Δευτέρα 27 Μαρτίου 2023

When the Russian Empire is defeated

I made the mistake and "browsed" Greek leftist Facebook pages.
What did I see:
A mad excitement about the insurrectionary movement in France, and I said at first ok, reasonable, right, there is a hope that something will be done here, etc.
And while I was looking calmly and having some sympathy with the Greek Left, I noticed posts about the war and especially about the visit of the Chinese president to Russia.
Not just sympathy, not just an indirect support of the Eastern imperialist axis, but triumphalism, cheers, even the "you hurted, didn't it?" said an idiot addressing us, (who are we?).
All my tolerance was gone at once.
This Left here, exactly here, must be crushed, it's a reactionary dark force, these guys are red-brown, just like that.

Έκανα το λάθος και περιηγήθηκα σε ελληνικές αριστερές σελίδες στο Facebook. Τι είδα:
Έναν τρελό ενθουσιασμό για τις εξεγερτικές κινητοποιήσεις στην Γαλλία, και είπα αρχικά εντάξει, λογικό, σωστό, υπάρχει μια ελπίδα ότι θα γίνει κάτι και εδώ κ.λπ.
Και κει που κοίταγα με ηρεμία και έχοντας μια κάποια σύμπνοια με το ελληνικό αριστερό πόπολο, άρχισε να πέφτει το μάτι μου σε αναρτήσεις για τον πόλεμο και ειδικά για την επίσκεψη τού Κινέζου προέδρου στην Ρωσία.
Όχι απλά συμπάθεια, όχι απλά μια έμμεση υποστήριξη τού ανατολικού ιμπεριαλιστικού άξονα, αλλά θριαμβολογία, αλαλαγμοί, ως και το "πόνεσε, έτσι;" είπε απευθυνόμενη μια ηλίθια, σε μας, ποιους άραγε;
Όλη η ανοχή μου έσβησε μονομιάς.
Αυτή εδώ η αριστερά, εδωνά, πρέπει να συντριβεί, είναι μια αντιδραστική σκοτεινή δύναμη, είναι φαιοκόκκινοι οι τύποι, έτσι απλά.
When the Russian Empire is defeated, because it will be defeated, by the West, I would like to be like a little breath in the leaves of the heart of some very hidden russophiles, supposedly neutral, to pour even more bitter poison into this wounded heart.
Russianism is for the new Greek nation and for the Greek left a corrosive deadly poison, already from the 19th century and from the beginning of the 20th century.
The other deadly poison with the same historical beginning was Germanism, although the latter mainly affected the Greek far right, before Nazism even appeared.
Russianism within the Greek left is a whole circle in which leftists participate who, through the close relationship of the Soviet Union with the ever-subservient to it Stalinist Communist Party (KKE), developed economic, personal, educational and family relations with Russia.
Many of the old leadership group of the KKE did not know English, French or German as a foreign language but Russian, and I am not only referring to those who went as political refugees to the Soviet Union after the end of the civil war (1945-1949), but also to newest members of the party of the ones who studied with party money in the Soviet Union in much later times.
Also, a part of the Greek capital (not particularly small), has a "left-Stalinist" origin, coming from agents of the KGB and especially the Stasi, who came from familys of the Stalinist party aristocracy and who played the role of the link between in the Soviet Capital and the Greek state, and when the Soviet Union collapsed they either joined their direct association with the USA (probably through some threats and eventually an agreement) or maintained an autonomy.
However, before the Soviet Union fell, they were playing a big game in Greek society.
I remember then that a central centrist-left newspaper advertised East Germany as heaven on earth, in articles that would not even be published within East Germany itself.
Today the family of the owner of this newspaper has a share in the big construction Capital.
Also, we must emphasize the existence of an extensive "Middle Eastern" network within: the Greek state, the populist socialist party of Andreas Papandreou, and the terrorist "anti-Zionist" extreme left, which had as its points of reference (I will say simplistically):
Τhe Greek secret services (the anti-Western faction within them), a suspicious figure of a major publisher who, however, was the sneaking co-leader of Papandreou and was the one who coordinated the anti-Western faction in the secret services, a well-known Arab-loving Greek Trotskyist leader (he was the leader of 4th international, and helped the Algerian revolution, but had relations with all the left-nationalist anti-Zionism in the Arab world), the KGB, the Assad (Father) regime, also PLO, and then partly also the PKK, which had not yet broken the his alliance with Assad and had not changed his ideological and geopolitical orientation.
If I tell you what I have collected as a trace for this circuit I will not do an analysis, I will have to write a detective novel.
In Greece, Trotskyism, apart from the corresponding Greek section of the Tony Cliff tendency socialist workers' party, played and plays a large complementary role near to Greek Stalinism in relation not only to Middle Eastern issues but also in relation to the former Soviet Union, I mean the Soviet Union as a mechanism (I'm not saying more) and then with Putinist Russia.
Greek Trotskyism is the most Stalinized and Soviet-Russianized Trotskyism on the whole planet Earth!
On the contrary, there are some Maoists, and former supporters of the PKK, who were and are sworn enemies of the Soviet Union and then of Russia.
