Δευτέρα 10 Απριλίου 2023

Ηoly of holies.

Ηoly of holies.
For me things are simple.
Who will take up arms against the Turks not only for the defense but also for the recapture of Greek lands if they are occupied by the Turks, and if necessary will trigger a continuous guerilla until the Turks are expelled from every inch of Greek territory, if we have to get there .
This is the holy of holies, this is also the Sword.
It is predetermined that any peace agreement containing the concession of Greek territories, even if it is concluded with the agreement of the intimidated majority of the Greek people, will not be recognized by those who will hold this symbolic and then material sword.
Για μένα τα πράγματα είναι απλά.
Ποιος θα πάρει τα όπλα εναντίον των Τούρκων όχι μόνο για την υπεράσπιση αλλά και για την ανακατάληψη ελληνικών εδαφών αν καταληφθούν από τους Τούρκους, και αν χρειαστεί θα πυροδοτεί συνεχές αντάρτικο μέχρι την εκδίωξη των Τούρκων από κάθε ίντσα ελληνικής επικράτειας, αν χρειαστεί να φτάσουμε ως εκεί.
Αυτό είναι το άγιο των αγίων, αυτό είναι και το Σπαθί.
Προκαθορισμένα προκηρύσσεται ότι καμία συμφωνία ειρήνης που θα περιέχει παραχώρηση ελληνικών εδαφών, ακόμα και αν έχει συναφθεί με την συμφωνία τής εκφοβισμένης πλειονότητας τού ελληνικού λαού, δεν θα αναγνωριστεί από αυτούς που θα κατέχουν αυτό το συμβολικό και έπειτα υλικό σπαθί.
Stalinism was for a part of the radical popular youth of the peripheral countries an effigy and a survival of the people's nation in opposition to foreign imperialism and the foreign national enemy, and thus constituted a fortuitous and strange vehicle for the survival of this people's nation in the late post-Soviet period.
I have no regrets for nothing.
Το ΚΚΕ τελικά μένει σταθερό (σε μια έστω από τις πιθανά δύο ομάδες στην ηγεσία του) υπέρ τής εδαφικής άμυνας τού λαϊκού έθνους, ακόμα κι αυτό το λαϊκό έθνος δεν είναι η «σοσιαλιστική πατρίδα» αλλά η Ουκρανία!
Ο πόλεμος στην Ουκρανία κατά τούτη την τάση που έχει σχεδόν την μίση βάση τού κόμματος, είναι μεν ιμπεριαλιστικός αλλά δίκαιος από την σκοπιά τού Ουκρανικού λαού.
Φανταστείτε ότι κάτι ανάλογο ισχύει σίγουρα πολλαπλασιαστικά και στην περίπτωση που η Ελλάδα δεχτεί επίθεση από την Τουρκία.
Τονίζω ότι οι συντριπτικά περισσότερες τροτσκιστικές ομάδες και η «τροτσκίζουσα» τάση μέσα στο ΚΚΕ, μαζί με άλλες σταλινικές ομάδες, είναι πιο κοντά στην Ρωσία και είναι εναντίον τής εθνικής λαϊκής άμυνας τόσο τής Ουκρανίας τόσο και τής Ελλάδας αν παραστεί ανάγκη.
ΔΕΝ αισθάνομαι καμία ενοχή που υπήρξα σταλινικός στην Ελλάδα στο ξεκίνημα μου, πολύ καλά έκανα. 
Αυτό ήταν το πρώτο σωστό που έκανα, το δεύτερο ήταν ότι υποστήριξα το ΡΚΚ.
In the end, the KKE remains steadfast (at least in one of the two possible groups in its leadership) in favor of the territorial defense of the people's nation, even if this people's nation is not the "socialist homeland" but Ukraine!
The war in Ukraine, according to this tendency, which has almost half the base of the party, is imperialist but Just from the point of view of the Ukrainian people.
Imagine that something similar certainly applies multiplyingly in the event that Greece is attacked by Turkey.
I emphasize that the overwhelming majority of Trotskyist groups and the "Trotskyist" tendency within the KKE, along with other Stalinist groups, are closer to Russia and are against the national people's defense of both Ukraine and Greece if the need arises.
I feel NO guilt for being a Stalinist in Greece at the beginning of my political existence, I did very well.
That was the first right thing I did, the second was that I supported the PKK.
Aleka Papariga, a historical figure of the Stalinist Communist Party of Greece (6%) (the main communist party in Greece) and its former general secretary, who remains an active member, makes a surprise appearance and talks about a just defensive war from the point of view of the Ukrainian people.
Let's carefully analyze what she said, of course, but I am left stunned, since my own a priori analytical schemes are shaken again.
Of course, she makes a series of distortions of the historical truth, especially in relation to the 2nd world war.
I don't know if there is a conscience issue or a factional struggle within the KKE, nor can I weigh in on whether the fox of Stalinism in Greece knows very well that the left's line on the issue of Russian imperialism ultimately compromises its prospects in the long run, so it is probably preemptively intervening .
(A year ago, but in the Greek left community, the fire of the internal ideological struggle about the Ukrainian issue and the KKE line inside KKE, recently arrived)
It is not new, but it is a little, if we connect it with the possibility of a deep division within the KKE.
Of course, these divisions do not have easily visible manifestations at the beginning, which can last at least a decade, not even between the opposing parties.
What Vatican and bullshit, here we are talking about the holy of holies of the party of God-communism, which survived a Titanomachy in which no other of its kind was spared.
What is the first manifestation of division?
The question of the territorial defense of the familiar nation state.
The old guard of thought insists on the Stalinist form of defense, without this, of course, possibly preventing it from a contemporaneous reversal of it according to Leninist standards.
The new guard of thought has an almost Trotskyist line on this matter, it is rather defeatist in direction.
What, however, is the most dangerous second division for the KKE?
The one related to the new eastern imperialist axis.
The old guard of thought, paradoxically enough for those who want to blame mainstream Stalinism for inherent pro-Russianism, is more cautious, perhaps out of a deep survival instinct, perhaps out of a catatonic hypnotized patriotism that disliked the brutal genocidal intervention of the neo-tsarist Russians in Ukraine .
The most sectarian wing is clearly neutral, but in the sense of deep pro-Russianism as it emerges from a rabid anti-Westernism, while at the same time having an almost Trotskyist position against national state Defence.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος


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