Τετάρτη 22 Μαρτίου 2023

Τhe emergence of non-Western imperialisms..

The joint declarations of the Chinese and Russian presidents, marks the beginning of the formation of a new, second in world history global superpole of imperialist capitalist power.
Hitherto intra-imperialist/intra-capitalist divisions and conflicts have been initiated and sustained within the Western hyperpole, even as they spread across the globe.
Until now the relentless intra-imperialist/intra-capitalist conflicts between separate imperialist poles had as their structural seat a wider informally formed Western hyperpole, which meant that the global conflict was primarily an intra-Western capitalist affair extending across the globe, whereas now the global capitalist- imperialist conflict is constituted as a global conflict right from its inception, since the point of its structural seat is not only the hyperpole of the west but the west plus the new hyperpole.
This historical development is an indication that capitalism is being completed as a global system of domination and competition, but it is NOT a positive development for the peoples and working classes around the planet, contrary to what the politicians and ideologues of the "new east" but also western far-right and part of the western extreme left proclaim, propagating the theory of "multipolarity" as something good and progressive.
One clarification: the conflicts we knew from the "classics" as intra-imperialist conflicts were all conflicts between separate but always Western imperialist poles (let's consider Japan as an exception, issue for questions some other time).
The various separate Western imperialist empires (which also included the Russian Empire and later the state-bureaucratic state-capitalist Soviet Union) clashed with each other over the distribution of power and resources across the globe, but were nonetheless unified as being based on a common geopolitical and sovereign world, the Western imperialist world as a single super-pole.
With the new era we first have the emergence of non-Western imperialisms, the new Russia and China, perhaps also India, which are now trying (perhaps with an unsuccessful outcome in the future) to form their own special supranational (that is separate from the Western superpole) hyperpole, their own common sovereign base.
What is vague and incomprehensible about what I am claiming?
I don't understand the ideological incompatibility of some comrades.
The time when vampires with global ambition and global bloodsucking practice were western (and Russian vampires were western, and are?), of specific western supranational origin, is over, and now we have the emergence of new vampires of specific non-western supranational origin, with the same global ambitions and global bloodsucking practices.
This is the meaning of the multipolar, in fact new bipolar world that the meeting of the Chinese and the Russian vampire marks.
"We're making progress", wow! as Varoufakis, Corbyn's friend, the one of these two lickers of the new vampires, said.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος


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