Πέμπτη 2 Μαρτίου 2023

The wretchedness of the anti-imperialists and anti-westernists. Multiple proof fields. Η αθλιότητα των αντιιμπεριαλιστών και αντιδυτικιστών. Πολλά πεδία απόδειξης.

I can no longer weep, my heart has been assimilated into the mind of an expert who has no other specialty than to seek out and punish guilty rulers and the moralists (they are not always the same persons).
Όπως λέει ο φίλος Ανδρέας Οικονομόπουλος: «..Και δεν είναι δυνατόν να παρακολουθούμε πολιτικούς να ισχυρίζονται ''Στις σκέψεις μας υπάρχει ένα μεγάλο Γιατί''. Όλοι τους γνωρίζουν το Γιατί...»
Πως να το πεις αυτό, πως να το προσδιορίσεις;
Να το επεκτείνουμε μποεσικά;
Everyone knows, but did we also?
Όχι, φίλοι (δεν εννοώ τον Ανδρέα).
Ο Μποεσί τελείωσε, ως δικαιολογία.
I knew, I shouted, but no one heard me (for similar things).
Let's measure ourselves in the empty mirror of responsibility, all of us, but in addition to strangers who shouted, the labor union also spoke, and for the paradoxical reason of History, what revenge, also the ''evil imperialist west'', through the ''satanic European union''.
But this thing (EU) that it spoke and threatened the crinminals, what exactly does it have to do with these Greek feudal-bourgeois lords crinminals?

