The mass graves and bombed-out cities targeted by Russian forces in Ukraine have shocked the civilized world, and rightly so. But to millions of Syrian war refugees, and Syrian-born Americans like myself, Vladimir Putin's barbaric assault on Ukraine is less a shock than it is a grim reminder of the overwhelming destructive forces he and his fellow dictator, Syria's Bashar Al-Assad, unleashed on our home country over a decade ago.

The West's response to Putin's murderous invasion of Ukraine has been swift, decisive, and unequivocal. Yet the ongoing Syrian crisis, which began in 2011 when protesters rose up against Assad's repressive government, is now, tragically, all but ignored. It's a mistake to see these two conflicts as separate. The failure of the United States and its allies to stand up to the Russian-backed Assad government years ago opened the door for Putin to wage all-out war against Ukraine. And unless Western leaders commit to helping Syria's opposition topple Assad and achieve the Syrian people's aspiration to transition to democracy, the world will remain needlessly vulnerable to the whims of dictators.

In the first years of Syria's civil war, opposition forces made steady progress, gaining control of large segments of several provinces, including Aleppo, Idlib, and Deraa. That all changed in 2015, when Putin came to the aid of Assad. What followed was one of the most horrific airstrike campaigns in history. Putin's forces didn't just bomb military targets -- they intentionally bombed schools, hospitals, and markets, killing 24,743 defenseless civilians, by one estimate, and leading to the world's largest refugee crisis since World War II.

All told, 6.6 million Syrians have fled their country since the beginning of the war, and an additional 6.7 million have been internally displaced.

My own brother, along with his wife and children, were forced to flee the Damascus suburb of Ghouta to avoid the bombings and a terrifying chemical attack that killed scores of their neighbors. They joined tens of thousands of Syrians who fled to overcrowded and unsanitary refugee camps in Idlib.