Τετάρτη 1 Μαρτίου 2023

Mixed, personal experience and politics, but the truth!

The Minister of Infrastructure and Transport must resign immediately.
He cried but he doesn't resigned.
Normally, the Mitsotakis government must resign, after all, elections will be held shortly, so there is no question of "institutional disruption". Just as the counterpart to the then tragic event in Mati of Attica, when people were burned alive, Tsipras's minister should resigned immediately and his government should also resigned.
Does all this sound "romantic"?
Too "populist" or even anarcho-communist? I don't care.
These people who all day have the possibility of direct and dominant supervision of critical material strategic structures, critical also for the safety of citizens, have in their hands information and files, powers, general supervision capabilities, they are not forced to run to make 1000 euros like me at 56 years of age, they have not been in front of courts and auditors and prosecutions when I was pursued by financial criminals when I exposed them.
They were selling disability pensions in a mafia way, through a mafia ring of fascist parastatal far-rights, and I denounced them openly and instead of them being prosecuted, I was administratively prosecuted for "insulting"!!
Then I was transferred, by the rotten right-wingers of the New Democracy who were in power at the time, to another branch of the insurance fund where I worked where 30,000,000 euros were embezzled by right-wing and "socialist" employees together and when they were arrested by the financial police the then another government tried to incriminate all workers there, to hide the responsibility of the state, through mental terrorism, threats and digital harassment, with the result that a colleague, innocent, was sent to the mental hospital and the rest of us are on the verge of mental illness!
Finally the light shone, and only the guilty went to prison, but...but...tell me!
I and all my colleagues, my fellow citizens, my friends, etc. should now be tolerant of all these lumpen state or party or ministerial bastards, thinking "institutional" and "cold" for ministers and prime ministers?
Will we be "populists" if we at least ask for their impeachment? or if we ask for no more State, not "no more public sector", no dear liberals, but no more State, then we will be irrational and populist?
Today all the people's bosses, right and pseudo-left should be ashamed, and we must start to ask to take the power of everything into our own hands, into our own humble hands, in modern terms, yes, we don't need all-wise modernizers to teach us how does a mondern technical production control work!
We know the way! young people even more, they are knowledgeable about modern digital control techniques, why do we need the bosses/masters? why do we need the experts? why do we want the dreaded government? why do we want the boss and the private capitalists? do we need the banks? 
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

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