Δευτέρα 2 Ιανουαρίου 2023

The global revolution..

It sounds exaggerated, it sounds naive, but I believe it:
The global revolution of progressive consciousness which is at the same time a democratic libertarian feminist (not post-feminist!!) workers' revolution, started in Iran and Kurdistan.
In Hegelian terms: the worldspirit/worldmind restart its course.
Maximum hope next to maximum despair.
Nothing in the Middle East but a flame within Iran-Kurdistan, has portends a change in the dark consciousness of the masses.
All but those burning with the secular feminist libertarian flame within Iran-Kurdistan are waiting for that flame to be extinguished.
Right-wing Zionism and the Kahanist fascists who are preparing for complete ethnic cleansing in the land of Canaan (Palestine-Israel) are waiting for it, Hamas and the rotten PLO are waiting for it, Hezbollah is waiting for it, Erdogan is waiting for it, Assad is waiting for it, everyone is waiting for it, the "opposition" tentacles of the cancerous octopus of the "Muslim Brotherhood" *(in Syria and Egypt) are waiting for it, the pseudo-Marxist pseudofriends of the Middle Eastern peoples are waiting for it, but this flame will never go out, it lit to set everything on fire.
The democratic revolution in Iran will achieve even the most limited bourgeois-democratic goals only if the role of the Iranian and Kurdish left is decisive and primary.
I trust this left.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

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