Τρίτη 24 Ιανουαρίου 2023

Date in Hell comrades.

The only cassock worth wearing is the cassock of sin.
Date in Hell comrades.
I was given a key that would open no some lock, and I had no desire to make a lock to fit that key, because I was concerned with opening the door to the world's truth, not making locks for their ideological a priori.
In search of historical virginity?
No, friends, you lose your virginity only once.
Then you participate in the historic orgy.
Don't be late, and don't forget your whip.
Cold eye, forever hidden burning heart. If you want them to fall in love with you.
Cut the crying * .
*I give advice to Marxists who loves History.
In "History" there are final judgments too, but the judgment goes on and on until the guilt wears off and the Judges go to sleep in some museum.
Will this ever happen? I think, no.
But this constant judgment also does not lend itself to worship.
It's a chore as long as there are idiots, but we don't know how many idiots there are and how long they will continue to exist.
I know many mini versions of them in neighborhoods and apartment buildings and I see them reproduce, not necessarily through their children.
Supposing such morons cease to exist, won't we have other problems that need constant criticism?
Of course, yes. When you tell me, I'll tell you my opinion.
In my thinking, the fight against bullshit always comes first.
In this kind of polemic, the Hegelianism of a final judgment, provides me with some illusory hopes that may have a counterpartion in reality.
Apart from the good-natured image of contemporary epistemology about the "permanent Judgment" through the specter of "History", when I hear this I think of a hellish survival of criticism and (moral) Judgment in human condition, from all to all, like a constant minimum or maximum holy test, where all your actions will go through a constant test, even for how you opened the cap of a beer. 
This happens after all, people constantly judge others, for mistakes, omissions, obsessions or for deliberate selfishness.
Should we enlarge it? make it a social norm? to even find universal rules that constitute a common code of judgment on human behavior?
Better leave it.
I prefer to go to a sandy beach where everything is washed away by the wave.
Rational Hegelianism means incorporating epistemic errors or partialities into a larger rational truth or achievement, but it also means (something Hegel did not always do well) rejecting some errors and non-organically integrating them into the history of thought, since they were perhaps the result of a of possible weakness or incapacity (e.g. preventions).
I just saw a comment from a little American boy who once again declared his outrage at the murderous Assad, commenting on the butcher's rants against the "woke culture".
The little American, the scumbag, is rightly infuriated, but he had deleted me when I reported negatively about the ''holy'' anti-Assad opposition of the idiot decapitators, racist anti-Kurds, who had the audacity to criticize the PKK for "ethnic cleansing".
The pro-fascist pro-Islamo-fascist was offended that we tarnished the reputation of his beloved fascist Islamo-fascist pigs, and he considers his conscience clear because he is hostile to the other fascist, Assad.
Fascists here, fascists there, fascists everywhere and stupid westerners, fascists or pro-fascists.
Fuck you, all.
Fuck You Assad,
Fuck You FSA,
Glory to PKK!
Why did the West only support the PKK in Syria, and not the FSA to the end as well?
What a question!
The Arab chauvinists and Islamist-idiots thought that the West could continue to support their Islamo-fascist carnival, just because it was against the fascist Assad.
As if to support Goebbels against Hitler.
And they cry, they cry, like the little ones who were abandoned by the other fascist, Erdoğan, for the sweet eyes of the fascist Assad.
Cry all you want. I, who am not a moralist Marxist, refer you to my Greek and Kurdish balls.
My Greek one-sidedness is appalling, certainly un-Marxist, and whispers lustily in my ear:
In the middle east, I like the Iranians, the Kurds, and the Jews, for the others I have no lust for, okay?
I'm not a Marxist moralist, I openly confess my sins.
Will you forgive me, God?
I hate and love with a passion, but I love not the everyone.
I confess my sin, Oh God of Marxism and anarchism.
I speak the truth of myself and violate the scriptures.
I don't love all peoples the same.
Will I be judged in eternal punishment?
Sorry dear God, but some people are indifferent to me, even if they are right, some people are wonderful to me, even if they are sometimes wrong.
I know, I sin, but I can't help myself.
I am carried away by passion, and despite the fact that I keep saying the prayer of proletarian internationalism, after a while I succumb to passion and sin.
I have secured an eternal place in Marxist hell, and my perversion is that I enjoy it.
(Non-Christian) love is committed to its one-sidedness to the end, it is an eternal one-sidedness, until the end of life which is also the end of the eternity called life.
The "dialectical overcoming" of the one-sidedness of love reminds me of marriage or separation.
Sorry, I won't take it.
Universality is not an argument to support your morality, your morality is an argument to support your possible moral universality, and morality can be one-sided, without it being non-moral, i.e. a mask of hypocrisy.
In fact, it is usually the self-proclaimed universal morality that plays the role of the mask of hypocrisy.
Universality can become an argument in support of morality only if it is an argument that is first proven, if it is proven, and not an argument that prove itself the morality.
What makes and proves universality as an element of morality is morality itself, and that isn't happen always.
I am a damned centrist, but gentlemen Marxists and anarchists, I will tell you this once and for the last time:
You will not see Socialism even in the second coming without the Will of this political and cultural background that we express.
The unacceptably failed trade union organization of the working class in Greece after the fall of the Junta is a result of the sectarian and fascistic trade union policy of the Stalinist Communists, the extreme leftists, and the populist third world socialists of PASOK (of that time).
I wish we had a party in Greece like the British Labor Party or the SPD.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος


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