Δευτέρα 15 Αυγούστου 2022

''The King is nake''

It applies to the whole "neutral" left, anarchism, etc. "The King is naked", but he still plays with his dick in public.
To Iranian Hekmatists:
Do you remember when a senior party-official of You celebrated the mobilization of an Italian labor union against the shipment of arms to Ukraine?
You are not Stalinists, supposed, nor do you support the Russian imperialist campaign, but you keep an equal distance to Western (American) and Russian (Eastern in general) imperialism-nationalism.
See now what this union is that excited your leadership with its action.
Excerpt from an article on the Italian left:
''On the other hand, the position of the organization Potere al Popolo (Power to the People), which was formed by some of those who left Rifondazione along with other political and social groups, and the union Unione Sindacale di Base (USB)—which are linked organizationally and directed politically by the organization Rete dei Comunisti (which produces the electronic magazine, contropiano.org)—should be noted. USB played a leading role in the port workers’protest against sending weapons to Ukraine, trying to block the loading of them, an anti-militarist practice already used in other conflicts where NATO was a direct player in a war of aggression. 
USB is part of the World Trade Union Federation (www.wftucentral.org) and has participated in several meetings with it in Damascus, including at the invitation of President Assad. This detail is not secondary. 
Even in the case of the Syrian conflict, USB sided decisively with Assad (and thus with Russia) in the face of an uprising supposedly desired and financed by U.S. imperialism, which was alleged to have also invented and financed ISIS, like Al Qaeda before; this also explains the USB’s coldness toward the experience of Rojava and the YPG, which at one stage of the conflict leaned on the U.S. to fight ISIS...''

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