Παρασκευή 10 Ιουνίου 2022

Ο ντεφετισμός των σάπιων.

 Armenian youth burn down Turkey flag during rally

I am not a nationalist, right-wing or left-wing nationalist, I don't consider myself even a patriot, but the politics of Turkey, the politics of Russia and the politics of the majority of the (western) left are ''good conditions'' for altering the conscience of people like me, because there is this "sufficient and necessary reason".
Unfortunately, all my ominous predictions (2009-2022) are confirmed, since against 99% of the Greek left and Greek anarchism, I had pointed out that Turkey as a nation-state has no aspirations only in wealth-producing sources that don't belong to the Turkish state but has additional aspirations to conquer lands.
If the issue were limited to wealth-producing sources, I say it and I mean it, I would not be in favor of the property of the Greek nation-state and the Greek capitalists against the Turkish, Russian capitalists, in order to justify a capitalist defense war from the point of view of the interests of the Greek capitalists and the Greek nation-state.
The point, however, is that Turkey, and behind it Russia, are aiming at the violent change of national-state borders in the region, and that means blood, mass violence, deportations, mass rapes, bombings, force immigration for the Greek population in the east aegean, and also destruction of their homeland in the eastern aegean which is Greek or Greekspeaking for thousands of years.
Anyone who does not understand this special intensive and beyond all limits aggression of the Turkish nation-state and its Russian allies, whatether Greek or non-Greek (leftist, anarchist, etc.) is simply an idiot, morally depraved, ideologically degenerate ''defeatist''.
So, whoever does not support the Greek national defense, also the present Ukrainian national defense, is all of the above.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

1 σχόλιο:

  1. Why should I be interested in the theoretical analyzes of the Marxist "law of value", imperialism, productive relations, imperialism, when all this brings together stupid people who can not understand, in moderation, who the attacker is and who the defender in a war?
    Thus, in this way, extensive speeches about Marx, Engels, Lenin, Trotsky, Luxemburg, Che Guevara, Durutti, May 68, rights, differences and diversity, state authoritarianism, and more, when it appears an attacker with a sword dipped in blood, a Russian or Turkish fascist, all of the above go to hell and to the pit, to the landfill and to the garbage dump.
    But there is, among other things, a side effect of the wild reality we mentioned at the beginning:
    All these theories can have deep errors, otherwise they would create vigilance and not radical lethargy.
