Κυριακή 2 Απριλίου 2023

The reactionary project..

The reactionary project that began as a proto-extreme far-Right with guys like De Maistre, as early as the 19th century, and erupted into a climax with Nazism which, in addition to the "halo" of anti-Semitism, had a Spengler in its basement, was a project of re-hierarchization and ''re-organicization'' of the West, a new slave-owning tropism of capitalism that would be run by a superior aristocracy of superior racists and hierarchists, was an essentially de-westernized West that would fancifully return to the Middle Ages but in reality will be proceed to an absolute totalitarianism of a hierarchical state, was done and then said as fascism but it was not only that, as something that would exist only in every over-dominant nation-state and in every over-dominant capitalism, it was also a global hierarchical plan, which also, not by chance, found a fanatical Eastern "follower", Japan.
This plan could not be carried out despite the fact that it appeared for the moment that it would conquer the world, because it found opposite a relative who had another similar but quite different totalitarianism to carry out, the post-Jacobin totalitarianism of the Soviet state, which had in fact, the "opposite" origin from the anti-Jacobin totalitarianism of the right that we mentioned above, but he also found opposite to it the racist, also imperialist but liberal democratic West.
I abbreviate, and omit essential aspects, to say the following:
And the mere fact that this initially triangular and then bipolar battle was taking place starting from a common ground (although it extended everywhere), probably predetermined the failure of the "Spenglerian" plan.
Prophetically De Maistre, in his time had gone to Saint Petersburg to confer with his peers from the eternal reactionary cesspool of the West, Russia. The prophetic person, from the point of view of his imaginary-real movement more and not only from the point of view of the content of his dialogues (which are in his book), shows that there was since then, before Spengler, the search for a "pure reactionary ground", without the presence of such powerful adversaries within a common starting ground of the World Dominion of a reactionary plan.
Not to say more, yet.
This ground today exists, literally, and on it meet in a strange orgiastic union and De Maistre and Robespierre, somewhere in there and the old man, the misogynist Prophet as a guest star.
Goes on..
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

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