Το ΚΚΕ έβγαλε οργισμένη ανακοίνωση εναντίον αυτών που θέλουν να αθωώσουν, λέει, την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση που υποχρεώνει σε ιδιωτικοποίησεις κ.λπ., για το έγκλημα στα Τέμπη.
Μα φυσικά, πως τολμάνε να αμφισβητούν οι πράκτορες τού καπιταλισμού, δυτικού ιμπεριαλισμού κ.ο.κ τον αμετάβλητο κανόνα εξήγησης όλων των αιτίων των προβλημάτων τής χώρας και τής εργατικής τάξης εντός της, που προωθείται από το ΚΚΕ από τότε που υπάρχει αυτό το κόμμα τού Θεού;
Το ΚΚΕ δεν λέει τίποτα για την ταμπακιέρα, για το συγκεκριμένο είδος των απαιτήσεων που θέτει η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, όσον αφορά την αναβάθμιση των υπηρεσιών των σιδηροδρόμων κ.λπ, αλλά τονίζει μόνον το ζήτημα των ιδιωτικοποιήσεων και των προβλημάτων που αυτές δημιουργούν στην διαχείριση των στρατηγικών υποδομών, στην οικονομική κατάσταση των λαϊκών στρωμάτων κ.ο.κ.
Προσοχή όμως, δεν αποκλείεται ένα μέρος τής αλήθειας να εκφράζεται σε αυτό που λέει το ΚΚΕ. 
Το πρόβλημα με αυτή την σέκτα (δεν είναι η μοναδική, είναι η πιο σκληρή ως μεταφυσική πίστη) είναι το πώς μετατρέπει μια πιθανή μισή αλήθεια σε όπλο για την συγκάλυψη τής ολότητας τής αλήθειας, η οποία ως ολότητα περιέχει κι άλλες πτυχές.
Μια από αυτές τις πτυχές θα ήταν η εξέταση τής πιθανής ειδικότερης ευθύνης τής Ελληνικής μπουρζουαζίας ακόμα και εντός των νεοφιλελεύθερων πλαισίων που θέτει (κι εγώ επίσης λέω κακώς) η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση.
Βλέπουμε λοιπόν τι κρύβει ο σοφιστικός λόγος αυτών των ιδεολογικών ομάδων.
Κρύβει πολλά, υπόγεια και σκοτεινά ταξικά καπιταλιστικά ίσως, αλλά σίγουρα γραφειοκρατικά συμφέροντα, όπως επίσης και άλλα, γεωπολιτικά συμφέροντα.
Το εξής ιρανογενές ερώτημα «μου».
Ως υστερικό ερώτημα φοβικού περιφερειακού υποκειμένου.
Η κακιά δύση παρεμβαίνει υπόπτως στις υποθέσεις των καταπιεστών μας, γιατί το κάνει; δεν θέλουμε τέτοιες παρεμβάσεις, αλλά ω κακιά δύση, γιατί δεν παρεμβαίνεις στις υποθέσεις των καταπιεστών μας; μήπως έχεις κρυφές σχέσεις μαζί τους; ύποπτο αυτό, όπως ύποπτο και το ότι δεν παρεμβαίνεις αλλά επίσης ύποπτο ότι παρεμβαίνεις.
Κάπου οι διεφθαρμένες περιφέρειες των μεγάλων δυνάμεων που τις κυριαρχούν ή είναι δυνάμει κυριαρχούσες επί αυτών των διεφθαρμένων περιφερειών (όντας και οι ίδιες -οι μεγάλες δυνάμεις- διεφθαρμένες, αλλά όχι σε κάποια στοιχειώδη), κάπου λοιπόν αυτές οι περιφέρειες έχουν χάσει τον μπούσουλα τής αυτοεννόησης τους, και αρχίζουν να φαίνονται, σε μένα τουλάχιστον, περισσότερο προβληματικές ως προς την εσωτερικότερη ισχύ τού αποικιοκρατικού καρκινώματος. Ποιος σκέφτεται περισσότερο αποικιακά λοιπόν; και εν πάση περιπτώσει, άσχετα από αυτόν τον προσδιορισμό, τι άλλο θέλουμε να κάνουμε, πέραν των επιπλήξεων τού πατριαρχικού προστατευτικού μητροπολιτικού κέντρου, εκτός από το να ζητάμε κάτι το οποίο δεν το ζητάμε αλλά το ζητάμε μη ζητώντας το; Αν δεν ήμουν πεισμένος ότι η Ε.Ε είναι επίσης μια σφηκοφωλιά διαπλοκών και διαφθοράς, μαζί με όλα τα άλλα, και την φανταζόμουνα λίγο πειραματικά λίγο καλοπροαίρετα, ως κάτι το τρόπον τινά και-αγαθόν, τότε θα έλεγα χωρίς δισταγμό, ότι τους έχουμε τρελάνει τούς τύπους, ημείς οι Έλληνες, Ιρανοί, από την Παταγονία; που να ξέρω.
2 Μαρτίου 2022 
I am not exaggerating!!
Enter in all the western left sites that have the ability to commentary:
EVERYWHERE there is a mass (50%) of Gray-red pro-Trump pro-Russian mass!! 
Although their consumption of vodka is excessive, the Russian imperialists have quite a clever, deceitful, dark mind. Otherwise, how would they know to play with the "logic" of the neutralizing "Finnishness" of Europe?
This "pacifist" logic, transmitted by all Russian propaganda mechanisms and having as its "little sister" a similar Turkish version (as "logic"), has influenced the European far right as well as the European radical left. The general truth of disarmament and radical anti-NATOism is thus turning into a corrosive poison poured out by the Eurasianists to dismantle Europe and make it hostage to the geopolitical and biopolitical manipulations of the Russian-Chinese masters of this hostage, in exchange for a misleading period of ''peace".
Someone will say, and what do you suggest? NATO reinforcement and a full return of the United States to Europe?
Whether this is suggested by one or the other, it has already been done.
But if you want the honest answer I say this:
Until there is a revolution in the "east", from Iran to Moscow, the demand for the abolition of NATO today leads to the domination of the new eastern imperialist axis, which I do not think will help the left anywhere.
For NATO to cease to exist, must first be revolutionaryly destroyed the Moscow zombies and the Iranian theocrats and replaced by workers' or bourgeois democratic-radical forces.
In order to liberate Europe from its bourgeois imperialist "self, must first be destroyed the reactionary zombies of the distorted "east", not the other way around.  
Τα διπλά κριτήρια των δυνατών, τα διπλά κριτήρια των αδύναμων και τα διπλά κριτήρια των μεσολαβητών.
99% of the "Marxists'" arguments for the war of the Russian imperialists show sensitivity to the damage of the Russian "living space". We have to seen such pro-Nazi sensitivity and equal distance since from the interwar period.
My congratulations to the ideological descendants and believers of Marx! They are the most sensitive pacifists and slimy apologists of Lebensraum's theory. I'm sure 99% of these idiots don't know it, and that makes them even more outrageously stupid. 
2 Μαρτίου 2022 
Lavrov called for the transformation of Europe into a neutral zone without American nuclear weapons, because he is a dove of peace and a man of Christian love.
Russia, the country that has the most nuclear weapons of any country in the world, is calling for the US to leave Europe, but essentially calling for the complete disarmament of Europe and its submission to the military totalitarian mechanism of Russia, the whip empire and of extreme militarism.
Russia, consistent with its "historic goal", is calling for the return of humanity to the barbarity of ever-changing borders, it is essentially calling for the abolition of the principle of maintaining the existing borders of nation-states, not because neo-tsarist criminals have an internationalism in mind but because they want to overturn the postwar principle of the permanence of existing borders.
The Russian militarists do not just want to change the borders of their own nation-state, for its own benefit of course, but to turn this revisionist tendency of their state into a permanent principle of international politics, which is why the Russian imperialists today are worse by the Western and American imperialists, because they do not just want to legitimize the change of borders in favor of more powerful powers, but because they want to make the annexation of territories a permanent Principle of a new military-militaristic barbarism of world society.
I explain it comparatively:
Western (US, etc.) imperialists, when they intervene, destroy, bring doom, but at some point leave, do not seek the annexation of territories or the establishment of the principle of "annexation-integration" of territories, while the Russian imperialists now they want to annex territories and to make again this archaic and pre-modern/proto-modern principle permanent Principle of state dynamics.
Neo-Eastern Russian militaristic imperialism wants to bring the world back to mass bloodbaths, annexations and territorial empires, and in this it finds ideological allies in Turkey and China.
I did not say that but it is waiting for an answer: "The east does not have double criteria, it only persecutes us."
I will tell you what a not-so-close friend of mine said to a protesting eastern his friend about the double standards of the West.
I disagree with this friend of mine, and I consider his thinking biased, but I will convey what he said to his friend from the east (I convey in summary form)
''The Russians have targeted the Greek/Greek-speaking community in Ukraine that has existed since the 8th century BC and now they want to expel the last Greeks of the east.
Beyond that, I do not care at all if the easterners feel wronged that the westerners treat them with double criteria. A western people who lived in the "eastern" lands is constantly expelled until the last man. The west has double criteria and you "easterners" have one criterion: western people to living in the east? no, you can not stand it. The Jews, who were a westernized people of the East, and now live in the East, live with the help of their weapons alone.
Not in the hypocrisy and in the violent social culture of the east. The east does not have double criteria, it only persecutes us.
We are biased and so are you...''
I explained to my friend that Russia is not east, and he told me that Russia is not west but east. The discussion continues, somewhat difficult.  
Η άποψη ότι ο πόλεμος αυτός είναι εμφύλιος πόλεμος με την εθνοτική έννοια είναι η φασιστική ρατσιστική αντίληψη των Ρώσων φασιστών. Το λέω γιατί άκουσα τα υποκριτικά δάκρυα μιας συγκινημένης Ρωσίδας ηθοποιού που ζει στην Ελλάδα. Έκλαιγε συγκινημένη και έλεγε αυτό που λέει ο Πούτιν και αυτό που έλεγαν οι ναζί όταν μίλαγαν για την Αυστρία. Και οι ηλίθιοι Έλληνες συγκινούνται. Εγώ κλάνω.
I'm bored of cyber wars, I'm not even interested.
No one from the Greek left made a demonstration for the dead in the 2019 uprising in Iran, or even before in Iraq.
On the contrary, there was a "anti-imperialist" demonstration in Athens in honor of Soleimani when he was killed by the Americans and the Israelis.
He was honored along the way as a hero.
Everything else is just talks.
Απολογία; Ίσως. Έκανα αυτά που έμαθα, πολεμώντας με ό,τι είχα μέχρι το Όχι-Ναι τού 2015. Την επόμενη μέρα από εκείνη την νύχτα που το παιδί έβγαλε έρπη και μας πούλησε στο παζάρι, κανονικότατα, δεν περιορίστηκα στην «αριστερή» κριτική «εκ των αριστερών», γενικεύοντας φαράκλεια όπως γενίκευσε ο αναφερόμενος σε μια βδομάδα μέσα, στην Αυγή, αλλά γενίκευσα καθολικά, δηλαδή γενίκευσα.
Ή γενικεύεις ή δεν γενικεύεις. Και σε αυτή την γενίκευση δεν φτάνει μια ενδοοικογενειακή κριτική, συγκαταβατική και φιλική, όπως κάνανε όλοι οι οργισμένοι που θόλωσαν την κριτική τους και την «γενίκευσή» τους καταφεύγοντας στο «άδυτο των αδύτων», το αριστερό άφατο και ιερό, που τάχα βεβήλωσε ο ρεφορμιστής, που τού κάνουμε όμως έτσι σκόντο, καταφεύγοντας στο ιερό μεν αλλά απωθώντας τον απλά στον περίβολο ή στα όρια του.
Απλά: ή αυτός ο αλήτης είναι αριστερός ή εγώ.
Αν η άλλη αριστερά συνεχίζει να τον θεωρεί αριστερό, έστω φθαρμένο, τότε δεν εγώ δεν είμαι αριστερός. Έτσι γενικεύεις, όχι μαλακιούλες. Μην ακούσω ότι «προσωποποιώ». Καταλαβαινόμαστε άρα συντομεύουμε τον λόγο μας.
Ας πάρουν λοιπόν το Όνομα, κι ας κάνουν ό,τι θέλουν.
Οι υπόλοιποι, όσοι γενικεύουν τις εμπειρίες τους, απλά θα διευρύνουμε όσα χάσματα μπορούν να διευρυνθούν.
Μα γιατί;
Μα γιατί έτσι μάθαμε.
Καμία απορία;
Who did the hydrocephalus Sartre recognize as the good radical intellectual from Iran? Ali Shariati. 
I consider him a great, reactionary, intellectual, and good man, but if I were Sartre I would not recognize him as the face of radical Iran. But no one from a peripheral country could be a hydrocephalus intellectual like Sartre. Sartre also wanted to define who the intellectual foam of a non-Western nation is. This is the imperial leftist mindset of the West, from Hegel and Marx to Sartre.
Ο Θεοδίκης μετατέθηκε δυσμενώς σε επαρχιακό πταισματοδικείο, και εκστομίζει κατάρες ανείπωτες και γελοίες. Θα πέσει μέσα σε όλες του τις προβλέψεις, και οι κατάρες του θα πιάσουν.
