Κυριακή 12 Ιουνίου 2022

Crazy strategic reserve


If there is a strategic defeat of a "pro-western" country like Greece, from an emerging eastern conquering power like Turkey, it is possible that a radical new anti-western country will emerge that will fight the conquering east without being western or pro-western anymore.
This is an explosive unprecedented possibility, for which there are all the ''internal in the country" ideological and political preconditions.
It all depends on the attitude of the west.
Perhaps in the western world they have neglected to calculate the volcanic violence that results when you abandon a faithful and perhaps naive ally.
In Greece there are "voices" that are preparing for such an eventuality, and as anti-Western "prophetic voices'' have access inside every common Greek house.
Every people has a "crazy strategic reserve", which they keep in the basement for every occasion.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

3 σχόλια:

  1. Recep Tayyip Erdogan launched a new attack in Greece, speaking at a youth meeting in the eastern Turkish city of Van.
    Erdogan claimed that the Greek government, after clear warnings from Ankara, decided not to make new statements against Turkey: "We will not make statements against Turkey anymore.
    We have nothing new to say' We believe him. I hosted him at Vahdettin mansion, we reached an agreement at dinner, after that to talk to each other. Okay.
    Two or three weeks passed, you go to the US and you address the Congress against the sale of F16 (in Turkey)...''
    ''They set up 5 + 4 American bases in Greece and when we ask why they made them, they say "against the Russians...''
    " What did you do in Ukraine against Russia? Your words are full of lies. No one can trust the West.
    ''They have been blocking our accession to the EU since 1963..''
    "They have no honesty. Our nation has integrity," Erdogan was quoted as saying by the Turkish daily Vatan.
    "We do not eat this, Mitsotakis. The cunning of these people [of the Turks] does not allows this''.
    " When your ancestors went to do this 100 years ago, you know what happened to them, do not suffer the same," Erdogan said.
    "We went with my government partner, Bahceli, to the EFES 2022 exercise. We gave a message somewhere - you know where - and it seems that they understood it," the Turkish president added.

    Turkish Press: We own Rhodes, Chios, Lesvos and six other islands.
    The aggressive and provocative rhetoric of Tayyip Erdogan and high-ranking officials against Greece is adopted by the pro-government Turkish press, talking about claiming 22 Greek islands.
    Specifically, the "Milliyet" newspaper writes on its front page that "some of the islands that Turkey can claim due to militarization are Rhodes, Chios and Lesvos.
    The Yeni Safak newspaper says 22 of the 23 islands are militarized. Only Halki is demilitarized. He emphasizes, however, that "militarization is a threat."
    According to the article, Turkey has the sovereignty of 9 islands and that in Greece only the right of use was given. Among them are Lemnos, Lesvos, Samos, Chios, Ikaria, Rhodes etc.
    Last week, a state television report reported that "the Aegean islands include the Dodecanese. In 1912 they were ceded to Italy on the condition of their return to the Ottoman Empire. In 1923 it was imposed to be under the regime of demilitarization and after the Second World War they were ceded to Greece. In 2021, the militarization of the islands accelerated. This time Greece is not alone. "The United States, which is Turkey's biggest ally, has begun to deploy weapons systems in the Aegean islands. So ten is the number of US bases in Greece."

  2. Imagine a situation in which we have to fight NATO-Western Turks and Russians at the same time.
    If the West does Pontius Pilate again, it will not have the same mild treatment in Greece.
    We have in the country all the good (internationalist-left-anarchist) and bad (left-nationalist / right-nationalist) monsters, ready to come out of the basement.

  3. Turkey accuses Greece of maintaining and strengthening PKK fighter training camps. It is a lie.
    In fact, there is tolerance for PKK structures, but also suffocating control.
    We are not in the era of the alliance of Andreas Papandreou Assad and the PKK.
    But today there is a "crazy" possibility, which negates the previous ones.
    If there is a strategic defeat of Greece, and the loss of territories, the perpetration of mass Turkish crimes, then the Turkish slander against Greece will turn into a publicly proclaimed truth:
    Then, Greece will become a PKK playground, and there will be no one to object.
    If the Greek-Turkish border is moved - as the Turkish fascist rats imagine - too close to Athens, Athens will become an entire training and weapons camp against the Turkish rapist and occupier.
    I don't think that the presence of PKK structures and any other (Greek or not) anti-Turkish and anti-occupation element can then be controlled by any state or political / geopolitical force.
