Παρασκευή 17 Ιουνίου 2022

I see a left idiot, playing the good kid in the Turkish rapist.

Let's look at one aspect of the embarrassing Tsipras-Merkel-Davutoglu agreement in 2015 on the refugee issue.
These 3 bastards, one of whom is also a "leftist", not only decided to close the Greek-northern Macedonia border for the refugees, so that the refugees would not go to central Europe, but they also insisted that they could not (the refugees) to go freely to mainland Greece.
(There was, as part of the agreement, the term for forcing refugees rescued at sea in the eastern Aegean to remain in concentration camps on the islands - until their application for "refugee status" was granted)
But why? 
Because if the refugees could go freely to mainland Greece, then they could go to central Europe through illegal circuits.
No "enlightened" anti-capitalist or anarchist reacted for a long time to this joint decision to close the Greek-northern Macedonian border, but also the reactions about the issue of the creating "internal" borders within Greece -so that refugees do not leave in Central Europe- they were modest.
But let's look at things again, and ask:
Why did the Westerners and the Greek anti-capitalists and anarchists not react with due force to the forced "confinement" of refugees in Greece?
The western "comrades", who if they are comrades I am Nebuchadnezzar, were comfortable not to receive any additional pressure from the far right in their country, and their mother Merkel relieved them of this burden. 
Also, this way they would be able to moralize again at the expense of the "Balkan" nationalists, if such a need arose, since the guilt of these people is deep, so a Balkan racist is useful to reduce these guilt. .
But why did the Greek anti-capitalists and anarchists not react?
The reasons are not as simple as they seem.
1) First of all, they are also governed by the well-known post-colonial oikophobia, so they saw in the refugee confinement an opportunity to break the ethnic definition/determination of the dominant bourgeois nationalism. 
The neo-left ethnic Machiavellianism of the absolute idiot, who thinks in his ideological bigotry that he can play with sudden changes in the ethnic composition of a population. 
This is exactly what the Nazi far right would like, in order to sharpen the ethno-nationalist aspects of the dominant nationalism. 
The ultra-stupid neo-left and the ultra-ultra-stupid far right, but the last would win the ultra-stupidity contest because of their ability to exploit the fear of the indigenous population.
2) In general, anti-capitalism and anarchy have the weakness or even the non-intention to understand that the modern capitalism of the metropolises "plays" with the issue of immigration-refuge a biopolitical-mechanistic game, which has distorted the older (relative) simplicity of the phenomenon. But if the left-anarchists in the capitalist metropolises themselves have the opportunity to become active parts of this game (as far as their Hegelian religion allows), the left-anarchists on the borders of the big capitalist metropolises, on the borders of the west-east, for example, do not have the same capabilities.
The US, the horrible Germany, and other metropolises still have the potential for biopolitical and economic (again) assimilation of the refugee phenomenon, while countries on the border are in strongly reduced such potentialities.
For the German left-wing idiot, for example, this does not matter, since the absolute symmetry of her/his deranged brain plus her/his unlimited readings (only Adorno she/he reading, is enough to lose much of her/his contact with the real world), does not have a direct impact on the process of assimilation of the refugees from their own countries, despite the problems. 
However, the corresponding Balkan or Greek ideological idiot does not have so many possibilities.
Capitalism and the state in which it lives can not do the job so that it can, like a clever fool, peckin the left way the process.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος
Look at the picture!
The moment of the shameful agreement (in a football event, same day, maybe).
The cunning Turkish nationalist Davutoglu has hidden the Greek flag under the Turkish one, while the ''wild'' left-wing Greek "internationalist" Tsipras makes sure both flags are visible.
If this is the "left ideological moral superiority", forget me. 
I see a left idiot, playing the good kid in the Turkish rapist.
With such images you do not become an internationalist, but necessarily a defensive nationalist. 
Anyone who has an objection let me know.
Μπορεί να είναι εικόνα 3 άτομα

1 σχόλιο:

  1. The proof that there is a biopolitical-mechanistic manipulation of the immigrant-refugee phenomenon, is, dear left-anarchists, that you do NOT KNOW ANYTHING (or DO NOT REMEMBER ANYTHING) about what happened to the Greek-Northern Macedonian borders, that I described to you before, under the rule of the German and Turkish states-vampires, and the subjugation (then and now) of the Greek left-wing or ''liberal'' state-vampires, to the detriment of both the Greek and the refugee people.
    You did not learn, you did not ask, you did not want to know anything more than some Marxist stereotypes, in hetero-determination towards the extreme right, and only.
    If you, the cream of the "class consciousness", can not learn anything specific other than ideological generalities, what do you expect from the common people and the workers?
    Look at your downstream, Marxist, anarchist, look at your moral and ideological nonsense, your ignorance of the ''specific'', and then come and make the teacher in the masses, an unfortunate child.