Πρέπει να το πω άραγε ότι κάνω πλάκα;
Θα έπρεπε κανονικά να βάλω «εισαγωγικά».
Μιλώντας για αξιολογική ουδετερότητα δεν σημαίνει ότι την εννοείς όπως ο Μαξ Βέμπερ. Σίγουρα πρέπει να τελέσεις κάποιαν ερμηνεία αυτού του όρου που σχηματίστηκε ως όρος από τον Μαξ Βέμπερ, ακόμα κι αν αυτό θα το κάνεις μόνο και μόνο για να διαχωρίσεις την σημασία τού όρου αυτού όπως τον εννοείς εσύ από την σημασία που έχει στην θεώρηση τού Μαξ Βέμπερ.
You can be free without wanting to. At the beginning, please be accepted again in the "House" that expelled you, but you are not accepted and in fact this "House" is right in this decision because as "House" it defines who and what belongs to its "inside", it decides of what are its limits.
Do the lesson at last dude.
The "Houses" constantly declare that their boundaries are "sacred" and "eternal", but in reality they change them as they deserve, cynically, in order to always maintain their cohesion.
And their deepest "purpose" is always a pretext, an ideological ghost, an indefinable general purpose, as indefinable as the greater the "need" of the "House" to use it as it pleases in shaping its external boundaries. 
A strategic defeat does not usually lead to rational reasonings.
I unreservedly support those losers who fought for a just cause, but I will tell them this: sometimes their stupidity and their vengeful evilness lead them straight to utter nonsense.
Whoever wants to hear flattery to address priests, here we speak the harsh language of truth.
We have been filled as a planet by MAGA, as follows:
Μ * GΑ
(make * greate again)
* At this point put every nation or ideology-religion.
Everyone wants to grow up again.
I want a hut in Syria, Iran or Kurdistan to listen to music and poetry by enchanted villagers.
"Truth" (a form of truth) can be the courageous realization that a hypothesis-case, a social strategy, has turned into a pile of rubble, and the way to reconstitute it into a single and coherent "edifice" does not have to be (as a way) artificial, rough, easy, yielding immediate solution of the ''problem-ruiness'' of the "case".
In this sense, truth can means an ''map'' of a moral and analytical catastrophe that must be overcome but not with false ease...
The heirs and descendants of "immaterial goods" usually don't know what these goods consist of.
They claim them with notarial deeds, they declare everywhere that they are "isms" that rightfully belong to them, they wave flags and symbols, they say that the deceased whispered in their ear that he has them as "successors".
Marxism, or Marxism-Leninism.
Res nullius.
Ferae naturae.
Res derelictae.
There is no "Lenin" and "Leninism" in reality without the "sealed train".
Weapons from everywhere.
Lenin, who I never liked, but knew what "politics" meant, would agree.
In Greece, fascism has a specific "face":
1. Part of the orthodox Christian church, which the Russians have "won" with rubles and promises of "local" "Christian" fascist power.
2. Stalinist nostalgic Russophiles or "moderately" critics of Russian imperialism (KKE and others, even within Tsipras's party, Syriza).
The Russian-funded pro-Russian and pro-Assad neo-Nazis of the "golden dawn" and the "Greek solution" (pro-Russian nationalist party represented in the Greek parliament).
4. Department of the Greek secret services.
5. Greek and Greek-Russian capitalists directly connected with the Kremlin.
Hekmatists: the new Tudeh.
I reconsider the slogan: "stop the imperialist-capitalist war" and I wonder: How? When an occupying army has occupied a country and wants to impose its power on this country through massacres, rapes, terrorism, what does it mean to speak against capitalism-imperialism in general if you don't speak against the occupation, and if you don't act against it?
It means that you are a "Marxist" of an abstract, metaphysical and rather politically absurd type - at best, or that you are in favor of the occupying power in the sense that you underestimate the practical significance of what it means a occupation against a country.
And the "Marxist" will say: and what is a country? and what is territory? and what does this mean on the part of the workers who should not be attached to a country?
A general Marxist truth, a political-philosophical a priori, but without its synthetic critical adaptation and application.
This "Marxism" is the "ideal" ideological victim of nationalism, the ''ideal'' falsh-opponent of chauvinism, when issues such as the Russian invasion of Ukraine arise.
It is "Marxism" that remained attached to human revolutionary history before the outbreak of World War II, where emerged the timeless need to participate in a national democratic defense of a country when there is indeed an attack on that country by part of a totalitarian fascist state, regardless of whether this country is "burdened" with capitalist or imperialist "sins" and "attributes" (I speak a "religious language" because this corresponds to the theological meaning of Marxism from the point of view of the sectarian "Marxists").
The issue is not about the "Leninist" or purely sectarian-extreme leftist "foundation" of this corrupt theological defeatism, but its political effect.
These people are either the "useful idiots" of the emerging Eastern capitalism-imperialism or just their direct allies, and unfortunately they are also suffering from amnesia for their own ills.
When, for example, the strongest tendency of the Iranian communists, the Hekmatists, has structured its ideological and political "self" as overcoming the nationalism-populism of the Tudeh Stalinists, but in this case it is doing the same "anti-Western-anti-imperialist" wrong, you think how futile ideological conflicts and differences can be if the end political result is the same: a non-Stalinist non-populist workers' council-Tudeh always remains a Tudeh. Wrong again.
Revolutionary Marxist or anarchist tendencies can also be lined up behind neither-nor "logic" (neither NATO nor Putin), but the "mainstream" that manifests this "logic" is:
1) neo-Stalinist "Nostalgic" tails of the eastern imperialisms that through their neutral political positions kept a hypocritical "critical" distance from the two "poles" but in essence prefer the emerging new capitalist-imperialist "eastern" pole.
2) Defeatist reformist leftists (such as a large part of the left-wing Democrats in the United States, or the populist section of the British Labor Party under Corbyn, etc., and various neo-Trotskyist currents within the left-wing ideological opposition) transform their once milde farleft tendecies into extreme post-colonial sectarianism.
3) Extreme neo-left post-colonial anti-colonialists, who, although not dogmatic Marxists, have retreated into a form of reactionary anti-Westernism and cultural relativism...
The KKE (Stalinist Communist Party of Greece) recognized the partition of Ukraine in 2014 by sending a delegation to observe the fraudulent elections in Luhansk and Donetsk, as well as in the illegal referendum on Crimea.
In Rizospastis 15/3/2014, on the eve of the pseudo-referendum on Crimea, the "Announcement of the Press Office of the Central Committee on the developments in Ukraine and the referendum in Crimea" is published:
''Press release of the JC Press Office on the developments in Ukraine and the referendum in Crimea
In detail, the announcement of the Press Office of the JV is as follows:
"The KKE, from the very beginning, condemned the US-NATO-EU imperialist intervention in Ukraine and the coup d'état of the government by reactionary forces, with the participation of the Nazis, which poses great dangers to the Ukrainian people. The attitude of these forces and their criticism of the developments in Ukraine and the referendum in Crimea are a monument to hypocrisy. After all, they are the same forces that led the partition of Yugoslavia, the detachment of Kosovo, the imperialist interventions in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, the organization of coups against governments that they did not like. They did the same in Syria and now in Ukraine.
In the interest of the peoples, we consider that the integration of Crimea into Russia will neither effectively address this intervention, nor will it actually solve any of the real problems of the Crimean people, nor will it mean any real normalization of the situation or a long-term peace solution; cooperation for the peoples of the region with prosperity and progress. In both Russia and Ukraine, the majority of the people are suffering, living in conditions of capitalist barbarism brought about by the 1991 counter-revolutionary upheavals.
We understand that the people of Crimea, who are largely of Russian and Tatar descent, are concerned about the seizure of government power by nationalist and fascist forces, who in one of their first actions turned against minorities and communists, repealing the law on the "regional languages" and destroying anti-fascist monuments. However, the withdrawal of Crimea from Ukraine and its integration into Russia will not solve the problem of changing the balance of power at the expense of the reactionary and fascist forces.
It would be different if Russia was a socialist country and the people of Crimea had made the choice and demanded membership in a socialist union with Russia, as was the case with the accession of countries to the USSR.
The secession of Crimea and its integration into Russia will further strengthen the nationalist current in both Ukraine and Russia. It will trap millions of workers in an ethnic conflict, hiding the real causes of the conflict, as well as the only alternative that exists for workers and is on another path of development, socialism.
There is also the risk of "opening the bag of Aeolus" in other areas, especially in the Balkans, to lead to other integrations of areas, e.g. Kosovo's integration into the so-called "Greater Albania", which is linked to the annexation of territories by neighboring countries. There are, after all, examples from the partition of Yugoslavia which, in the name of the self-determination of the peoples, paved the way for border changes.
Developments confirm the supremacy of socialism in dealing with related problems. All the administrative changes in Crimea, from its proclamation to an autonomous democracy in 1921 under the USSR, to its administrative integration into Ukraine in the 1950s, took place smoothly and peacefully, because socialist relations of production prevailed and therefore the criterion was the interest of the working class and the people.
The people of Crimea, the people of Ukraine, the people of Russia have historical memories and positive experiences from the years of socialism, which are not erased even if more than 20 years have passed since the upheavals. The people of Crimea have vivid memories of the anti-fascist struggle of the Soviet people, who wrote History in the siege of Sevastopol. The fact that in various regions those seeking unity with Russia are protesting, among other things, with red flags expresses such a memory or expectation, although such an expectation does not really fit into today's reality and evolution. Because today Russia is a capitalist country, in competition with other imperialist centers, and its people are also suffering.
Historical experience teaches that in the conditions of socialism the peoples and ethnic groups in the USSR lived as brothers and progressed in peace, while now the nationalist-divisive poison is being poured. This other path must be followed by these peoples, all peoples, today "
26 Απριλίου 2022 

