Δευτέρα 27 Φεβρουαρίου 2023

Real socialism

Real socialism is not built with only 50+1% of the population, nor certainly with below that percentage (as imagined by the revolutionary left and anarchism), real socialism is built with the vast majority of the working population, so there is no other strategy from the democratic strategy for the labor socialist movement.
Democratic strategy does not mean vague Bonapartist fantasies according to which democracy will mean only direct democracy of workers' and people's councils, democracy means the possibility of direct administration, and also through free elections, of all political institutions.
They want the supporters of the direct democracy of the councils tell us who will elect and who will control the political parties or the one party?? (of the working class, as they say).
The party members or the entire working society?
Who will elect and directly control the central administrative and state institutions?
The representatives of the representatives of the representatives of the "councils" or the whole working society?
So, when we talk about democracy, and indeed revolutionary democracy, we are talking about a political system in which there is direct and elected as revocable representation, of all political institutions and not a Stalinist or Trotskyist pseudo-democracy where the workers and the people will elect some of their direct representatives in the factory or the neighborhood but the central sovereign institutions will be under the control of some "vanguard".
Because the capitalist and state emergence in the non-Western world comes "second" in historical time order, while already, as being "second" focus of this process, it has received the accelerating violence of the "first", the social institutional result of this violent acceleration of a given violent process is an inflated statism.
All radical theories and ideologies imported by the West into this hastening-to-be "second" (ontologically-chronologically) sovereign world, they give the paradisiacal illusion that this hastening can exist with good results, as long as it is covered by "socialism" or radical nationalism, which would break down local feudal or conservative bourgeois inhibitions.
So statism was the inevitable framework of this violent fantasy of most radicals of the non-Western emerging capitalist world against the "colonized" local "pro-Western" establishments and the West.
Today we see this ''framework-result'' matured, also with "neoliberal" improvations, in its most extensive and aggressive, world-imperialist version, with the new and brazenly authoritarian new eastern imperialist powers.
All it deserves is to lose to the West, first and foremost for the good of non-Western peoples.
The "global south" suffers from a justifiable but now unacceptable misunderstanding of European and Western history in general, and for this the ultra-radical version of Marxism is responsible, which, if taken on its own, without its bourgeois opponent and counterpart, creates to non-Westerners a one-sided and harmful historical optimism about the "path" that must be traveled for the non-West world or the "global south" to they reap the "positive fruits" contained in a horrific process of capitalist and state emergence that preceded before the "positive fruits" creation.
The founding - genesis - emergence of strategic structures contains mass violence and mass death, imagine if "this" having to be hastened by the competition caused when the focus of this historical creation comes "second" in relation to another focus that which has already existed and which (first focus) has already exerted formative violence on the emerging other "second" focus of such a creation.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

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