Κυριακή 29 Ιανουαρίου 2023

Dear friends ''from the east"..

If we are not accused of being pro-Westernimperialism, we will be accused of being coldwar social democrats.
Before you think about something harder, to you answer the answer you think I'm going to give you, I say this:
Against a China that even now commits genocide against the Uighurs and against a Russia that committed genocide in Mariupol, I am not a coldwar social democrat, I am a warmwar democrat and liberal, I even think positive of Churchill and Roosevelt, so I have no hesitations .
The imperialist East, in the historical moment we live in, is worse than the imperialist West, end of conversation, and if Marxism cannot digest this simple fact, then its last living remnants will disappear.
Monthly Review, and other smelly shit.
Dear friends ''from the east", I dare not call you comrades, have you ever considered that the data and analyzes you derive to construct "anti-western imperialist" analyses, come from... the west?
But which west?
This part of West is the part of West that want to leave the Ukrainian and Iranian people to the teeth of the eastern imperialists, "for peace".
The Westerners who provide you with anti-Westernism are like the Christians of the late Roman era, waiting for the barbarians to defeat Rome.
Yes, I know, there are good Marxists in the western world, who don't slander the Kurds, don't stand up for the mass murderer Assad, they don't pretend they don't know what's going on in theocratic Iran, they don't identify the victim (Ukraine) with the perpetrator (Russia), they are in a good way "anti-Zionist" and not anti-Semitic.
Here on Facebook, I have met the impeccable Michael and revolutionary socialists from Oakland who always say the right thing and have not let down the honest, truly honest red flag, despite their faults.
But these slandered and few in the global Marxist ideological community are very clean, very emotional, very moral, flawless Marxists, while I who am a dirty, eternally nonmoral, pathological pro-Kurdish, Kurdomaniac, Iranomaniac, Ukrainomaniac, renegade infidel old man, certainly not marxist, only opportunistically as it is called, fan of Alcibiades and not of Christ and Marx, card player, impulsive sinner, full of passions, I want an attack on the fascist east, it will do the eastern peoples good, don't listen to marxist bullshit, I want ideological war now, defeat Russia's now, China's defeat, I want to be done with these bastards..
An honest but inadequate Marxist "anti-imperialist" reasoning.
Honest Marxists like Michael make a Vietnam-Ukraine analogy.
Just like this: just as the Vietnamese "communists" received help from the (Stalinist state capitalist) Soviet Union to drive the American imperialists out of Vietnam, so the Ukrainian liberal democrats (who express the free will of the vast majority of Ukrainians) they have the right to receive help from the imperialist west, to expel the Russian fascist invaders from the Ukrainian land.
Before I give my opinion, I make a statement:
Only with these Marxists do I agree to have a serious discussion, or to play cards, so I can reveal to them before the discussion that I also know how to steal at cards.
They are not the only ones who know how to steal, and since as a Greek opportunist I have spent a lot of time in card games and women's affairs, I would like them to also know that I see them when they continue to steal in the card game.
Let's get to the heart of the game, without claiming to play fair, how much longer can I stand to play fair with my friends who are constantly robbing in the card game and selling me honesty? It's impossible, I'm bored, you stole me, I'll steal you too. But that doesn't mean that you will consider my every move as theft. You will play without saying in advance that I am stealing, but you will prove it, you will show it, oh moralistic teenager of human history.
Let me give my opinion on the subject of the analogy of honest Marxists who are more honest than other Marxists, but they are not virgins of morality.
When the US intervened in Vietnam, there was already a pro-Western government in South Vietnam, half of Vietnam was in the ideological political cultural sphere of influence of the Western imperialist world, not without the consent of a large part of its population, so this intervention was not an invasion, as it was, after, in Iraq (again by the Americans), as is the invasion of Ukraine by Russian fascists, with no one wanting for them, not even the pro-Russian Ukrainians (few as pro-Russian in the Russian-speaking Ukrainian community).
So, sorry dear Marxist to spoil your analogy soup, the Vietnam example you put on the table is unfortunate, although it certainly fulfills the need to satisfy the Marxist mythology of the Vietnam-symbol. The age of Totems is over, and so are totemic analogies.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

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