Τετάρτη 18 Ιανουαρίου 2023


The social historical effort to replace property and dominance, demands an increase in the active practice of (working) people at the level of both rights and responsibilities:


Regarding the administration of the separate economic units and the entire economy/production.


As for the administration of each separate political and social institution and the set of social and political institutions.


The "property-dominance" nexus (even if it is defined as social "property-dominance") deprives the majority of society of the rights to actively manage material resources and institutional structures, but at the same time this means absolving the corresponding responsibilities and actions (for this majority).

The abolition of individual and oligarchic forms of "property-dominion" does not mean automatic ability and disposal of administration and management energy on the part of subjects deprived of (these properties) due to the pre-existing structure.

An unprecedented and very rapid training and practical undertaking of actions is required to immediately cover the gap that will be left by the non-existence of the previous structure.

A basic ideological and practical condition for covering the structural vacuum that will result from the abolition of individualistic and oligarchic institutions is a deep open and extensive democracy, which, however, will not be understood or acted as it is usually understood and acted (until now) by the radicals circles, as an inductive mass generalization of some form of direct democracy of local and workers' councils.

Democracy was and will remain a totality, which as made up of many small institutional "cells" does not stop having to function as a totality that must be directed as a totality in itself.

The democracy of the councils will again end up in a one-party dictatorship if it is not continuously subject to a large representative assembly of freely elected representatives who, although elected and immediately recalled, must constitute a solidly founded institutional body with critical responsibilities and powers.

Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

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