Σάββατο 3 Σεπτεμβρίου 2022

The time is coming when big leftist words are useless and someone has to take a stand.

The time is coming when big leftist words are useless and someone has to take a stand.
You kept silent about Russia's fascist attack on the peaceful Ukrainian people, you said general metaphysical Marxist theories in order not to take a clear position (some took a direct pro-Russian position).
Now that the Mongol and Jihadi hordes of Turkey, now that the murderous genocidals forces of Turkey are clearly stating their intentions for an imperialist genocidal attack, will you little little leftists take a stand?
Or will you start the same as what you said and say about Ukraine?
You wrote thousands of texts about the family of 4 children in Evros, one of whom died on a Greek islet.. which was finally Turkish, it was 4-1 (after one died) but in the end they were counted again... 4, you didn't think how stupid stupid delusional instruments of Turkish propaganda you were, and now what are you going to say?
Is it because of the super-cause "capitalism" that is to blame for everything? perhaps you will say for the competition between Turkish and Greek bourgeoisie?
Will you make use of the TRT information? maybe you will show pictures from the greek ''Azov column''? (the ''Golden Dawn'' of the 1%).
Do You realize how hateful You can become if You remain this stupid?
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

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