Δευτέρα 26 Δεκεμβρίου 2022

Kill the Khomeini in you.

Kill the Khomeini in you.
The mad reactionary Imam had an intelligence in the darkness of his dark inhuman soul. 
He made a simple and comprehensible investigative "line" about the international political situation and the position of his country, which he loved as a rapist loves his victim, wanting to marry it.
He identified the then two super-poles of international politics with the sly simplicity of the fanatic priest (whoever from us does not fear priests does not know how naive he is).
He identified the USA (and the West as a whole) as the great Satan, and the Soviet Union (then the only non-Western super-pole) as the little Satan.
Khomeini said in simple vulgar religious language the same thing that all the nationalists, Maoist leftists and neo-Stalinists of the whole non-western world were saying.
Of course, there were also the pro-Soviet idiots who believed that the Soviet Union had always been the angel of heaven on earth. 
For some of these fools this angel ceased to be an angel since Lenin died, and for others of these fools this angel ceased to be an angel since the saint...Stalin died. 
Don't expect me to go into great detail about the specific stupidity of every single stupid person in this group of stupid people.
We limit ourselves to the folly of the Stalinists after the death of Stalin who discovered the angel in China as the successor of Saint Stalin, because the folly of these fools matches the cunning of Khomeini, so it contains as folly a little of the cunning-intelligence of the international political thought of the reactionary Imam.
Of course, the wicked Imam did not have the religious theological problems of the priests of Maoist Stalinism, he knew very well what he wanted: an independent hyper-reactionary Iran under the political hegemony of a dark medieval-capitalist priesthood, which would be, however, independent as country.
The leftists in Iran did not understand something: that there was a national bourgeoisie in Iran which at the same time was as dark as the soul of the reactionary Imam.
Tudeh and some Maoists saw the presence of a national bourgeoisie but turned a blind eye to the fact that it was reactionary to the core. 
Other leftists saw that the portion of the bourgeoisie expressed by the dark Imam was darkly reactionary but did not accept that it was an independent national bourgeoisie. 
One saw one side and not the other, and the other the same, one side and not the other.
The dark Imam could see all sides of the phenomenon because he himself was its exponent.
Did Marxism help Marxists see the whole phenomenon?
No, because they were (and are) themselves bound, openly or deeply and covertly, by the notion that imperialism is essentially "Western". 
So, what the dark Imam said was a grossly oversimplified religiousized version of the beliefs of the Iranian left itself (and most of the left everywhere), then. 
And today? has that belief changed?
The attitude of the Iranian left (but also of the left worldwide) towards Ukrainian issue shows that NOTHING has changed in the left's perception.
Caution! I'm not talking only-or-mainly about that part of the (Iranian but not only) left that follows roughly the same open pro-Orientalism, turning its gaze with favor to Eastern capitalism but about that larger part of the (Iranian but not only ) left that maintains an attitude of "equal distance" towards today's Western and Eastern capitalism (we shape these consepts so, for the sake of convenience).
What does this "equal distance" that the left shows?
That is not real!
In order to keep an equal distance, most leftists essentially adopt the Khomeini attitude!
Yes, they say, everyone is a Satan (they don't say it that way, of course, but that's what they say in essence), but West and especially the USA remains the great Satan!
Nice "equal distance"! even as an unacceptable equal distance.
No comrades!
The great enemy today is the emerging imperialist east, and I have explained the reasons in dense and with due severity.
But even if they are "all the same enemy" as you say, the way you say it (and the way is the essence of the speech) you show that you mean that "the west is an even bigger enemy".
Your equal distances are not real!
You are liars, even to yourself!
If not all, most of you remain captive to those notions which the dark Imam represented more successfully, yes more successfully, more simply, more clearly!
Kill the Khomeini in you.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

1 σχόλιο:

  1. The fake left-wing moralism of "equal distances", against Western and Eastern imperialism, as he expressed it the dick Varoufakis, who wants instructing the movement in Iran, of course, only concerns the eastern communists and left-wing democrats.
    What does Varoufakis tell them?
    Be moral girls (morality is always aimed at girls, not men), and don't fall into another's imperialism arms, when you escape from the one who is now dominating you and whoring you.
    Nice moral ideological order if it came down from the clouds where God Marx now resides, but it is said by a dick, Varoufakis, who supposedly to help the people who followed him (him and Tsipras), had done exactly that who wants to ban to Iranian communists with the conclusion of his party's declaration.
    Iranian leftists and democrats!
    What the dicks Varoufakis-es of the western leftist brothel are asking you, that is, not to leave the eastern imperialist camp and go and seek protection from the western imperialist camp, they tried to do it the other way round, in essence doing what they warn you about now!
    Of course, the Varoufaki-dicks do not claim a preference for Eastern imperialism, otherwise how else would they pretend to be now as your supporters and advisors ?
    Could they be playing this role by directly showing you that they support the Theocrats and fascists who are raping you?
    Of course not. In order to achieve what they want, to serve their patrons, eastern fascists, they invoke the equal "anti-imperialist" distance.