About the left social democracy, SYRIZA Varoufakis, etc., I don't need to say much, everyone has seen its double game and the pandemic pro-Putinism that exists in its social base.
We are a strange country.
Η πιθανή πτώση από την εξουσία τής σάπιας διεφθαρμένης κατσαπλιάδικης, ημι-ακροδεξιάς, ακραιφνώς φιλοδυτικής ΝΑΤΟϊκής νεοφιλελεύθερης ΝΔ τού Μητσοτάκη (το τονίζω το τελευταίο), θα σημαίνει την επάνοδο, εν μέσω θυελλωδών διεθνών εξελίξεων, τής σάπιας ημι-ρωσόδουλης κρατικομαφιόζικης παρακρατικής κυπατζίδικης πασοκοαριστεράς, και της ρωσοακροδεξιάς.
Εγώ απέχω βέβαια από υποστήριξη ή ευνοϊκή τοποθέτηση υπέρ τού ενός ή του άλλου.
Κάνω προμήθειες ποπ κορν, και περιμένω να δω επιτέλους ένα αξιόλογο θέαμα.
Ελπίζω να μη τους τραβήξουν το αυτί πάλι οι Ευρωπέη, και χάσουμε το μαφιοζοθέαμα.
Εξαρτάται από το πόσο μεγάλο είναι το αγγούρι με τις τράπεζες για τους Ευρωπέη, και το πως θα το περάσουν αυτό στους εδώ, σαν «καθήστε καλά, έχουμε άλλα προβλήματα»; ή θα αφήσουν τους εδώ κατσαπλιαδοχύμα τύπους να τα κάνουν όλα «πουτάνα όλα» σύμφωνα με το τοπικό ταλέντο τους, το αυθεντικό;
It is a mistake, a big mistake, not to keep a record.
How am I going to write my Greek detective spy novel now?
The most surreal presence in this Greek far-left-far-right-Stalinist-Trotskyist-pro-Russian fog that I live in, here in Alabama in the eastern Mediterranean, with the -somewhat misleading- name of ''Greece'',
are the autonomous antifa, usually of German far-left ideological education (there is also a deep Italian far-left ideological educational influence, to some), who have gone completely mad, have reached the brink of the mental hospital, because what they are living does not exist in any dictionary of the autonomous anti-capitalist left of central Europe, nor in the Greek-translated manual of the Italian autonomous anti-capitalists (although, there, it should be).
When I see their posters and their texts, I am really amused. But they are useful sometimes in this fog, because they having been influenced by the anti-vaccination far right (but what are they reading?, I wonder).
There is no need to develop "conspiracy theories", everything comes spontaneously from the social base in the first place.
With those I talk to, here in Greece, for example, out of ten, 2 of us are anti-Russian (also, I), 6 are pro-Russian, and 2 "leftist" neutrals who are in fact pro-Russian.
This society has been looking for a way to leave the West for decades, it is simply calculating things rationally, knowing that this cannot be done without destruction.
But if the West sells Greece, does not fully cover it in what it is entitled to (I think it is indeed entitled to some security coverage), where do you think the Greek people will go, all together? (right and left people).
Sperm exists for a great apostasy, from the "cursed West".
For this Russia must lose completely.
Its influence on half-insane peoples, like mine, (these peoples, however, have some strong Rights which the West sometimes despises) is poisonous and dangerous.
A bad game is being played with Turkey.
If Erdogan falls and the Kemalists turn the wheel to the west, they will ask the West to upgrade Turkey's role, so the West will stop reinforcing the positive load of support in Greece, as it is now, and what will the Greek people do then? will start to squint again towards the Bear, well, it may then be the "Left" back in power.
Humans are global beings. Every event "elsewhere" is an occasion for them to show themselves in their own "here".
In Greece the pro-Western camp has rallied around supporting Ukraine, and the anti-Western camp around directly supporting Russia or around a neutrality which is only real for those idiots who support it truly, because most of the neutralists are pro-Russian snakes , such as the Stalinist KKE (about 5-7% in the elections) and Syriza+Varoufakis (about 25-30% in the elections, of which half are openly pro-Russian, a large part hypocritically neutral, and very few truly neutral).
There is the far right which is 90% pro-Russian (about 8% in the elections), the Greek Orthodox Church which is a wasp's nest of Russophiles in hiding (most of them hate the Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch who is anti-Russian).
Within the uniquely pro-Western parties, which are, the Euro-socialdemocratic continuation of the old semi-anti-Western populist socialist party of Andreas Papandreou (about 9% in the elections), and the centre-right/limits far-right neoliberal right-wing party of Mitsotakis (the equivalent of the German Christian Democracy) (about 30% in the elections) where there is a pro-Western majority, there also lies a more neutral semi-pro-Russian wing.
In the digital cloud of the supersized Proudhonian Varoufakisist central state bank with a fixed interest rate, the national-global petty bourgeois will finally feel safe.
What fruits my country produces! 
I'm a proud Greek!
Although Varoufakis presented himself as an enemy of the Saudis, in order to "argue" against those who speak only against the Iranian theocrats, in this particular phase he functioned as a small additional fart in their (Saudi Capitalists') enlistment in their aid to the Russian and Chinese attack on Western banking system, an attack said to be a counterattack to the US-led blockade of high-tech flows to Russia and China.
It is also said that this attack/counterattack was also done on banks that were involved in investing on these technologies.

