Δευτέρα 27 Φεβρουαρίου 2023

Bonapartism is like an onion-mirror..

Bonapartism is like an onion-mirror with many skins (or peels), which all left-wing Bonapartists see when it is the their "next" Bonapartism to replace the previous other, but do not see themselves as the previous Bonapartism.
Only the later leftist-marxist Bonapartists saw  some ''leftist-marxist selves'' as Bonapartists.
Leninist Bonapartism showed the Mensheviks their own bourgeois liberal second-internationalist Bonapartism, Stalinist Bonapartism showed the Trotskyist Bonapartists who were the real Leninists the adventurist Bonapartism of Leninism by replacing it with their own Stalinist Bonapartism, and the Maoists who were the real post-Stalinist Bonapartists they showed to the real continue of Stalinist Bonapartism who were the Khrushchev-Brezhnevists (Stalin after he gained a lot of weight and he's got a big fat belly) the their Stalinist Bonapartism.
In the end, a Yeltsin and a Gorbachev come and close the shop, because the onion of "Marxist" Bonapartism also has an end, capitalism itself without "socialist" names and a mafia-like private sector now formed..by bonapartistic way.
Sometimes this game with the mirror onion seems to me to exist from the first Marxist moment, from the moment of the big explosion called Marx, who, looking at Louis Bonaparte in the mirror of his historical dialectic, peeling the mirror onion of bourgeois revolutions as if he saw himself as continuing in a series of Bonapartist unfoldings of the "Marxist self."
For reasons of meticulous clarity, I note at the end that apart from Lenin who spoke with a similar example about Thermidor that the Mensheviks would bring (analogously something like a Bonapartist version of the revolution, which however referred to the conservative deviation brought about by the "Thermidorian" regime after the execution of Robespierre) about Bonapartism in relation to a socialist revolution literally only Trotsky spoke, while the Stalinists spoke about something similar about Trotskyism and their relations between each other with other related terms, such as left or right revisionism (the Maoists)..and other labyrinths.
The most classical terminology of the phenomenon (with two different, as we have seen, but similar historical-analogical versions are of Marx himself, Lenin and Trotsky).
Are you saying that Bakunin was right after all?
Probably, but he and ''his'' movement had other problems, of a different nature, which also have a similar quality to the Bonapartist phenomenon.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

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