Παρασκευή 17 Ιουνίου 2022

The end of a blackmail, or, all pigs have the same face.

The end of a blackmail.
Turkey uses immigrants on the Greek-Turkish border as a weapon, sometimes at their own risk, but Greek society must overcome its fear and accept them now all, in a fraternal way, overcoming the trap of its heterodetermination by the Turkish state trap.
But here I must emphasize something:
The only ones who do not have the right to judge us (apart from the Turkish state, of course) are the "solidarity" westerners (and Greeks) "solidarity" and extreme leftists who did not say ANYTHING about the decision of the hegemonic nation-state-vampire in Europe, Germany, which DECIDED at the critical moment to close the Greek-Northern Macedonian border, and thus to stop the free flow of migrants-refugees to western Europe (some would also stay in Greece), converting my country (especially some islands in the eastern aegean) in a closed-open concentration camp for immigrants-refugees.


Comrades from the East. Don't be fooled by the western left-right-centrist racists, liars, ideological swindlers.
To open all the borders, but ALL. Your "solidarity" western and Greek comrades, professionals of "solidarity" and ideological adoption (some of them literally, abducted children and adopted them, semi-legally), go only to the Greek-Turkish border, and there practicising their philanthropic ideological ''solidarity'', but they without saying ANYTHING about the reopening (for all) of the road channel that connects Greece with the Balkans and central Europe.
So, they are playing the game of the European far right, blaming a partly guilty bourgeois country, utilizing the fear of its inhabitants, which, however, they co-created with the concealment of the existence of the (secret in all its terms) agreement Tsipras-Merkel-Davoudoglou, for the closure of the Greek-northern Macedonian border (2015).
I want you all, without fear, but this is nothing if we do not understand the conspiracies of all the western racists, right-wingers and ''benevolent'' left-anarchists.
All pigs have the same face.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος 

2 σχόλια:

  1. Germany and Russia have specialized in setting up concentration camps. It's just that Germany now wants to do it through proxies.
    Let us not forget that the German moralism has deep roots in left-wing Kantianism and Hegelianism, so it is burning to be moral in itself, so it turns evil away, let someone else do it, let 's say financially blackmailed, as the blackmailed Greece with the concentration camps and the Greek-European / Greek-Northern Macedonian borders closed to the immigrant-refugees.
    I will say something to all Germans, especially the left-anarchists, even if it sounds like a stereotypical generalization:
    You are constipated bastards, all of you, and your Marxism-Anarchism-Hegelianism-Kantianism makes you even more disgusting bastards.

  2. As time goes on and the disgusting content of Russian politics is revealed, before and now (because of the intervention), the sectarian "equal distances" of most Marxists, and the unacceptable way in which they were placed in this war as well, they taked an another tone, its tempered, in order to be forgeted their first reactions but also to preserve the doctrine. For me, the case of "Marxism" ended with the events in Ukraine. I was tolerant of the various Marxist nonsense on a number of issues related to movements in the East and to international relations, but my patience its now exhausted. Obviously, the few of the Marxists who took the right position do not convince me that they express the spirit of this ideology-religion.
    The oppressed must stop hoping for Marxism, to they find something else.
    Pray and especially repent of your opportunistic-petty bourgeois sins, so that the God of dialectics may forgive you and show you his favor through his consistent Marxist prophets. Otherwise lightning and a curse will fall on you, and then you will not be purified even if you read and recite from memory the complete works of Marx-Engels-Lenin-Trotsky-Stalin-Mao-Hekmat.
    What I want as a non-Marxist supporter of workers 'democracy is the victory and consolidation of a transnational workers' and open democracy in the Eastern Mediterranean, Eastern Europe and Western Asia. In practice. And this purpose is also not the "absolute end". Everything is done to live a free, equal and quality life without tyrants and bosses. Everything else is chatter.
    As peoples of the "periphery" we expect a good family of (usually) progressive-left-radical intellectuals to adopt us, as stray animals wait for someone to adopt them.
    Depending on his inclination, each candidate is an adoptive ideological parent.
    Not me.
    Much more than those who ignore us and glorify our despots, or our enemies, I have also begun to dislike good gentlemen and good ladies who want to adopt us.
    (However, I hope that no one from the "east" or Ukraine thought that I belonged to this charitable group of "solidarity" radicals).
