Κυριακή 2 Απριλίου 2023

Legalize Islamophobia and Hinduismphobia now.

"Global Zionism" is a monstrous anti-Semitic hoax, while "Global Islamism" is an actual blueprint for a slave-owning capitalism in a collapsing global humanity.
Islam and Hinduism are the only living religions today because they fit perfectly with a world of absolute capitalist brutality in a capitalism in deep crisis of organization, where there will be a partial revival of caste system and Islamo-apartheid structures of slavery and serfdom and the re-enslavement of women.
Legalize Islamophobia and Hinduismphobia now.
The Hindu caste system retains an element of strong externality in the constitution of relations between the exploitative and exploited castes, while the Islamic system of segregating women and non-religionists or atheists outside the sacred circle of believers ''brings it closer'' to the typical German type, mainly Nazist type of division-segregation system, and then South African (Boers) apartheid system of division-segregation that was done in biological ethnic and other terms, since we speaking in an analogical metaphorical somewhat ahistorical hermeneutic language.
These two types of special determination of a relation of absolute social separation [Nazi-Boers and Islam] can more easily constitute (in relation to Hinduism) generalized servile/slavery relations throughout the spectrum of society, even within the exploited social classes, and mean any form of their expansion on a global level.

Islam is a seminal first appearance of apartheid in human history, since we speaking in an analogical metaphorical somewhat ahistorical hermeneutic language, which is however truer than the mere propaganda language of the anti-Zionist-anti-Semites, who implicate the racist bourgeois democratic state of Israel with this general analogy, while belonging to another category of racist state, that clearly milder in its consequences (Islamists do want to impose neo-Islamic fascist apartheid on the whole planet).
It is a monstrous far-left and Islamic lie that Israel is an apartheid state, Israel is a democratic and at the same time racist bourgeois state that ''wants'' to drive the heterogeneous national element out of its territory (which territory it ''wants'' to expand), which is really unacceptable.
But all Islamic states that follow or semi-follow Sharia, including the parastate of Hamas in Gaza, are Islamic apartheid states*.
Legalize Islamophobia now.
Islamophobia and Naziphobia are related phobias.
*The first creator of a first kind of apartheid (which is ''related'' as social substance to the caste system but is not the same) in the history of mankind was Islam, and even today Islam pursues this, and pursues it as a world system.
Legalize Islamophobia now.

To rough up the game.
The first eternal line.
An independent state for Kurdistan, with the simultaneous disintegration of the state unity of Turkey, Iran, Syria and Iraq, even if an alliance is needed not only with the devil and all the orders of hell but also with the one who gave birth the devil in the beginning of infernal creation.
Should we talk about the incidents between Kurds and Arabs in the refugee camps in Greece?
Because the Kurds despised Ramadan, and rightly so.
This is real life baby, and in it I join the fray, not as a peacemaker but as a thug for my own people.
Να πούμε για τα επεισόδια μεταξύ Κούρδων και Αράβων στους προσφυγικούς καταυλισμούς στην Ελλάδα;
Γιατί οι Κούρδοι έγραφαν το Ραμαζάνι στα αρχίδια τους, και καλά έκαναν.
Αυτή είναι η πραγματική ζωή μωρό μου, και σε αυτήν εγώ παίρνω μέρος στον καυγά, όχι σαν ειρηνευτής αλλά σαν τραμπούκος υπέρ των δικών μου ανθρώπων.
Permanent and institutionalized sanctified absolute separation within a (relatively) unified social "entity", this is a very general, somewhat ahistorical, definition of what is ''same'' despite their great differences in: the South African (Boers) apartheid system, the caste system of Hindu and the Islamic system of organizing social relations, which they can be adapted to different exploitative modes of production, and this system is in no way valid in the case of the democratic racist bourgeois state of Israel which is based not on an internal intra-social division on base of the aforementioned type but on a classic nationalism-racism that works through the (desire to) push the "foreign national-ethnic element" out of the national nationstate territory.
Everything else that is said is anti-Semitism. 
The most dangerous systems for humanity are not those based on the repulsion of the alienated-as-an-alien element and the competition of alienated individuals (classic Western Paradigm), but those based on an integrative hierarchy between social and sociobiological entities, in a hierarchical system of their absolute ontological separation that nevertheless remains "organic" and unified - here we enter the visions of the Western -not only Nazi- far-right, which visions, however, can be put into practice now by the Russian Chinese and Islamic East, which must go to hell and to never turn back.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος


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