The most incomprehensible ideological obsession is that which comes from the Iranian and Afghan communists, who (most) adopt a narrative of the "Ukrainian" issue, which will be used proportionately to "legitimized" their own slaughter from the corresponding (like the Russian fascists) "eastern" fascists.
When the time comes, the theocrats and their lascivious for them "left-fascist" supporters, or the tolerant "neutrophils", will use the same arguments they use today.
You will remember me...
The mental rift within the world left is bigger than I previously thought was. I have personally experienced this rift when I came into conflict with the Greek left and anarchism on the occasion of the Kurdish issue and the genocide of the Yezidis by ISIS. There is also the issue of the Greek left's attitude towards the labor and democratic movement in Iran and Iraq.
Who was cared in the movement in Greece about the murder of Iranians and Iraqi workers and youth, when they revolted between 2018-2020?
Almost noone. Anti-Western-Anti-imperialism prevailed.
My personal narrative does not make sense, nor would I express it if the Ukrainian "issue" had not also arisen.
I see the same "anti-imperialist" disease, the same ideological and moral problem, the same lack of understanding of the problem of Eastern European / Russian and East-Asian imperialism.
There will be no easy way out of this ideological crisis within the world movement, because in addition to the ideological rift, there is also the mental rift.
Because I have experienced this rift at the "molecular" "micro level", on a nightmarish personal level, as a left-wing citizen in a "progressive" territory, the once "left" Greece, in which the left and anarchist ideas are widespread, I will say the following briefly:
The most of Marxists-Leninists, Stalinists and Trotskyists, and the post-colonial, anti-imperialist left, suffer now from ideological moral fanaticism and obscurantism.
To the psycho-complex "Orientals" and post-colonialists leftists:
Ukrainians are not "blue-eyed and blonde".
They are "black Cossacks and gypsies". Those of you who think like the Russian propaganda are "whites and blue-eyed", you are a left-wing Ku Klux Klan.
Towards sectarians: You do NOT keep an equal Marxist-revolutionary distance between western and eastern nationalism-imperialism.
You are queues and followers of Eastern nationalism-imperialism, most of the time without knowing it.
Once Tudeh forever Tudeh, that's you.
I will say it as simply as possible:
When the west is attacking you must be mainly anti-western, and when the east is attacking you must be mainly anti-eastern.
You sectarians what are you doing instead? when the west is attacking you are anti-western and when the east is attacking you keep saying that the west is to blame or you say that the west is to blame and also the east.
This is not even an equal distance, it is an indirect and for this reason more insidious and stupid favor to the east...
The critique of a value system in terms of the consistency of their realization can be done from the point of view of their defense or from the point of view of their deconstruction. The critique from the point of view of their deconstruction uses the inconsistency of the realization and the multiplicity of criteria to question the very existence of these values. When Eastern imperialists judge the hypocritical and inadequate realization of democratic values ​​on the part of the West, they do so because they hate those values. This nihilistic critique of the western capitalist pole, however, is exercised not only by Eastern imperialists but also by many Marxists, even if they say that they hold equal distances from all capitalisms and imperialisms...
They will say that the idea and the name of communism are slandered by their Stalinist use. Those who say this will be right, in terms of the deeper meaning of a classless society without a state, but I will also ask, why such an attachment to the name? A class-free society with direct democratic institutions is the purpose and the idea, the name does not matter, it is finished as a name, because historical names and emblems are determined by their historical use, so when misused they must be abandoned. The idea of ​​a classless workers' democracy lives on, communism is now a Stalinist zero...
I observe that a large part of the Russian propaganda for this war has been adopted and internalized in the world left.
Some points on this:
1. The expansionist tendency and colonial racism of Russian nationalism predates the current crisis. The tendency of the Ukrainian bourgeoisie and the Ukrainian working people to integrate into the Western imperialist camp is the result of a pre-existing Russian and formerly "Soviet" expansion.
(Soviet expansionism also expressed the dominance of Greater Russia within the Soviet Union and a supranational bureaucratic elite that oppressed working classes and ethnic groups).
When the leftists present the tendency of Ukrainian society to integrate into the West as (one) cause of Russian intervention, without analyzing the long-term context of Greater Russian chauvinism, they turn a real cause into an effect and an effect into a real cause.
What I am saying proves not only in the history of Russian-Ukrainian relations but also in the broader historical context of the relationship of all non-Russian ethnicities with the imperial state, whether it took the form of the great tsarist-Russian state or it took the form of the Soviet state. etc.
There is no non-Russian people in the wider territory of Russia who did not have problem with the tsarist, Soviet or neo-tsarist empire.
2. The propaganda of over-promotion of fascist tendencies within the Ukrainian nation continues. Of course, there is a problem with Ukrainian fascism, and this will increase after the Russian intervention, but the over-promotion of this problem has a specific function, to legitimize Russian propaganda, but also to "acquit" the sectarian left and cover its history responsibility, especially in relation to Ukrainian history.
The development of Ukrainian ultranationalism, and therefore fascism, is largely a reactionary response to the mass catastrophe brought about by the thoughtless hasty and ultimately criminal-genocidal plan of violent collectivization devised and implemented by the "Marxists", with the only objection the objection from heroic and slandered by the sectarians Bukharin.
The "Marxist" left knows its historical guilt, which is why it is lined up behind the Stalinist and then neo-tsarist (Putinist) propaganda. The left is "captive" in the Stalinist narrative and its historical "successors", despite the general ideological differences of all the political factors that make up this historical-interpretive drama.
After all, for example, even the "anti-Stalinist" Trotskyists did not disagree with the genocidal criminal plan of the violent collectivization of the land, since they criticized the Stalinists and the Bukharinists for ... being slow in its implementation!
3. The challenge by the historical left of Western propaganda, in the context of widespread historical suspicion, has led to conspiracy theories. There is Western propaganda but what is "heard" by the West is not always propaganda! It is not propaganda that Russian fascists use chemical weapons. They also showed it in Syria! It is not propaganda that the Russian fascists are raping, killing, destroying, leveling cities, massacring civilians. They also showed it in Syria.
Basic mistakes in the interpretation of war events. The main point of these errors in this text is that if Zelensky had declared "neutrality", there would have been war prevention and no intervention by the Russian imperialists. Russian imperialism does not consider Ukraine as a nation and the Ukrainian people as non-Russian. The clear Russian racist colonial motives of this war precede the issues that arose from the pro-Western turn of the bourgeois Ukrainian leadership and the Ukrainian people.
This analysis is indistinguishable from Stalinist type analyzes:
"Western imperialism is to blame, Eastern imperialism is also to blame, but mainly Western imperialism is to blame!"
از اوكراین چه خبر؟
فواد عبداللهی
تاریخ انتشار: ۱۱ آوریل ۲۰۲۲
شصت هزار سرباز اوكراینی در جنوب و شرق اوكراین به محاصره‌ی نیروهای روسیه درآمده‌اند. دید روسیه اینست كه این نیروها به زودی با كمبود آب و مهمات مواجه می‌شوند و ظاهراً این كم‌هزینه‌ترین گزینه برای تسلیم این نیروها بدون كشتار و خونریزی است. بقیه‌ی ارتش اوكراین در مناطقی پراكنده‌اند كه به جز حملات پراكنده‌ی گاه و بی‌گاه به اهدافی كه چندان مهم و استراتژیك نیستند، ناتوان از انجام هر كاری و در محاصره قرار گرفته‌اند.
• از منظر ارتش روسیه، حمله به اوكراین از آغاز آن می‌بایست طوری سازماندهی شود كه با حداكثر ویران‌كردن زرادخانه‌ی نظامی طرف مقابل طراحی شود. برخی از رسانه‌های پرو- روسیه اعلام می‌كنند كه اظهارات پوتین از همان آغاز عملیات روی این نكته تاكید داشت كه باید از وارد كردن تلفات انسانی اجتناب كرد و همین تاكتیك باعث شده است كه عملیات به كُندی پیش برود. از سوی دیگر، زلینسكی و نیروهای اوكراینی در كنار تبلیغات مشمٸز كننده‌ی ناتو و رسانه‌های جنگی در غرب، تمام امید واهی خود را به پیشروی كُند ارتش روسیه بسته‌اند و ادعا می‌كنند كه «می‌توان جهان را به شكست روسیه متقاعد كرد».
• اما مشكل اصلی این جنگ در جای دیگریست. در شهری به نام: ماریوپل! در ماریوپل، نیروهای راست‌افراطی (فاشیست) كه عضو هنگ «آزوف» هستند، سنگر گرفته‌اند و اجازه خروج به هیچ بنی‌بشری از جمله مردم بی‌گناه و غیر نظامی را نمی‌دهند. این زاویه از منظره‌ی جنگ از جانب رسانه‌های غربی مطلقاً به تصویر كشیده نمی‌شود چون با استاندارد دوگانه و روایت غالب دول‌غربی از این جنگ در تناقض است. نگرانی واقعی هر انسان شریف مخالف این جنگ ارتجاعی اینست كه نابودكردن هنگ فاشیست «آزوف» توسط ارتش روسیه به ویرانی كامل شهر و كشتار مردم ختم شود كه این سناریو برای شهروندان ماریوپل هولناك خواهد بود.
• تا زمانی كه زلینسكی به جای اخذ سیاست بی‌طرفی و خنثی ماندن اوكراین در مجاورت با طرفین جنگ (روسیه - ناتو) كماكان در باد یكی، (ناتو) بخوابد، شمار هرچه بیشتری از نیروهای اوكراینی تلف خواهند شد و از اوكراین ویرانه به‌جا می‌ماند، صرف‌نظر از اینكه چه مقدار ادوات و تجهیزات نظامی را از طرف ناتو دریافت كند. نیروهای اوكراینی حتی آموزش كافی برای استفاده از این ابزارهای جنگی را ندارند. اما همه این «قهرمان»سازی‌ها و «پهلوان»بازی‌ها از نیروهای اوكراینی توسط رسانه‌های غربی به این روایت كمك می‌كند كه: ارتش روسیه در حال شكست است، پوتین یك شیطان است و به هیتلر شبیه است و باید كنار برود.
• علیرغم سایه سنگین استاندارد دوگانه رسانه‌ها، وزارت دفاع آمریكا اكنون توسط كسانی اداره می‌شود كه می‌دانند نباید وارد جنگ با روسیه شد. می‌دانند كه روسیه، عراق نیست و پوتین هم صدام و قذافی نیست. گزارش‌هایی از سوی سربازان آمریكایی كه از قبل در ارتش عملیات ویژه آمریكا و نیروی دریایی در اوكراین بوده‌اند، منتشر شده است كه می‌گویند جنگیدن در مقابل ارتش روسیه ساده نیست. با تجربیات ما در عراق و افغانستان كاملاً متفاوت و نامربوط است. وزارت دفاع آمریكا می‌داند كه جنگ علیه روسیه می‌تواند نیروگاه‌های اتمی این دولت با ۴۵۰۰ كلاهك هسته‌ای را به حالت فعال درآورد. روسیه در این زمینه تلویحاً گفته است كه اگر لازم بداند این گزینه را فعال می‌كند. درست است كه بلحاظ اقتصادی تفاوت فاحشی میان روسیه و آمریكا هست؛ اما قدرت اقتصادی به خودی خود دلیلی بر قدرت زرادخانه نظامی روسیه و ظرفیت بغایت هولناك و كشتارگونه‌ی عملی آن نیست.
• پارامتر دیگر اینست كه دولت چین می‌داند كه اگر غرب كار روسیه را بسازد، نوبت به تحركات آمریكا و ناتو برای تخریب و تنبیه اقتصادی چین خواهد رسید. آمریكا در صدد ایجاد بحران اوكراین دیگری در تایوان و در حوزه نفوذ چین است. در این زمینه آخرین خبرها حاكی از آنست كه مقامات دولت چین روز پنجشنبه نسبت به سفر قریب‌الوقوع نانسی پلوسی، رئیس مجلس نمایندگان آمریکا به تایوان به شدت هشدار دادند. پكن اعلام كرده است كه حمایت نظامی و سیاسی آمریکا از دولت حاکم بر تایوان را بر نمی‌تابد و تدابیر قاطعانه‌ای اتخاذ خواهد کرد. جناح‌هایی در هیٸت حاكمه آمریكا به بایدن وعده‌ی سر خرمن می‌دهند كه كش‌دادن جنگ در اوكراین، روسیه را فلج می‌كند و شكست روسیه می‌تواند به سرعت راه را برای تنبیه اقتصادی چین از طریق ایجاد اوكراین دیگری، اینبار در تایوان و در حوزه نفوذ چین هموار كند. اما دلایل زمینی‌تری وجود دارد كه موقعیت اقتصادی آمریكا ضعیف‌تر از قبل خواهد شد. فقط یك درصد افزایش نرخ بهره می‌تواند هم اكنون اقتصاد آمریكا را وارد عمیق‌ترین ركود اقتصادی در تاریخش بكند. این را اقتصاددانان مهم دولتی در آمریكا مرتب هشدار می‌دهند. بنابراین، بحران‌های جهانی كلان بعد از این جنگ هنوز در راهند. كافی است كه به افزایش قیمت مواد خوراكی، انرژی، كمبود غله، بهای فلزات و افزایش قیمت گازوٸیل، بدهی اقتصادی عظیم آمریكا را هم اضافه كنید تا با افزایش نرخ بهره و تورم سر به فلك كشیده مواجه شوید؛ تورمی كه اكنون اروپا را در نوردیده است.
• و نهایتاً، مدیر و مسٸول این وضعیت قبل از همه، آمریكا و ناتو است. زلینسكی اگر واقعاً رهبر مردم اوكراین بود، آنگونه كه رسانه‌های غربی بادش زده‌اند، می‌توانست در همان آغاز ورود ارتش روسیه به اوكراین بجای دمیدن در شیپور پروكاسیون جنگی و التماس از ناتو، فقط با اعلام این جمله به جهانینان كه «اوكراین بی‌طرف می‌ماند»، با یك تیر دو نشان بزند. هم آب پاكی روی دست دولت آمریكا و ناتو بریزد و هم بهانه‌های روسیه را خنثی كند و ارتش این كشور را با پاهای خود وادار به عقب‌نشینی كند. اما وی كماكان ترجیح داده است كه با آویزان شدن به ناتو، تكرار تراژدی افغانستان و نسخه‌ی كارتونی اشرف غنی در قلب اروپا باشد. چهره‌ی مخوف و جنایتكارانه‌ی این جنگ با هر توجیه و نیتی، علیرغم اینكه كفه ترازو به نفع كدام یك از طرفین قدرت، سنگینی كند و موقعیت طرفین متخاصم در این جنگ چه باشد، باید فوراً خنثی شود. از منظر یك شهروند عادی در مسكو، كی‌یف، لندن، پاریس، برلین و واشنگتن، این جنگ یك تخاصم ارتجاعی به‌تمام معنا میان بلوك‌های جهانی سرمایه است كه به نام وی، با مُهر و شناسنامه‌ی كاذب «روسی»، «اوكراینی»، «انگلیسی»، «فرانسوی»، «آلمانی» و «آمریكایی» صورت می‌گیرد و چهره‌ی كریه ناسیونالیسم و میهن‌پرستی را نمایان می‌كند. بازتاب این جنگ در جوامع غربی تاكنون كمر طبقه‌كارگر و مردم محروم را زیر بار كمرشكن اقتصادی و هجوم ده‌چندان دولت‌ها به سطح رفاه و معیشت‌اش، خم كرده است. دروغ‌گویی‌ و ریاكاری‌ رسانه‌های جنگی و دولتی به نام او تمام می‌شود؛ باید خواستار خنثی كردن جامعه اوكراین در این تخاصم ارتجاعی شد و آن را از میدان تاخت و تاز منافع دو سوی این جنگ مصون نگه داشت. این امری است كه جز با كمونیست‌های حامل این ایده در صفوف طبقه كارگر و بشریت مترقی برعلیه دخالت میلیتاریستی دولت‌های «خودی» در زمانه‌ی ما متصور نیست.
Ιt is really difficult to discern in the fire of a war, whether one is a direct participant or observer, the plots of the opposing and allied forces involved and encountered in the fire, in the sense that not only is it difficult to discern the gravity of each factor but also the "role" of the structural levels that make up each factor as autonomous in relation to the others but also as essentially related (again in relation to all the other factors).
I don't think it would make any sense to just lay out our views on a "theoretical map" in order to confirm them, although it is obvious to anyone who is not lying or deluding himself that this theoretical momentum will penetrate him as well.
The important thing is for one to learn from what one has not been able to gather before in the nets of one's theoretical composition, and it is true that those who are directly involved and consumed in the fire of war would be better able to speak about it.
The hasty judgment about the upheavals reserved by the war reality on the fronts of the "war positions" structures, on these very fronts but of course on those who have formed them, is more than wrong.
I am of the opinion that these upheavals can be perceived even as potentials only by those who share -even remotely- stable positions at the political and intellectual level, as long as they are ready to accept the weight of their position at the intellectual level, and not only at narrowly understood political level. Because we can say that you are the main factor, "you" yourself, of a narrowly limited (by the circumstances I would say) democratic movement and you think that you are a factor in the world social revolution (whatever you mean it).
The latter will have consequences even if decades pass, and then your quiet withdrawal from historical reality will be accompanied by the paradoxical (mental) return of the first narrative that pushed you to the historical scene that pushed you to the second and most essential narrative for which history called you. If you quickly put aside the first narrative, set by history and the second narrative (of adaptation), and face what we call reality, you can maintain a utopian arsenal and at some point bring it back, but alive, to claim primacy of reality.
And only then will it be possible for the idea to reappear at the top of things from the point of view of those who brought it into the world. Otherwise what will happen will be your participation in a world of memories that become the world, which if nothing else would have to exist, to trigger reality in its course and not in its return to a course which never existed, except as the abstract form of adolescent ignorance. There is no going back, there is no going back to a pre-frontal purity past.
The only struggles that exist in the war environment that is taking shape are frontal, and this is happening in a very cynical context that has blown up any smoothing notion of "frontal" shapes, which, after all, has never been a reality in practice.
The war world is a complex engagement, not a world where things are clarified and the clear lines of the "true" front are discovered.
Unless the Mazino line still has supporters. Theirs is their problem. When all the "troops" (friendly and hostile) have passed by them, from behind, let them wait in the overcrowding until at some point they all pass over them, because it is certain that the breaking of this kind of lines contains and such a moment.
Proponents of this case have been working to make the actual transcript of this statement available online, in the last "glorious" moment of their defeat, which is especially important for anyone who wants to confirm that the whole world exists for one and only reason, to exterminate him as an innocent subject.
Inversion of reality.
If American and Western bourgeois politicians pushe harder for the downfall of Iran's theocrats, then the same person will speak against American imperialism and against the West.
Friends from the east, especially from Iran, you must decide what you want, and above all follow this mental rule:
Kill the Khomeini inside you.

