Πέμπτη 13 Απριλίου 2023

...then there is one way, castration of the rapists and armed struggle to the end.

''Well-known civil rights activist Sepideh Qoliyan, who is awaiting trial for “insulting” the Islamic Republic’s leader, has been subjected to physical abuse and threatened with rape while in custody.
Her relative told IranWire that upon entering the ward, a muscular man rushed toward Qoliyan and asked, "Are you a little elf who insulted Agha?”
“I should cut your tongue off," the man added..''
If will they sexually molest the symbol of the Iranian working class Sepideh Qoliyan then there is one way, castration of the rapists and armed struggle to the end.
The Persian youth in danger, the monarchists have deeply penetrated and are propagating ultra-nationalist ideas within this youth, using and instrumentalizing the slogans of this youth which are true and alive but contain many possibilities of reactionary diversion.
My Iranian Marxist friends may be suspicious of me, after all these people are suspicious of everyone, but let listen to me.
The Iranian youth, especially the ideologically endangered Persian youth, are thirsty for fresh progressive thought and feeling, and if Marxism smells of mold and closure this youth will go in other directions.
I am not asking you to change your ideology and ideas, I am asking you to take them out of their senile closet.
I'm old too, but I see.
The Iranian left is surrounded between two fascisms, which fascisms are on the one hand the well-known theocratic fascism which is supported by China, Russia and on the other hand the monarchist fascism which wears some rags for supposedly liberal clothes and which is supported by the West .
The Iranian left, and in general the progressive social strata, the industrial working class of Iran, the progressive petty-bourgeois intellectuals and a small part of the Iranian national bourgeoisie that is truly liberal democratic, are in the middle, being in a truly hopeless political and ideological position , without any substantial and practical help from progressive, radical and leftist forces in the West.
The Iranian youth, like all the youth of class societies, is a special transitional social situation which, however, has an autonomy and independence as a transitional social situation.
Especially the Persian part of this youth is demanding Iran's return to secularist values, and entry into the progressive cycle of the more westernized adoption of these secularist and libertarian values.
The Iranian left has not understood at all, or has understood little, that this youth in order to achieve its goal will support even right-wing versions of the secularist aspect of the coming revolution if in this way it is freed from theocratic vampirism.
So, Iranian-Persian youth is easy victim of monarchist nationalist propaganda and the fascist aspects of that propaganda, as long as the Iranian left does not take SPECIFIC action to win over this youth by adopting its radical demands for a meaningful cultural war against theocrat vampirism. .
The Iranian left, except for a few of the Hekmatists, does not do this but seeks to square the circle and find in which corner of the universe is the "genuine communist class politics", some within this left even curse this youth through the point of view of an aging Marxism that reject youth and leads it into the arms of the monarchists.
Wake up.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

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