Λοιπόν, υπάρχουν δύο ενδεχόμενα για το 2015 και την υπουργία τού τρελού νάρκισσου.
Ή ο Τσίπρας τον έβαλε για φραμπαλά μέχρι να υπογράψει μνημόνιο μέσω ενός βοναπαρτιστικου δημοψηφίσματος, έχοντας προσχεδιάσει την ταυτόχρονη ενσωμάτωση των μαζών και το ξεμπέρδεμα του με τους αριστερούς εθνικοκομμουνιστές και τους υπεραριστερούς ηλίθιους που είχε μαζέψει αλλά έπρεπε κάποια στιγμή να απαλλαγεί από αυτούς, ή όντως ταυτίζονταν με τον τρελάρα μυθομανή μεταμοντέρνο σταλινοπρουντονιστή που φαντάζεται σούπερ Χάι λαϊκές Χάι-τεκ κεντρικές τράπεζες, οπότε πήρανε από κοινού τα αρχιδια τους χωρίς προκαθορισμένο τίποτα.
Σε κάθε περίπτωση είμαστε για να μας κλαίνε οι ρέγκες.

The man is a bigotmoron, I'm talking about Varoufakis.
He proposes a soft statism, supposedly soft, with a central bank (by country?) that will be super hi-tech though, and take over the transactions of everyday citizens, via a digital card etc, which will also be also about savings, maybe with a fixed rate of interest, and which will secure the global-and-national petty-bourgeoisie from the adventurist storm of the private super-banks.
I have to say to any liberal neoliberal friends that this plan is not "state capitalist" in the serious sense, so don't rush to criticize it on the basis of Hayekian concepts.
This man is just a delusional huge-moron.
He has made his imagination a masturbator-hammer and hits it furiously.
Ο άνθρωπος είναι αρχιμαλάκας, για τον Βαρουφάκη μιλάω. Προτείνει έναν ήπιο κρατισμό, υποτίθεται ήπιο, με μια κεντρική τράπεζα (ανά χώρα;) που θα είναι όμως σούπερ χάι τεκ, και θα αναλάβει τις συναλλαγές των καθημερινών πολιτών, μέσω μια ψηφιακής κάρτας κ.λπ, η οποία θα είναι και αποταμιευτική, ίσως με σταθερό επιτόκιο, και η οποία θα διασφαλίζει τον παγκόσμιο και τον εθνικό μικροαστό από την τυχοδιωκτική θύελλα των ιδιωτικών υπερτραπεζών.
Οφείλω να πω στους όποιους φιλελεύθερους νεοφιλελεύθερους φίλους, ότι αυτό το σχέδιο δεν είναι «κρατικοκαπιταλιστικό» με τη σοβαρή έννοια, μη σπεύσουν να κάνουν κριτική λοιπόν επί τη βάσει χαγιεκιανών αντιλήψεων.
Ο άνθρωπος αυτός είναι απλά φαντασιόπληκτος μαλάκας ολκής.
Έχει κάνει την φαντασία του μαλακοσφύρι και το βαράει.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος



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