Σάββατο 11 Ιουνίου 2022

Απόλυτη προϋπόθεση..

Προς ελληνικό κοινό, αριστερό/αναρχικό και (υγιώς ή παθολογικώς) «εθνικοπατριωτικό»:
Αν είναι να σαλπίσουμε έξοδο από Δύση και ΝΑΤΟ (αυτά γίνονται σε κρίσεις και καταστροφές, όχι κάθε μέρα), Όχι με Ρωσία.
Η Ρωσία (αλλά και η Κίνα) αποκλείεται εξαρχής, απόλυτα, αξιωματικά.
Με Ναζί ή μετα-νεο-σταλινικά ή σταλινοναζιστικά κόπρανα δεν βγαίνεις από τον δυτικό ιμπεριαλισμό.
Και να μας παρακαλάνε να μην τους δεχτούμε, και να μας ικετεύουν να τους κλείσουμε την πόρτα.
But this brilliant neo-leftist, Varoufakis, is also "pro-Russian"?
Neither he nor his old friend Tsipras has the courage to be openly "pro-Russian" and aware of the consequences of such an attitude.
These idiots, like many others similar in the Greek left (except for the openly pro-Russian Lafazanis and some other psychopaths), still think that they can play with all imperialisms, not with courage but as fearful players, not openly in favor of all peoples of the east, but using their slimly position to take '' from here or to there'' some "geopolitical" postponement of the revolutionary social duty to equip the people and to propose a steel popular defense.
Their adventurism, their opportunism, has the form and content of fantasy and cowardice, a utopian petty-bourgeois pacifism, based on pleas and capitalist agreements, which they expect to receive as a reward from all imperialist powers for their ''good services''.
Tsipras along with his slimy cork friend, Varoufakis, thought they could play the role of geopolitical and economic gambler, they licked USA, they licked Russia, and the only thing Clowns managed was to get slaps by all together the imperialists.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

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