Τρίτη 28 Ιουνίου 2022


Turkey-European Union-NATO agreement to prosecute the PKK. This is the ridiculous, the vulgar, the cowardly, the immoral European Union, this is NATO, these are the Nordic democracies and social democracies, this is the Europe of the bourgeoisie and the false values. 

Are you waiting Greeks, Ukrainians Kurds to save you these bastards?

In order to do the favor of the Turkish dogs, the PKK is sacrificed, the Kurdish Nation is sacrificed, so that the Turkish dogs do not bother Greece, they will may sacrifice the Kurds again (perhaps also with the consent of the enslaved majority of the Greek nation). No, I am not Greek, no, I'm not European, no, I'm not left, I'm not right, my honor and dignity force my conscience to renounce these identities forever. Damn everyone, forever.

The Westerners succumbed to the blackmail of Turkey and in return gave not only the PKK but the whole Kurdish nation as a progressive Nation. I see the celebrations of the pro-Western and the pro-NATO, I see the celebrations of the Scandinavians, and I am in the mood to vomit.

Westerners betray allies and progressive politicians in non-Western countries and the enemies of Westerners (whether they are non-Western capitalists, left-wing totalitarians or Islamist idiots) say to the victims of Western betrayal: "You deserved it".

They are all worms.

 Ιωάννης Τζανάκος 

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