دولتمردان حرامزاده آمریکایی انگار میخوان اینا رو از سقوط نجات بدن
Οι μπάσταρδοι Αμερικανοί πολιτικοί φαίνεται ότι θέλουν να τους σώσουν από την κατάρρευση.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος




Τετάρτη 1 Μαρτίου 2023

Ανόητοι διαδικτυακοί υποστηρικτές τής Ν.Δ, δεξιούμπες και ναυάγια τού «σταλινοζαχαριαδισμού»..

Ανόητοι διαδικτυακοί υποστηρικτές τής Ν.Δ (ευκαιριακά ή μη-), ανεύθυνοι άνθρωποι, ήδη λένε ότι ό,τι έγινε με το τρένο δεν πρέπει να εξομοιώνεται με αυτό που έγινε στο Μάτι Αττικής.
Έτσι υποτίθεται εμποδίζουν τον Σύριζα να εκμεταλλευτεί το γεγονός.
Έτσι υποτίθεται αποκαλύπτουν και καταπολεμούν την όντως απαράδεκτη θριαμβολογία συριζαίικων τρολς που επιχαίρουν με το γεγονός ότι όπως λένε (περίπου) «Και ο Μητσοτάκης φορτώθηκε ένα γεγονός όπως η καταστροφή στο Μάτι».
Δεν αμφιβάλλω ότι κάποιοι κανίβαλοι οπαδοί τού Σύριζα στο ίντερνετ έχουν προβεί σε τέτοιες άθλιες κανιβαλικές δηλώσεις, αλλά για μπάστα κύριοι Δεξιοί (όχι όλοι) και φιλελεύθεροι (όχι όλοι) και μαοϊκοζαχαριαδικά σταλινικά παρατράγουδα-σούργελα τού υπέρ τού Ουκρανικού λαού αγώνα (όλα), κάπου έχετε ξεχάσει τον βασικό κανόνα τής στοιχειώδους αξιοπρέπειας και τιμιότητας στην πολεμική προς τον αντίπαλο.
Το γεγονός ότι ο Σύριζα έχει όλη την ευθύνη για την διαχείριση τής πυρκαγιάς στο Μάτι, δεν σημαίνει ότι κάτι ανάλογο δεν μπορεί να συμβεί, ήδη να συμβαίνει, με την τραγωδία με το Τρένο.
Με βάση ποια εκ των προτέρων αιτιολόγηση αυτό το «μπορεί» είναι ανύπαρκτο επειδή το «σίγουρα» για τις ευθύνες τού Σύριζα είναι σίγουρο;
Σε ποια γεωργαλάδικη, ή («αντίθετα») σταλινοζαχαριαδική σχολή παραποίησης μάθατε τέτοιες προπαγανδιστικές τεχνικές συγκάλυψης, ψευδολογίας και πιθανής επίσης συκοφαντίας;
Αυτό που συνέβη με το τρένο, από ό,τι φαίνεται, περικλείει ως συμβάν που σημαίνει Ενοχή όλες τις κυβερνήσεις μετά το 2003, όταν ήδη υπήρχε το σύστημα τεχνικού ελέγχου τής κυκλοφορίας των τρένων, και μπορούσε από τότε να αγοραστεί και να εφαρμοστεί από τους αρμόδιους να το αγοράσουν και να το εφαρμόσουν, και σε αυτό το χρονικό διάστημα έχει κυβερνήσει και η «αριστερά» και η ΝΔ, και το Πασοκ, και όλα τα εξαπτέρυγά τους.
Τι μου τσαμπουνάτε λοιπόν απαράδεκτοι τρολάδες και κατσαπλιάδες τού ίντερνετ;
Επαγγελματίες ερασιτέχνες προπαγανδιστές τής κακιάς ελληναράδικης λουμπεναρίας.
Ου να μού χαθείτε, παρακρατικοί.
Και σεις και οι ρωσόπληκτοι, από την ίδια σταλινική σχολή παραμόρφωσης τής σκέψης έχετε προέλθει, οι δε δεξιοί από άλλη βέβαια, σχολή προπαγάνδας και ψυχικής αλλοίωσης, τού ελληνικού χουντοχιτισμού, αλλά εδώ μιλάμε σοβαρά, οπότε μαζευτείτε προτού σάς μαζέψει ο ψυχίατρος, γιατί για εκεί σας βλέπω.
Ω ανύπαρκτε, αλλά πάντα μαλάκα, Ύψιστε, βοήθα λίγο να αντέξω την αθλιότητα των Ελλήνων Λούμπεν.
Ούτε ισοπαλία υπάρχει, ούτε δεν τρέχει τίποτα με το (αναλογικά έστω) όμοιο με το παρελθοντικό συμβάν.  
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

Mixed, personal experience and politics, but the truth!

The Minister of Infrastructure and Transport must resign immediately.
He cried but he doesn't resigned.
Normally, the Mitsotakis government must resign, after all, elections will be held shortly, so there is no question of "institutional disruption". Just as the counterpart to the then tragic event in Mati of Attica, when people were burned alive, Tsipras's minister should resigned immediately and his government should also resigned.
Does all this sound "romantic"?
Too "populist" or even anarcho-communist? I don't care.
These people who all day have the possibility of direct and dominant supervision of critical material strategic structures, critical also for the safety of citizens, have in their hands information and files, powers, general supervision capabilities, they are not forced to run to make 1000 euros like me at 56 years of age, they have not been in front of courts and auditors and prosecutions when I was pursued by financial criminals when I exposed them.
They were selling disability pensions in a mafia way, through a mafia ring of fascist parastatal far-rights, and I denounced them openly and instead of them being prosecuted, I was administratively prosecuted for "insulting"!!
Then I was transferred, by the rotten right-wingers of the New Democracy who were in power at the time, to another branch of the insurance fund where I worked where 30,000,000 euros were embezzled by right-wing and "socialist" employees together and when they were arrested by the financial police the then another government tried to incriminate all workers there, to hide the responsibility of the state, through mental terrorism, threats and digital harassment, with the result that a colleague, innocent, was sent to the mental hospital and the rest of us are on the verge of mental illness!
Finally the light shone, and only the guilty went to prison, but...but...tell me!
I and all my colleagues, my fellow citizens, my friends, etc. should now be tolerant of all these lumpen state or party or ministerial bastards, thinking "institutional" and "cold" for ministers and prime ministers?
Will we be "populists" if we at least ask for their impeachment? or if we ask for no more State, not "no more public sector", no dear liberals, but no more State, then we will be irrational and populist?
Today all the people's bosses, right and pseudo-left should be ashamed, and we must start to ask to take the power of everything into our own hands, into our own humble hands, in modern terms, yes, we don't need all-wise modernizers to teach us how does a mondern technical production control work!
We know the way! young people even more, they are knowledgeable about modern digital control techniques, why do we need the bosses/masters? why do we need the experts? why do we want the dreaded government? why do we want the boss and the private capitalists? do we need the banks? 
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

For the railway tragedy in Greece.

