Πέμπτη 15 Σεπτεμβρίου 2022

Against the FSA and anti-Assad Islamist opposition. In Greece, the jokes stop.

I'm not saying that on the part of the ''anti-Assad'' Syrian organizers of the "big march" to Greek-Turkish borders that is being prepared, there (by all of them) collusion with the Turks, but it is certainly a bad time.
The Turks and the ruins of FSA will co-orchestrate a mass movement towards the Greek-Turkish border, the leftists-and-anarchists will play their ridiculous sentimental morality play, and neither Allah nor Buddha will save us.
However, I intend from now on to maintain a hard "anti-Syrian" line, I will not be swayed by humanitarian cries, especially if it comes to members or supporters of the Syrian opposition.
There is no global provocation and concpirancy that has not they existed within it, somewhere they have exceeded every limit.

2nd yellow card, for the anti-Assad Syrian refugees.
They told obscene lies, deliberately played the game of slandering Greece for Erdoğan's sake, used a fake story about a supposed dead child, who is still wanted, but probably doesn't exist.
The Syrian mother with 4 children ridiculously played the "paining mother" for a child who probably never existed, and who never died, because in order to die you must first...exist.
They called for rescue from Greece, being on a Turkish islet in Evros, thus helping a possible provocation by the Turks. Did they do it on purpose for Turkish provocateurs? did they do it to be helped by a lie save them? I don't know. However, they did not show dignity, they all colluding with each other, together with the NGO and western journalists.
[The 1st yellow card was when masses of migrant-refugees, mainly Syrians, collaborated with the Turkish gendarmerie, equipped by the latter with light weapons, to violate the Greek-Turkish border at Evros by force.
The red card is not long in coming, if they continue to be such vulgar, undignified, ridiculous organs of the Turkish Nazis.]
The horrible remnants of the Syrian opposition, together with the Nazi Turkish state and its Sultan, are preparing a provocative Islamist "humanitarian" "great march" of Syrian refugees to the Greek-Turkish border, with the support of suspicious NGOs and stupid Western leftists.
The Turks used them, they sold them to Putin and Assad, in Turkey they treat them like animals, they don't want them, but even now they want to be the good guys to the Turks, at the expense of a country, Greece, that treated them with more honesty and humanity (despite real problems, racism, etc.).
They will again show women and children, their children and their wives, so that they succeed violent and uncontrolled violation of the Greek borders which are already contested by the Turks.
No mercy for the Sultan's slaves.
Don't expect any help from the vast majority of the Greek people, except maybe 20-25% of Syriza.
Hamas of Syria, the Muslim Brotherhood of Syria, the FSA and all the remnants of the "moderate" faction of the decapitators, who are hosted in their beloved Turkey, of their like-minded Erdogan, are preparing a "big march" towards the Greek-Turkish border, in order to break the European borders, specifically the Greek borders.
The perfect ideal provocation of Erdogan's friends.
Here we part ways with some "anti-Russian-anti-Assad", not because we are pro-Assad and pro-Russian, we are simply anti-Russian (and anti-Assad) for another reason, and next to Ukraine for another reason.
They have no shame, no honor and dignity, and will use their children and women as weapons of the Turks. 
Didn't they do this in the civil war, against the government forces? 
The fact that we do not agree with Assad and condemn his murderous policy does not mean that we forget what provocateurs and fascists the Syrian opposition are. "Moderate" decapitators.
In Greece, the jokes stop.
«We thank the Turkish people and the Turkish state for their hospitality ten years ago, as they protected us from bombing, aviation and war. But it is time to get out of Turkish territory so that the Turkish people can be relieved and we ask for support from European Union countries and human rights organizations».
FSA, HAMAS, Muslim Brotherhood, speaks.
In Greece, the jokes stop.
This is where you'll thank your ass by running, «Muslim Brotherhood» dirtyscumbags.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

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