Τετάρτη 15 Σεπτεμβρίου 2021

Οι 8 τομές..

Marxists criticize only the "commodity of labor power/force" and not the concept of "labor power/force" as a whole, because they want labor power/force as an abstract fundamental of exploitation by the bureaucratic state they want to establish.

What Marxists call labor force is, in fact, the labor potential of an expropriated labor subjectivity.
Capitalism and state socialism constitute the abstract corporeality of the "labor force."
Under communism there will be neither a "commodity of labor force" nor an abstract "labor force."
The free corporeality that will be virtuous as corporeality and not as an "idea", is the only materialism that still makes sense.
Names, symbols, banners...
All this well, not always, but only as a costume of a body that wants to live, and nothing else.
No "Marxism" will return.
The immediate, open, libertarian and radical Communism of the working class and the people will come.
In Communism people will not be called "Communists".
They will live without masters and despots.
This and Nothing else.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος


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