Κυριακή 25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2022

"..I am at a loss of words..''

 "..I am at a loss of words to describe the deafening silence of the global north’s “post-colonial” and “identity politics” activists with respect to the political unrest in Iran..."
Mania Akbari
''Dear non-Iranian friends, please read this important writing by my friend Ali Ahadi. Please share with your friends. #standing for Iran #woman #life #freedom #Mahsa_Amini
I am at a loss of words to describe the deafening silence of the global north’s “post-colonial” and “identity politics” activists with respect to the political unrest in Iran. Their silence clearly demonstrates a fear of coming across as islamophobic if they supported the Iranian people’s protest with its origin being the struggle against the compulsory Hijab! It is despicable and disappointing at the same time that all their theories and political discourses have been good for nothing but to turn politics into academic affairs in the centre, and to simply flatten the complexities of politics in the periphery.
The compulsory Hijab is one of the key structural “forms” of the apparatus of the Islamic Republic of Iran that the smallest change of which, will bring about a radical change in the state’s “content”.
The hijab is thus the emblematic signifier showing the link between the reactionary behaviour of the state in its proclaimed fight with Imperialism—never truly fighting that fight—, the logic of restitution, and the economical inefficiency and injustice. Thus the point is not the Hijab itself but the sovereign’s control over the female’s body; be this controlling to force one to cover their body or to have them unveil it (like in French universities)!
The global north’s identity politics fellows are unable of seeing these details and thereby analyzing the twists and torsions that exist in the different controlling mechanisms at work in the periphery! By naively projecting the centralistic social models on the political-economy and the societal aspects of the periphery, they delude themselves into seeing the political status quo of the periphery as antithesis of the central models. Controlling is a global machine stretching all the way from the north to the south while employing different mechanisms in different localities. In one word, their fatal error resides in the fact that their unit of analysis is not the world but the centre...''

Mania Akbari

Leftist and communist comrades from Iran, do not be surprised if a leftist socialist who remains a Greek patriot will tell you the bitter truth:
Western leftists/communists/anarchists, and Greek leftists/communists and anarchists within them, cannot understand the struggle of women and the working class in Iran, because this struggle is opposed to the philanthropic patronizing sectarian and ultimately pro-Islamist reactionary anti-Western stereotypes that dominate their confused minds.
You will be even more surprised as time goes on.
The philanthropic sectarians of the West are living their "western anti-western" post-colonial narcissistic drama, so they think that their "own" boss, their "own" oppressor, is the main and only oppressor on planet earth .
They live in a fake world, thinking that all the workers and women and minorities in the world must have the same immediate and main enemy.
The Westernism of Western-sectarian "anti-Westernism" is a manifestation of a deep colonial understanding, according to which "my direct enemy must be the direct enemy of everyone on earth".
As the well-educated "child" of the evil "father" rebels against this evil "father", wants to subjugate the struggle of all other oppressed "children" to his own struggle alone.
Western sectarians to solve the problem of ''patricide'', with their psychoanalysts.
I am from the eastern Mediterranean, I do not belong to the northern left-psychopath world.
''An attack with a Molotov bomb against the embassy of Iran, located on Stratigou Kallari Street in Psychiko, was carried out by unknown persons late last night.
According to the Greek police, at approximately 1:00 a.m., two people on a motorcycle, with their features covered, threw a Molotov cocktail which exploded on the wall of the embassy without causing any material damage..''
Instead of mass demonstrations by Greek leftists, against the theocratic regime in Iran, a "symbolic" attack is taking place.
Perhaps there will be more such acts, mainly from the anarchist space, but they will mean nothing to the Iranian people.
The Iranian people and the Iranian working class need international mass solidarity, with mass demonstrations and information campaigns for all Western peoples, so in Greece there is also a need for massive support for the struggle of Iranian women and people, informing public opinion, information and the creation comrad ties to Iranian progressive, feminist, labor-communist organizations.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

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