For anyone who is coolminded, not cynical.
The first conclusions.
1. There are contemporary technical safety valves for the traffic of trains that are already applied in many countries in the damned abominable imperialist European Union, which are not applied to the Greek railway network, although they have - if I'm not mistaken - already been approved and probably already bought (?) here in Greece by the competent private company, which the competent ministry must control.
2. The workers' union has already warned about the lack of security stressing the importance of the lack of staff. This factor may not be enough to explain the whole problem but the union is telling an essential truth.
3. It is very possible that a significant part of the responsibility belongs to one or two people, responsible for the regulation of traffic, but this does not absolve the state, the government and the private company. In the final analysis, the state, the private company, the minister, etc., were and remain responsible as the co-responsible superior authority for this, that is, for the unimaginable apathy and immorality in carrying out a task of supervision critical to the safety of citizens.
4. Privatization as a general solution for all diseases and all nonsense has been over for years worldwide. Especially in Greece, however, and in countries where lumpen capitalism prevails, privatization is not only a non-solution to other problems, but can mean more lumpenization.
Neither state nor private sovereignty over the public economic good are solutions, or even panaceas, when what is called for is social conscience, democratic control and the assumption of responsibilities.
There are no magic solutions.
There are principles and values that are supposed to exist in practice, but do not exist in practice, and also there are principles and values that are not considered worthy of discussion but should be considered and implemented, such as the principle of institutionally enshrined Worker's discourse.
The workers have an opinion, a Reason, an experience, and they usually tell the truth about their work, but there is no social institution that gives this Reason a crucial and decisive status.
Για όποιον είναι ψύχραιμος, όχι κυνικός. Τα πρώτα συμπεράσματα.
1. Υπάρχουν συγχρόνου τεχνικής δικλείδες ασφαλείας για την κυκλοφορία των τραίνων που ήδη εφαρμόζονται σε πολλές χώρες στην καταραμένη αποτρόπαιη ιμπεριαλιστική Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, οι όποιες δεν εφαρμόζονται στο ελληνικό σιδηροδρομικό δίκτυο, αν και έχουν -αν δεν κάνω λάθος- ήδη εγκριθεί και μάλλον ήδη αγοραστεί(;) εδώ στην Ελλάδα από την αρμόδια ιδιωτική εταιρεία, την οποία το αρμόδιο υπουργείο οφείλει να ελέγχει.
2. Το συνδικάτο των εργατών έχει ήδη προειδοποιήσει για την έλλειψη ασφάλειας τονίζοντας την σημασία τής έλλειψης προσωπικού. Μπορεί να μην φτάνει να εξηγήσει αυτός ο παράγοντας όλο το πρόβλημα αλλά το συνδικάτο λέει μια ουσιαστική αλήθεια.
3. Είναι πολύ πιθανό σημαντικό μέρος τής ευθύνης να ανήκει σε ένα ή δύο άτομα, αρμόδια για την ρύθμιση τής κυκλοφορίας, αλλά αυτό δεν αθωώνει το κράτος, την κυβέρνηση και την ιδιωτική εταιρεία. Σε τελική ανάλυση και για αυτό, δηλαδή για την αδιανόητη απάθεια και ανηθικότητα στην επιτέλεση ενός κρίσιμου για την ασφάλεια των πολιτών έργου εποπτείας, το κράτος, η ιδιωτική εταιρεία, ο υπουργός κ.λπ ήταν και παραμένουν υπεύθυνοι ως συνυπεύθυνη προϊστάμενη αρχή.
4. Η ιδιωτικοποίηση ως γενική λύση για πάσα νόσο και πάσα μαλακία μας τελείωσε, εδώ και χρόνια παγκοσμίως. Ειδικά στην Ελλάδα όμως και σε χώρες που επικρατεί ένας λούμπεν καπιταλισμός η ιδιωτικοποίηση όχι μόνον είναι μη λύση άλλων προβλημάτων αλλά μπορεί να σημαίνει περισσότερη λουμπενοποίηση. Ούτε η κρατική ούτε η ιδιωτική κυριαρχία στο δημόσιο οικονομικό αγαθό αποτελούν λύσεις, ή έστω πανάκειες, όταν το ζητούμενο είναι η κοινωνική συνείδηση, ο δημοκρατικός έλεγχος και η ανάληψη ευθυνών. Δεν υπάρχουν μαγικές λύσεις. Υπάρχουν αρχές και αξίες που υποτίθεται υφίστανται στην πράξη, αλλά δεν υφίστανται στην πράξη, και επίσης υπάρχουν αρχές και αξίες που δεν θεωρούνται άξιες λόγου αλλά θα έπρεπε να θεωρούνται και να υλοποιούνται, όπως η αρχή τού θεσμικά κατοχυρωμένου εργατικού Λόγου. Οι εργάτες έχουν άποψη, Λόγο, εμπειρία, και συνήθως λένε την αλήθεια για τη δουλειά τους, αλλά δεν υπάρχει κοινωνικός θεσμός που να δίνει σε αυτόν τον Λόγο υπόσταση καίρια και αποφασιστική.
The criminal negligence of an employee or supervisor in a production process that takes place under conditions of organizational dissolution, anachronism, and predatory privatization does exist as criminal negligence, but it is not allowed to become the pretext and false argument of all those who caused this with their policies the grid of unacceptable objective conditions.
I want to see now how it will react and how quickly the famous independent judiciary will react, and I also want to see how deep it will cast its judicial net.
If we again see acquittal by cover-up of predatory private companies, then we will ask the gentlemen of the liberal space:
Who and what gives rise to the populists in this country, but also everywhere?
The public sector trade unionists?
The Civil servants?
The workers?
Are you going to start the propaganda attack game again against all but the predatory private capitalist sector?
Η όποια εγκληματική αμέλεια ενός εργαζομένου ή επόπτη σε μια παραγωγική διαδικασία που συντελείται υπό συνθήκες οργανωτικής διάλυσης, αναχρονισμού, και ληστρικής ιδιωτικοποίησης, υπάρχει μεν ως εγκληματική αμέλεια, αλλά δεν επιτρέπεται να γίνεται η πρόφαση και το ψευδοεπιχείρημα όλων αυτών που με τις πολιτικές τους προκάλεσαν αυτό το πλέγμα των απαράδεκτων αντικειμενικών συνθηκών.
Θέλω να δω τώρα πως θα αντιδράσει και πόσο γρήγορα θα αντιδράσει η περίφημη ανεξάρτητη δικαιοσύνη, και θέλω να δω επίσης πόσο βαθιά θα ρίξει το δικαστικό της δίχτυ.
Αν δούμε πάλι αθώωση δια συγκάλυψης των λησταρχικών ιδιωτικών επιχειρήσεων, τότε θα ρωτήσουμε τούς κυρίους τού φιλελεύθερου χώρου:
Ποιος και τι γεννάει τους λαϊκιστές σε αυτή τη χώρα, αλλά και παντού;
Οι συνδικαλιστές τού δημοσίου;
Οι δημόσιοι υπάλληλοι;
Οι εργάτες;
Θα αρχίσετε πάλι το παιχνίδι τής προπαγανδιστικής επίθεσης εναντίον όλων πλην των αρπακτικών τού ιδιωτικού καπιταλιστικού τομέα;
We are not quick to judge, but tell me, how is it that ordinary workers are always right when they talk about the subject of their work?
Is that a coincidence too?
Workers, even through their bureaucratic trade unionists, always tell the truth, warn, demand solutions that don't only concern their wages.
It is a lie what those who accuse workers and trade unionists of only being interested in money and positions are saying.
This is a distorted depiction of reality.
Ask the workers, the workers in a production process, finally, to find out what is going on there.
All this propaganda malice against workers, employees, especially the wider public sector, has blinded the society, and besides its other negative results is dangerous for the safety of the citizens.
Δεν κρίνουμε βιαστικά, αλλά πείτε μου, πως γίνεται και οι απλοί εργαζόμενοι έχουν πάντα δίκιο όταν μιλάνε για το αντικείμενο τής εργασίας τους;
Είναι σύμπτωση κι αυτό;
Οι εργαζόμενοι, ακόμα και μέσω των γραφειοκρατών συνδικαλιστών τους, λένε πάντα την αλήθεια, προειδοποιούν, απαιτούν λύσεις που δεν αφορούν μόνον το μισθό τους. Είναι ψέμα αυτό που λένε όσοι κατηγορούν τους εργαζόμενους και τους συνδικαλιστές ότι ενδιαφέρονται μόνο για τα λεφτά και τις θέσεις.
Πρόκειται για μια στρεβλή απεικόνιση τής πραγματικότητας.
Ρωτήστε τους εργαζομένους, τούς εργάτες σε μια παραγωγική διαδικασία, επιτέλους, για να μάθετε τι γίνεται εκεί.
Όλη αυτή η προπαγανδιστική κακοήθεια εναντίον των εργαζόμενων, εργατών, υπαλλήλων, ειδικά του ευρύτερου δημοσίου τομέα, έχει τυφλώσει τη κοινωνία, και πέραν των άλλων αρνητικών αποτελεσμάτων της είναι επικίνδυνη για την ασφάλεια των πολιτών.
For the railway tragedy in Greece.
I remember my German teacher, Joseph, a Bavarian philologist who knew ancient Greek perfectly (definitely better than me), modern Greek, Latin, and the Italian language.
When Joseph was living in Germany, he was a railway employee.
The railway and its degree of organization remains an indicator of the real development of the productive forces of a country.
When I was talking with Joseph about what a railway means, he explained to me in detail how difficult a job it is, how important is the organization, the detail, the complexity of the work of the railway networks, etc.
The highly educated and ultra-conservative (Bavarian he is!) German friend and teacher of mine loved his work, being a serious person, he loved Greece, both ancient and new, moreover he proved this, he left them all back to Germany and immigrated to Greece, but when the subject of the discussion it was the Greek railway, he told me emphatically that this is a "criminal organization".
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

Τρίτη 28 Φεβρουαρίου 2023

Experimental texts about line.

Experimental texts about line (1). The "right-wing" version of the socialist transition. [Following in the experimental text (2), the "leftmost" version of the socialist transition].

Now, especially in this day and age, and from now on, there is something about the radical socialist libertarian movement, which has always been true, but in the past there were violations of it that had no immediate political consequences for the movement.
Now it has these effects.
What is this?
Democratic strategy is not only necessary for the proper replication and substantial success of any anti-capitalist effort, but is an immediate necessity for the very existence of radical socialism within the existing capitalist world.
That is, the anti-democratic, whether bureaucratic or sectarian (they seem more innocent, but they are not) ideological and practical logics, destroy this radical movement (for the ultimate prevaile of a classless society), by preventing it from even existing within of capitalism in mass and therefore essentially militant terms.
It is for me a huge, gigantic mistake what the whole of the radical intelligentsia is doing everywhere, that is, trying to go itself to some ideal direct-democratic or libertarian past, as a moment, a sperm, etc., because in this way it reproduces exactly those elements that were creating -through ellipticity them- this very impasse.
The reduction to this indeed containing positive elements but democratically elliptical ideological political practical past is unfortunately not done in a truly critical and self-critical way, which is evident by the aggressiveness of the way in which any attempt to critically reconstruct the leftist or anarchist past is made. More or less all this new effort is made in the warped light or half-light of the insubstantial incrimination of the class enemy, who is discovered to be harboring in the bowels of a class or anti-state consciousness which supposedly has failed to keep its virginal purity intact. .
This thing is not a democratic libertarian critique of an old self that also contained authoritarian anti-democratic elements, this thing is an anti-democratic critique of an old anti-democratic ''self'', that is, a critique that deftly eliminates some authoritarian elements of that ''self'' while simultaneously reinforcing some other, equally authoritarian ones .
A democratic path to a classless society does not mean a class compromise with sections of the bourgeoisie, but it means that:
1. This society cannot exist without the active free and voluntary agreement of the vast majority of the population of a country and the entire world people.
2. The democratic movement of working people which sets such a great goal cooperates fervently and openly but without class compromise with whatever section of the imperialist or non-imperialist ruling class or bourgeois liberal democratic elite stands for the democratic principle of majority rule with absolute respect of the minority and individual and minority rights.
3. All this cannot be ensured without general and free elections for the election of elected representatives.
The democratic exit from capitalism, without necessarily (on the contrary) meaning a peaceful exit, sounds like a utopia to the ears of today's leftists and anarchists.
Don't be fooled, some, even the neo-leftists who are sometimes enthroned in bourgeois government positions, listen to this request, this perspective, with the same suspicion, like a utopia, actually grumbling about some "negative correlations of forces", otherwise "I would show you ", they say, with a shining eye.
People cannot understand that a mass, therefore real exit from capitalism that does not mean another non-capitalist (or state-capitalist) statist monster, means one thing and one thing only:
A democratic road to socialism.
Experimental texts about line (2). The "leftmost" version of the socialist transition].

What I consider to be the only alternative "further left" strategy for achieving a classless society to the strategy of a radical democratic socialism (not to be confused, despite their "affinities", with the new left-wing social democratic democratic socialism) is the strategy of a Marxistically-fertilized anarcho-communism.
Here my heart likes it more, it burns, but I have to put the two alternatives in a equallity.
Let's see.
Who knows the great revolutionary strategist but full of passions and ultra-left contradictions Guy Debord?
It is worth reading his work, despite its various lunatic aspects, to see this strategy which also has lunatic but solid neo-Hegelian underpinnings, and marks the most vividly Marxist-inspired (self-evidently anti-Leninist) anarcho-communism of our time.
Let us stick to one of his proposals described in one of his brilliant phrases: "non-state dictatorship of the proletariat".
At another point, Guy Debord, with the cunning of a strategic ideological genius, had predicted, for he was certainly it tormented him, and probably worried, the reappearance of the concept-value and idea of democracy as a refuge for all the Stalinist and Trotskyist ruins when they will arrived to the historical wall that would crush their Bonapartist and dead-end adventurism.
It would be worth reading in his writings with what vitriolic irony he hurls this especially ideological prophecy, he was a real infernal revolutionary dragon spewing flames from his mouth.
I'm not flattering him, I'm a humble devil's advocate who wants to cause disruption to all vanguards, including the ''Situationistic'' anarcho-communist vanguard that he himself founded as a key appendage of revolutionary hell.
All power in the workers' councils and only in them, abolition of all territorial-ethnic and other divisions, absolute abolition of social hierarchies, re-appropriation of experienced creative time, abolition of wage labor but also of labor for free creative action, but, but, and here is the gist of his position: non-state dictatorship of the proletariat, exercising an immediate revolutionary destruction of any institution of mediation of the living forces by any representative or "political" institution including workers' "democracy".
Guy Debord is not a "democratist" by any means, and accepts the existence of a moment of absolute power of the working class (dictatorship of the proletariat) as long as it means the immediate, without delay, predominance of a non-state workers' communism and the abolition of any state or central-regional authoritarian institution of sovereignty.
This, yes, could be something that would not be related to some "democratic transition to socialism/communism" or the existence of a "workers' democracy", but I will do injustice to Guy Debord and the complex philosophical, artistic, revolutionary work of if I don't let you read it for yourself.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

Διόρθωση, ενδιαφέρουσας ψυχαναλυτικά, αβλεψίας.

