Τρίτη 14 Ιουνίου 2022

Let's say it again

Let's say it again to the stupid "Marxists''(?) of metaphysical subtraction and the immoral equal distance between perpetrator and victim.
And without NATO, Russia would have carried out a murderous barbaric invasion of Ukraine.
It is not mainly or only the intra-imperialist and capitalist rivalry that causes this attitude of Russia and any expansionist power, but as in other cases it is the ideological fantasy in itself, as a form of extreme authoritarian will.
But why am I protesting?
Is it possible for the psychopathic "Marxist" (?) to understand the psychic perversion he sees in the chauvinist nationalist?
The political psychopath cannot understand his resemblance to another political psychopath simply because he has an inability from the beginning to understand that he is also a psychopath.
It is unfair for us to ask the "Marxists" (?) mentally ill to know the causes of the psychopathic practice of other psychopaths such as the supranationalists, since the unfortunate "Marxists" (?) psychopaths can not even understand and acknowledge inside in their own existence the similar but not identical psychopathy.
After all, their own purpose is the realization of an extreme authoritarian doctrinaire (and utopian at the same time) fantasy.
Waiting to understand the specific and general violent content of the fantasies cultivated by authoritarian ideologies ''from one against the other'', will be like asking a psychiatric patient to take over the management of a psychiatric hospital.
The historical (pseudo-) communism that was applied to history and the supranationalism fascism-nazism are not a method of understanding ''each other'', and of course it is impossible to understand something like "reality" following their delusions.
The analyzes between them and the reflections between them are reminiscent of dialogues of psychiatric patients, who sometimes take over hospital management !
Can a psychopath understand his psychopathy? But not even a rational subject can self-understand, let alone a psychopathological subject.
But people are mutual-anti-mirrored, so is it possible for madness to understand that it is madness through its reflection in another madness?
I don't think so.
The self-management of madness through the mutual reflection of the crazy members of the psychiatric institution, leads to the management of this institution by the craziest, the craziest of the crazy.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος


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