Κυριακή 26 Φεβρουαρίου 2023

If you friends are materialists, I am Nebuchadnezzar!!

The anti-fascist struggle, the real antifa, means -probably not just temporary- alliance with parts of Capital and Imperialism. 
This was amply proved in World War 2.
Also, in the 2nd world war it turned out to something else, which the holy leftist/anarchist, anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist consciousness not accept (many holy sanctities gathered here and I must perform some exorcism probably).
What did it turn out to be?
It turned out that many of these capitalist bourgeois forces (not all) that actually fought against fascism had strong clearly colonialist imperialist proto-fascist tendencies both as ideological and political factors (there were, however, bourgeois liberal-democrats who did not have such tendencies).
This is the harsh, bitter, unimaginable truth, for the holy unsullied virgin leftist/anarchist historical consciousness.
What did the logical and pragmatic leftists and anarchists do in practice, when faced with the dilemma, with Churchill or with Hitler?
They did not respond with neutrality, no.
They said "with Churchill!" but also "with Stalin" (by mistake anti-fascist, he wanted to distribute Europe with Hitler, but Hitler as a true psychopathic narcissist could not bear to accept such a realistic totalitarian proposal, and attacked the Soviet Union).
But here there was a problem with the holy consciousness of the people who still believe that they are the representatives of the God-Allah of history on earth (the poor Yahweh bears no responsibility for this abnormal minimum-or-maximum gnosticism).
Pragmatism is good to "get the job done", but us as pure virgins with immaculate holy consciences? they said, the leftist demigods of history..
How will we restore our dualistic theology, where the good "living labor" is the one completely heterogeneous pole and the bad "Capital, Imperialism etc" the other???? (evil has many forms while good always has one, hahaha).
Here we had polyamorous orgy sex with Churchill, how are we now going to revive our dualistic conflict with these monsters?? (like e.g. Churchill, but actually Capital).
Many responses were given by the leftist/anarchist priesthood:
First, well-known, "capitalism is to blame, we just made tactical alliances"..
Second, more vicious, far-left and bitter, "we made tactical alliances, but maybe we made them badly, we had to continue the hardest class struggle without any compromise with parts of Capital".
Imagine such a continuation on the front line of war with the Nazis! these people are idiots, like those today who ask Ukrainian workers not to fight Putin's mass-rapist murderous fascists, because "deep down" they are also.. "class brothers".
Another wing of the left describes all this in even narrower terms of tactics:  
''We simply take arms from any imperialism that is convenient for us at the time that another, openly fascist, imperialism attacks us, at the time that it attacks us, and besides, all this is not a historical alliance, we are not in a structured alliance, it is not that we, also, participating in an imperialist war...''
But comrades, it is also this, although it is not only this (we have analyzed it, but it is obvious, e.g. also the second world war was imperialist but the one imperialism that participated was worse, and we chose the other one that was less worse ).
Why do leftists/anarchists lie all the time??
For their holy holy pure virgin dualistic consciousness can do nothing but say something, for which the sinful body cannot follow, the body must sin to live, this is the holy Lie!
If you friends are materialists, I am Nebuchadnezzar!!
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

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