Τετάρτη 2 Ιουνίου 2021

Democratic Nation - Abdullah Öcalan

The Free Individual-Citizen and Democratic Communal Life.
The individual-citizen of a democratic nation has to be communal as well as free. 
The allegedly free individual of capitalist individualism, who has been provoked against the society, essentially lives a life of abject slavery. 
However, liberal ideology creates an image where the individual apparently possesses limitless freedom. 
In reality the individual, enslaved by waged labour, represents the most developed form of slavery. 
This type of individual is produced through the relentless education of, and life in, nation-statism. 
Because his or her life is bound to the sovereignty of money, the wage system, in effect like a dog’s leash, ensures that the individual can be manipulated as desired: 
He or she has no other means of surviving. 
If he seeks to escape, that is, if he opts for unemployment, it is in effect a death sentence. Moreover, capitalist individualism has been shaped on the basis of society’s denial. 
He thinks that he can only realise himself insofar as he rejects the culture and tradi-tions of historical society. 
This is the biggest distortion of liberal ideology. Its principal slogan is “there is no society, there is the individual”. 
As opposed to this, the democratic nation’s individual sees his or her freedom in the communality of society, in the form of the more functional life of small communities. 
A free and democratic commune or community is the main school in which the individual of the democratic nation takes shape. Without a commune or communal life, the individual can-not be fully realised. 
Communes are diverse and valid in every sphere of societal life. In accordance with their diversity, indi-viduals can exist in more than one commune or community. 
The important thing is for the individual to know how to live in a communal community in accordance with his or her talents, labour and diversity. 
The individual considers her respon-sibility towards her commune or the social units to which she is attached to be the guiding moral principle. 
Morality means respect and commitment to the community and communal life. 
The commune or community in turn protects the indi-vidual and enhances his or her life. 
After all, the fundamental principle behind the founding of human society is this very principle of moral responsibility. 
The democratic character of the commune or communities is what realises the collective freedom – in other words, the political commune or com-munity. 
A commune or a community that is not democratic cannot be political. 
A commune or community that is not po-litical cannot thus be free. 
There is a close correlation between the political and democratic character of the commune and its freedom. 
The definition of the democratic nation’s individual citizen becomes slightly broader when she or he lives under the same political roof with a nation-state. 
In this case, within the framework of “constitutional citizenship”, she is as much an individual-citizen of the nation-state as she is of the demo-cratic nation. 
The point here is the recognition of the status of the democratic nation, whereby democratic autonomy is acknowledged to have legal status in the national constitution. 
Democratic national status is two-fold. 
First, it denotes 35the status, law and constitution of democratic autonomy. 
Secondly, autonomy is incorporated as a sub-section of the na-tional constitutional status. Although the unilateral construction of a democratic nation based on the free individual-citizen and communal unity of KCK is a priority, it is also possible for KCK to arrive at an agreement with those sovereign nation-states who acknowledge the status of democratic autonomy within the national democratic constitution. 
 KCK recognises both the life of the free individual-citizen and community and the extent to which this life is bound by a legal and constitutional status. 
Capitalist individualism requires absolute servitude to the nation-state god; whereas democratic nation citizenship fos-ters the development of the free individual in the truest sense. 
The democratic nation citizenship of the Kurds can be realised under the KCK status. Therefore, it may be more appropriate to define membership of the KCK as being democratic nation citizenship. 
It is an irrevocable right and duty for the Kurdish people to be citizens of their own democratic nation. 
To be unable to be a citizen of one’s own nation is a huge alienation and is indefensible.


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