Δευτέρα 20 Μαρτίου 2023

Speak out now against the hypocrisy of the West, fools.

Schematically: the neo-totalitarian regime of China, has "united" under its crown and through an agreement (which looks like a truce) based on contemporaneous but also strategic elements, the theocratic regimes of Saudi Arabia and Iran.
Apart from the various direct economic and politico-military aspects of this agreement (it has been heard, for example, that Saudi Arabia will abandon the Sunni jihadist rebels in eastern Iran in Balochistan, and in southwestern Iran, and Tehran will abandon the Houthis in Yemen), beyond all that, then, Beijing touched the "sensitivities" of these regimes about the influence of what all these Eastern totalitarians call "Western ideas", essentially preaching, in a more credible way than Putin and Russia, ideological war not only against Western bourgeois liberalism but also against any idea of freedom that could have neo-left feminist and authentic socialist revolutionary characteristics.
I say this to the Iranian and Kurdish comrades who are still sleeping in an anti-Western usually Marxist-Leninist deep slumber.
I tell them once more, it is not the imperialist West nor Israel, their worst enemy, but the harlequins (proxies of China) of Moscow and above all the Chinese neo-totalitarians themselves.
They are behind the real unification of Eastern neo-patriarchal neo-fascism, they will arm and financially depend the theocratic regime, they will cover Iran with the truly advanced compared to Russia modern technical capabilities to suppress and control the Iranian and Kurdish people.
Also, the argument put forward by the anti-Westerners, in the form of a question: ''why Saudi Arabia is not the object of criticism of the West in relation to its theocratic fascism and only Iran is?''
is invalidated, since the real hypocrisy of the West, also in this matter, is less dangerous than the sincerity and absolute position of the Chinese (and their Russian farts) that both regimes have the right to strengthen their "non-Western cultural singularity" who are supposed to have, as the "right" to go on killing ''their'' own citizens and also killing "their" working classes, "their" feminists, etc.
This is the totally self-consistent, compared to the hypocritical Western, neo-Oriental fascist world, which China with its hammers and sickles and worship of Marx, promises to the people of Iran and Saudi Arabia.
Speak out now against the hypocrisy of the West, fools.
I assure you, you will miss this hypocricy.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

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