιστή, τού Άλμπρεχτ [Αυτοκαθορισμός : Όταν οι «φιλελεύθεροι» τής ελληνικής κεντροδεξιάς .], και 2ο φάουλ, μίλησε για τον μαρξισμό ως άμεσα επηρεασμένο από τον «εβραϊσμό» όπως μιλάνε οι πιο ακροδεξιοί των ακροδεξιών, στα όρια τού φασισμού-ναζισμού ή εντός του.
Να τον έχουν και να τον χαίρονται εκεί στο Liberal.
Αυτοί οι άνθρωποι σαν και τού λόγου του δεν βοηθάνε την Ουκρανία, την συκοφαντούν.
Μπορεί να είναι εικόνα 1 άτομο και κείμενο

So, high-risk ''adventurist'' capital isn't really adventurist capital.

A ''respected executive'' of JP Morgan expressed his displeasure that the damage to the bankrupt Swiss bank was suffered by the risk-taking "investors" of the 8% interest rate and not by the bank's conservative shareholders.
What audacity by the US-based ''adventurist'' Capital !!, feeling "betrayed" that his fellow ''adventurers'' suffered what they supposedly accept that is the possible result of the substance of high-risk Capital.
Either you have a risk or you don't have, oh ''adventurer'', what are you complaining about?
So, high-risk ''adventurist'' Capital isn't really adventurist Capital, since it's also based on a strange and veiled state capitalism.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

Depeche Mode - Never Let Me Down Again

Speak out now against the hypocrisy of the West, fools.

Schematically: the neo-totalitarian regime of China, has "united" under its crown and through an agreement (which looks like a truce) based on contemporaneous but also strategic elements, the theocratic regimes of Saudi Arabia and Iran.
Apart from the various direct economic and politico-military aspects of this agreement (it has been heard, for example, that Saudi Arabia will abandon the Sunni jihadist rebels in eastern Iran in Balochistan, and in southwestern Iran, and Tehran will abandon the Houthis in Yemen), beyond all that, then, Beijing touched the "sensitivities" of these regimes about the influence of what all these Eastern totalitarians call "Western ideas", essentially preaching, in a more credible way than Putin and Russia, ideological war not only against Western bourgeois liberalism but also against any idea of freedom that could have neo-left feminist and authentic socialist revolutionary characteristics.
I say this to the Iranian and Kurdish comrades who are still sleeping in an anti-Western usually Marxist-Leninist deep slumber.
I tell them once more, it is not the imperialist West nor Israel, their worst enemy, but the harlequins (proxies of China) of Moscow and above all the Chinese neo-totalitarians themselves.
They are behind the real unification of Eastern neo-patriarchal neo-fascism, they will arm and financially depend the theocratic regime, they will cover Iran with the truly advanced compared to Russia modern technical capabilities to suppress and control the Iranian and Kurdish people.
Also, the argument put forward by the anti-Westerners, in the form of a question: ''why Saudi Arabia is not the object of criticism of the West in relation to its theocratic fascism and only Iran is?''
is invalidated, since the real hypocrisy of the West, also in this matter, is less dangerous than the sincerity and absolute position of the Chinese (and their Russian farts) that both regimes have the right to strengthen their "non-Western cultural singularity" who are supposed to have, as the "right" to go on killing ''their'' own citizens and also killing "their" working classes, "their" feminists, etc.
This is the totally self-consistent, compared to the hypocritical Western, neo-Oriental fascist world, which China with its hammers and sickles and worship of Marx, promises to the people of Iran and Saudi Arabia.
Speak out now against the hypocrisy of the West, fools.
I assure you, you will miss this hypocricy.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

Κυριακή 19 Μαρτίου 2023

The real proxy war, μαλάκα Π.Παπακωνσταντίνου..

The real proxy war, as it really is and not as various far-right or far-left (and some anarchist) idiots believe or "believe":
Totalitarianist China's War against the West on the soil of the hapless Ukraine, via a drunkenly failed semi-Western proxy imperialism (the Russian post-Stalinist fascists with a vodka in hand in front of a dial with buttons for the their nuclear weapons).
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

Don't be fooled, the Russian imperialists are also Western rapists.

Don't be fooled, the Russian imperialists are also Western rapists. 
Russia as a non-Western country, the most short-term Joke.
Russia wants to replace the West-West with a Eurasian colony of China, but "itself" imagines that this Eurasian colony will be the ''new dominant West'' that will be cleansed through its Orthodox-Christian far-right puritanic Russian-shits.
The Chinese totalitarians, the real dangerous eastern fascist have instrumentalized these delusional bankrupt Russian imperialists-for-fun and intend to take a mediating role in the war.
This war is indeed a proxy war, where the crazy Russian proxy, a child of the West gone mad drinking orthodox Christian vodka, plays the role of the self-destructive half-western rapist fool, who believes that the (rest of the) West as will raped by him, will become the his far-right post-Stalinist bride.
Get this bastard out of the game at long last, he's also both boring and annoying with his ugliness.
Post-pre-Christian situation.
I was born before the cauldrons of hell and I don't intend to get out from there unless we all get out at the same time.
Otherwise, I'll be waiting for you there at the same time.
Let's slang.
I want to meet you, western hypocrite, in the cauldron of categorical imperative.
Yeahh, I will be there, at the same time.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

Lizard Sound Sessions - Takım