Η εξέγερση στην Αθήνα έγινε το 2008 και όχι το 2018 όπως έγραψα.
Ευχαριστώ τον φίλο που το επισήμανε.
Ενδιαφέρον πάντως.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

Δευτέρα 27 Φεβρουαρίου 2023

Sahra Wagenknecht’s demonstration.

Adina Danes
I see discussions about how many far-right participants were at the Sahra Wagenknecht’s demonstration. Before the demonstration, the organizers sent ambiguous messages like “everybody is welcome” but “no far-right or Russian flag is allowed”. In other words, anybody can come, just hide your face under a “peace” flag instead of the flag that you would like to show. If there are doubts about the number of dubious people from the demonstration, just listen to the video below. In this video, when the organizers say that no pro-Russia-flags, -military symbols or -maps are allowed, you start hearing more and more booing sounds from the crowd (minute 0.54 is the peak): https://tinyurl.com/3jkendtx
A lot of people were revolted that they could not show these symbols at the demonstration. These sounds show that in the crowd there are a lot of people who are pro-aggressor or pro-aggression. Only based on this sound alone, we can say without exaggerating that this was a cross-front demonstration (querfront). If we also add all the images with persons from far-right circles (most came with peace signs btw), then any doubt will dissipate. Of course, if everybody comes with peace signs, how can you distinguish one group from another: https://twitter.com/Gegen_die_AfD/status/1629839196545269763
In addition, anybody with mild pro-Ukraine symbols or messages (so not about arms deliveries) would not have been safe during this demonstration, but, on the contrary, they would have been harassed (it happened).
This was a pro-Russia protest, with different subgroups of participants subscribing to this position and coming from different directions: DDR-nostalgia, pro-war Russian-Germans, far-right groups, conspiracy-oriented and Corona deniers, hard-campists/tankies-left (which I would not call left).
There were also left-wing people who don’t support the aggressor but went there because they thought it is a demonstration for peace, and because they are too stuck in their narrative to be able to distance themselves from the obvious toxicity of this protest.
Sahra Wagenknecht has a history of flirting with the far right on different topics, according to a lot of left-wing people. So, there is no wonder that a call launched by her, that focused on the safety of the “German people”, would gather such a mix of people.

Bonapartism is like an onion-mirror..

Bonapartism is like an onion-mirror with many skins (or peels), which all left-wing Bonapartists see when it is the their "next" Bonapartism to replace the previous other, but do not see themselves as the previous Bonapartism.
Only the later leftist-marxist Bonapartists saw  some ''leftist-marxist selves'' as Bonapartists.
Leninist Bonapartism showed the Mensheviks their own bourgeois liberal second-internationalist Bonapartism, Stalinist Bonapartism showed the Trotskyist Bonapartists who were the real Leninists the adventurist Bonapartism of Leninism by replacing it with their own Stalinist Bonapartism, and the Maoists who were the real post-Stalinist Bonapartists they showed to the real continue of Stalinist Bonapartism who were the Khrushchev-Brezhnevists (Stalin after he gained a lot of weight and he's got a big fat belly) the their Stalinist Bonapartism.
In the end, a Yeltsin and a Gorbachev come and close the shop, because the onion of "Marxist" Bonapartism also has an end, capitalism itself without "socialist" names and a mafia-like private sector now formed..by bonapartistic way.
Sometimes this game with the mirror onion seems to me to exist from the first Marxist moment, from the moment of the big explosion called Marx, who, looking at Louis Bonaparte in the mirror of his historical dialectic, peeling the mirror onion of bourgeois revolutions as if he saw himself as continuing in a series of Bonapartist unfoldings of the "Marxist self."
For reasons of meticulous clarity, I note at the end that apart from Lenin who spoke with a similar example about Thermidor that the Mensheviks would bring (analogously something like a Bonapartist version of the revolution, which however referred to the conservative deviation brought about by the "Thermidorian" regime after the execution of Robespierre) about Bonapartism in relation to a socialist revolution literally only Trotsky spoke, while the Stalinists spoke about something similar about Trotskyism and their relations between each other with other related terms, such as left or right revisionism (the Maoists)..and other labyrinths.
The most classical terminology of the phenomenon (with two different, as we have seen, but similar historical-analogical versions are of Marx himself, Lenin and Trotsky).
Are you saying that Bakunin was right after all?
Probably, but he and ''his'' movement had other problems, of a different nature, which also have a similar quality to the Bonapartist phenomenon.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

Δεκέμβριος, μη-επετειακό..

Τιμώ την εξέγερση τού Δεκέμβρη, γιατί δεν την τιμώ επετειακά, και έχω την φιλοσοφική έπαρση να λέω ότι μόνον έτσι τιμάται αυτή η εξέγερση, όταν δεν την τιμάς επετειακά.
Όποιος δεν αγγίχθηκε από αυτή την εξέγερση δεν έχει καταλάβει τίποτα από αυτό που έγινε τότε και από αυτό που θεμελιώθηκε τότε ως το πραγματικό μέλλον αυτής τής χώρας ως μιας ελευθεριακής και τολμώ να πω πραγματικά δημοκρατικής χώρας.
Δεν ήμουν τότε ενεργό στοιχείο τής εξέγερσης ούτε όμως απλός θεατής της.
Θυμάμαι όμως την μέθη, έλλογη μέθη, τον πραγματικό ρυθμό μιας εξέγερσης και τον φόβο και τον τρόμο «συναδέλφων» στη δουλειά μου που έπειτα αποδείχτηκαν σάπιοι, όχι ότι δεν φαίνονταν, διεφθαρμένοι, χαφιέδες και οικονομικά εγκληματικά στοιχεία. 
Θυμάμαι πόσο φοβόντουσαν, θυμάμαι πόσο μισούσαν, και θυμάμαι πόσο αλαλάζαμε εμείς, όσοι ζούσαν ακόμα, περνώντας αμήχανα σαν θεατές και μη θεατές από τα «πεδία των μαχών», ποιών μαχών δηλαδή, οι αστυνομικοί και οι ρουφιάνοι είχαν κρυφτεί σαν ποντίκια.
Αυτά, και τίποτα άλλο, μεγαλόστομο και μεγαλοπιασμένο..

Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

Personal (perhaps heterodox) conclusions from the youth uprising in December 2008 in Athens.

Personal (perhaps heterodox) conclusions from the youth uprising in December 2008 in Athens.
In December I learned not to celebrate anniversaries. 
Our lives are founded every moment.
The rebellious youth of this country decisively turned their steering wheel towards the rejection of statism of the nation state and statism in general.
3. The well-meaning libertarian values that flourished in the West in the last centuries, and spread to a boundless globalism, were established in the youth of this country, in its most active part.
Anarchism has acquired eternal roots in this country, so even if it is tormented by sectarianism, especially here, it will be an integral part of any future insurrectionary or revolutionary process. 
Anarchism in this country after 2008 became bureaucratized, it became a fashion, it fell into the bureaucratic spider web of the radical left, but nevertheless it has been established as a structural element of its culture, so in the future it will come back in other, more vibrants forms, it will be bureaucratized again but again it will come back.
I am not an anarchist but I have to recognize the reality in which I live. 
My confrontation with anarchism will continue "infinitely" but nevertheless I consider it as a current, a crazy but living current.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

Μη-επετειακό για τον Δεκέμβρη.

The last major riot in Greece took place in December 2008 when a police officer murdered a teenager, Alexandros Grigoropoulos.
This uprising have been politically-and-ideologically exploited by the extreme left and sectarian anarchism, but that's okay, the main thing is that Athens stopped being under the control of power for 2 weeks, and that's the foundation for the future of this country, whatever that they say-and-believe against the youth the leftist/anarchist bureaucrat-exploiters and the centrist/rightist/far-right terrorists-exploiters .
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος


Numb [Official Music Video] - Linkin Park

Αυτός ο πόλεμος μάς αλλάζει όλους.

Παρόλο που η Δύση δεν ξεκίνησε αυτό τον πόλεμο, ένα μεγάλο μέρος τής παγκόσμιας κοινής γνώμης παραμένει πεπεισμένο ότι η ουσιαστική αιτία τής εκκίνησης αυτού τού πολέμου ήταν η Δύση.
Ένα άλλο ιδεολογικοποιημένο μέρος της παγκόσμιας κοινής γνώμης (περισσότερο μάλλον αριστερού ιδεολογικού-αξιακού προσανατολισμού) πιστεύει μεν ότι και η Ρωσία και οι άλλες ανατολικές ιμπεριαλιστικές δυνάμεις ήταν υπεύθυνες επί το ίσο για αυτό τον πόλεμο, αλλά για να το αποδείξει αυτό που λέει χρησιμοποιεί τα ψευδή επιχειρήματα τής ρωσικής πλευράς, άρα είναι στη πραγματικότητα μέρος αυτού του ευρύτερου αντιδυτικισμού που έχει πλέον σπάσει σαν ιδεολογικό απόστημα και μολύνει μεν τον κόσμο ακόμα, αλλά αρχίζει πλέον να παύει να έχει την μολυντική δύναμη που είχε προτού γίνει αυτός ο πόλεμος.
Αυτός ο πόλεμος μάς αλλάζει όλους.
Εγώ ανακάλυψα άλλη μια φορά πόσο μακρυά είμαι πλέον από την ελληνική αριστερά, η ελληνική αριστερά αποδείχθηκε για μένα μια από τις πιο σκοτεινές σεκταριστικές αριστερές δυνάμεις στον πλανήτη, όχι μόνον ως μια νεοσταλινική αριστερά, αλλά ακόμα δεν έχω καταλάβει τι γίνεται αλλού στον κόσμο, όσον αφορά την αριστερή συνείδηση παγκοσμίως.
Κάποια θετικά σημάδια δεν αναιρούν τα ανησυχητικά σημάδια, και το αντίστροφο. Ίσως τα αρνητικότερα φαινόμενα εμφανίζονται τελικά πάλι στον "παγκόσμιο νότο", όχι μόνο στην Λατινική Αμερική, όπου ξέραμε τη δύναμή του αντιδυτικισμού και τού σταλινισμού, αλλά ακόμα λ.χ στο Ιράν όπου η αριστερά φαίνονταν να είναι εκ των πραγμάτων πιο ικανή να διαβλέπει τον κίνδυνο τού αντιδραστικού αντιδυτικισμού ως καμμένη από χυλό που φυσάει και το γιαούρτι.
Δεν είναι έτσι όμως.
Ακόμα και οι Χεκματιστές που δέχονται τα πυρά όλων των υπόλοιπων αριστερών και κομμουνιστών ως πολύ φιλο-δυτικού προσανατολισμού, εκδήλωσαν άθλιες απόψεις και αφηγήματα που σε μεγάλο βαθμό προσέγγισαν τα τυπικά σεκταριστικά ουδετερόφιλα ή ακόμα και νεοσταλινικά ημι-ουδετερόφιλα αντιδυτικά αφηγήματα τύπου ΚΚΕ στην Ελλάδα κ.λπ.
Μεγάλη απογοήτευση για μένα, το τέλος των τελευταίων ελπίδων ότι κάπου στον κόσμο μια μαζική αριστερά δεν θα έχει μολυνθεί από τον καρκίνο αυτό που είδαμε να κάνει μετάσταση σε όλη την αριστερά παντού, όταν η Ρωσία εισέβαλε στην Ουκρανία.
Το σοκ από την αριστερή αποβλάκωση όμως, στην οποία συμπεριλαμβάνονται νομίζω και διαφορετικές μεταξύ τους ακραίες αντικαπιταλιστικές μαρξιστικές ομαδούλες στα όρια τού αναρχικού χώρου, δεν έφτασε σε ένταση το σοκ που νιώσαμε όταν διαβάσαμε την τοποθέτηση των Ζαπατίστας τις πρώτες μέρες τού πολέμου. Δεν έχω αναφερθεί σε αυτό, άλλη φορά θα αναφερθώ.
Δεν ήμαστε καινούργιοι στις απογοητεύσεις, ούτε κρύβουμε ότι σε βάθος χρόνου, με βάση και κάποιες στιγμές καμπές, είχαμε μετατοπιστεί ήδη (πληθυντικός γελοιότητας) πιο κεντρώα, οι σύντροφοι θα το έλεγαν δεξιά στροφή ή σοσιαλδημοκρατική στροφή, αν ήταν λίγο ευγενικοί, διότι οι περισσότεροι είναι αυταρχικοί μέχρι το μεδούλι και προτιμούν πιο χυδαίους ταξικισμούς.
Τώρα όμως έφτασε η κρίσιμη ώρα.
Παραιτούμαι φίλοι, έτσι απλά.
That the Russian fascism it says about Ukraine (that it is an instrument of the West that threatens Russia, since it does not accept its assimilation into the Great Russian nation, etc.) the same says Turkish fascism, through Erdogan and other Turkish fascists about my country Greece.
The rapist misogynist homophobic murderer always reverses reality.
The first ''historical teachers'' in this reversal of reality are the Turkish, Russian, Italian and German fascist rapists.
I don't find anyone who does not succumb to some "whataboutism", the anti-Westerners now, the Westernists before.
Then the westernists will do it, then the anti-westerners, and so on.
This is a form of what Hegel called "bad infinity."
You have all disappointed me.


I said and I mean it that I closed my accounts with the lies and dishonesty, so from here I tell you what I think is right for all of us, I mean those who have a special interest in Iran and Kurdistan, like me the foreigner, your uninvited friend.
I no longer consider myself a leftist although I firmly believe in a classless democratic society where the producers will reap all their labor products and manage the production process themselves.
I don't believe that the left and Marxism can help achieve this goal anymore.
I believe that in today's conditions, which have a long historical time horizon, the emerging non-Western capitalism-imperialism is worse than the old sinful and bloody Western capitalism-imperialism.
I am not suggesting that the Iranian and Kurdish communists hand over the keys of their country and movement to the Western rulers, I am asking them to understand that the Eastern rulers, who are the ones directly oppressing them, are now worse, they are fascists in every sense depth and breadth of the word.
The not only tactical, perhaps indirect, strategic alliance (within strict limits) with the Western world, which is not only Western capitals states, etc., is under these conditions a one-way street for movements like that of Iran-Kurdistan.
No illusions, with strict limits, with a gun in hand.
I don't idealize the West, and especially Europe.
That's why I'm sure for example that at least half of Italians are fascist Mussolini nostalgics.
On the outside they are good and kind people but inside them they hide what PP Pasolini showed so penetratingly, dark fascists who fantasizing an absolute misogynist homophobic anti-worker state.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

Real socialism

Real socialism is not built with only 50+1% of the population, nor certainly with below that percentage (as imagined by the revolutionary left and anarchism), real socialism is built with the vast majority of the working population, so there is no other strategy from the democratic strategy for the labor socialist movement.
Democratic strategy does not mean vague Bonapartist fantasies according to which democracy will mean only direct democracy of workers' and people's councils, democracy means the possibility of direct administration, and also through free elections, of all political institutions.
They want the supporters of the direct democracy of the councils tell us who will elect and who will control the political parties or the one party?? (of the working class, as they say).
The party members or the entire working society?
Who will elect and directly control the central administrative and state institutions?
The representatives of the representatives of the representatives of the "councils" or the whole working society?
So, when we talk about democracy, and indeed revolutionary democracy, we are talking about a political system in which there is direct and elected as revocable representation, of all political institutions and not a Stalinist or Trotskyist pseudo-democracy where the workers and the people will elect some of their direct representatives in the factory or the neighborhood but the central sovereign institutions will be under the control of some "vanguard".
Because the capitalist and state emergence in the non-Western world comes "second" in historical time order, while already, as being "second" focus of this process, it has received the accelerating violence of the "first", the social institutional result of this violent acceleration of a given violent process is an inflated statism.
All radical theories and ideologies imported by the West into this hastening-to-be "second" (ontologically-chronologically) sovereign world, they give the paradisiacal illusion that this hastening can exist with good results, as long as it is covered by "socialism" or radical nationalism, which would break down local feudal or conservative bourgeois inhibitions.
So statism was the inevitable framework of this violent fantasy of most radicals of the non-Western emerging capitalist world against the "colonized" local "pro-Western" establishments and the West.
Today we see this ''framework-result'' matured, also with "neoliberal" improvations, in its most extensive and aggressive, world-imperialist version, with the new and brazenly authoritarian new eastern imperialist powers.
All it deserves is to lose to the West, first and foremost for the good of non-Western peoples.
The "global south" suffers from a justifiable but now unacceptable misunderstanding of European and Western history in general, and for this the ultra-radical version of Marxism is responsible, which, if taken on its own, without its bourgeois opponent and counterpart, creates to non-Westerners a one-sided and harmful historical optimism about the "path" that must be traveled for the non-West world or the "global south" to they reap the "positive fruits" contained in a horrific process of capitalist and state emergence that preceded before the "positive fruits" creation.
The founding - genesis - emergence of strategic structures contains mass violence and mass death, imagine if "this" having to be hastened by the competition caused when the focus of this historical creation comes "second" in relation to another focus that which has already existed and which (first focus) has already exerted formative violence on the emerging other "second" focus of such a creation.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

Κυριακή 26 Φεβρουαρίου 2023

 من به دنیا آمدم تا به تو کمک کنم گناه کنی
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

If you friends are materialists, I am Nebuchadnezzar!!

The anti-fascist struggle, the real antifa, means -probably not just temporary- alliance with parts of Capital and Imperialism. 
This was amply proved in World War 2.
Also, in the 2nd world war it turned out to something else, which the holy leftist/anarchist, anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist consciousness not accept (many holy sanctities gathered here and I must perform some exorcism probably).
What did it turn out to be?
It turned out that many of these capitalist bourgeois forces (not all) that actually fought against fascism had strong clearly colonialist imperialist proto-fascist tendencies both as ideological and political factors (there were, however, bourgeois liberal-democrats who did not have such tendencies).
This is the harsh, bitter, unimaginable truth, for the holy unsullied virgin leftist/anarchist historical consciousness.
What did the logical and pragmatic leftists and anarchists do in practice, when faced with the dilemma, with Churchill or with Hitler?
They did not respond with neutrality, no.
They said "with Churchill!" but also "with Stalin" (by mistake anti-fascist, he wanted to distribute Europe with Hitler, but Hitler as a true psychopathic narcissist could not bear to accept such a realistic totalitarian proposal, and attacked the Soviet Union).
But here there was a problem with the holy consciousness of the people who still believe that they are the representatives of the God-Allah of history on earth (the poor Yahweh bears no responsibility for this abnormal minimum-or-maximum gnosticism).
Pragmatism is good to "get the job done", but us as pure virgins with immaculate holy consciences? they said, the leftist demigods of history..
How will we restore our dualistic theology, where the good "living labor" is the one completely heterogeneous pole and the bad "Capital, Imperialism etc" the other???? (evil has many forms while good always has one, hahaha).
Here we had polyamorous orgy sex with Churchill, how are we now going to revive our dualistic conflict with these monsters?? (like e.g. Churchill, but actually Capital).
Many responses were given by the leftist/anarchist priesthood:
First, well-known, "capitalism is to blame, we just made tactical alliances"..
Second, more vicious, far-left and bitter, "we made tactical alliances, but maybe we made them badly, we had to continue the hardest class struggle without any compromise with parts of Capital".
Imagine such a continuation on the front line of war with the Nazis! these people are idiots, like those today who ask Ukrainian workers not to fight Putin's mass-rapist murderous fascists, because "deep down" they are also.. "class brothers".
Another wing of the left describes all this in even narrower terms of tactics:  
''We simply take arms from any imperialism that is convenient for us at the time that another, openly fascist, imperialism attacks us, at the time that it attacks us, and besides, all this is not a historical alliance, we are not in a structured alliance, it is not that we, also, participating in an imperialist war...''
But comrades, it is also this, although it is not only this (we have analyzed it, but it is obvious, e.g. also the second world war was imperialist but the one imperialism that participated was worse, and we chose the other one that was less worse ).
Why do leftists/anarchists lie all the time??
For their holy holy pure virgin dualistic consciousness can do nothing but say something, for which the sinful body cannot follow, the body must sin to live, this is the holy Lie!
If you friends are materialists, I am Nebuchadnezzar!!
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

Lesson for Kindergarten Marxists..

The difference between ultranationalism and patriotism/defensive nationalism is simple.
Lesson for Kindergarten Marxists:
Russia = consumes its military youth as if in a meat grinder, sends them with lies, as an invader to a country that did not threaten Russia and sacrifices it like a poultry farm sacrifice its chickens for slaughter.
Ukraine = all the people, in the front the youth, willingly sacrifice themselves to defend the freedom of the nation, the defense of its legitimate territorial integrity, and the protection of civilians.
"Marxists" of Kindergarten, stop spouting shit.
Η διαφορά μεταξύ υπερεθνικισμού και πατριωτισμού/αμυντικού εθνικισμού, είναι απλή.
Μάθημα για μαρξιστές τού νηπιαγωγείου:
Ρωσία = αναλώνει την στρατευμένη νεολαία της σαν σε κρεατομηχανή, την στέλνει με ψέματα ως εισβολέα σε μια χώρα που δεν απειλούσε την Ρωσία και την θυσιάζει όπως ένα πτηνοτροφείο τα κοτόπουλα που έχει για σφαγή.
Ουκρανία = όλος ο λαός, μπροστά η νεολαία, θυσιάζεται αυτοβούλως για να υπερασπιστεί την ελευθερία τού έθνους, την υπεράσπιση τής νόμιμης εδαφικής ακεραιότητας του, και την προστασία των αμάχων.
«Μαρξιστή» τού νηπιαγωγείου, πάψε να βγάζεις σκατά από το στόμα.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος