Σάββατο 28 Ιανουαρίου 2023

Value System..

Ιn my value system, Democracy and freedom precede and surpass Justice.
In the value system of those where Justice precedes freedom and Democracy, neither democracy survives, nor freedom, and ultimately neither Justice survives.
No to Righteous people, Yes to Democratic people.
Marxism was not superior to other modern revolutionary views because it better expressed a demand for justice or because it was the scientific theoretical expression of the class struggle from the point of view of the working class.
Marxism prevailed, not anymore - especially in its new form, because above the demand for justice and struggle, it placed as a basic criterion of judgment (on) a society in motion the possibility of its dynamics, therefore it set the condition of dynamic progress as one of the main starting points of a positive or negative judgment on an overall social form (as to quality and the capacity of its political and economic institutions to respond to it).
Marxism was not a theory of de-development and strategic inhibition of capitalist modernization and modernization in general, although of course it strictly judged its destructive and oppressive form within its historical capitalist contexts.
Once Marxism removed this criterion, it ceased to be an autonomous theory and surrendered its weapons to all forms of sectarianism and anarchism.
Strict criteria for a new - intended as - scientific socialism:
1. Criticism of the form of development and not criticism of development and modernization in general.
2. Harder atheism.
3. Criticism of statism but not of the state in general. The death of the state will come too late or never.
4. Drawing up a strategic plan to replace capitalism with a system of democratic socialism, where individual property will not be replaced by a collective property and domination, but (individual property and domination will be replaced) by a form of collective-and-individual non-proprietary management of wealth and labor products.
The abolition of private property and individual wealth is the absolute practical condition for a socialist society to exist, but for this socialist society to be without class exploitation, this abolition must not create a new kind of domination/ownership in the management and distribution of wealth.
The replacement of individual wealth and the abolition of individual domination over wealth will not mean the existence of a collectively owned wealth, but (will mean) the existence of a non-dominant and non-proprietary free social-individual economy of collective-and-individual management of wealth.
Since the aspirant as the new Shah, claims that he has changed and that he also wants democracy in Iran, let him be asked to answer if he accepts to exist in Iran a full, integrated, modern bourgeois parliamentary democracy, without the mediation of a supposed transitional semi-democratic stage as necessary political administration framework.
The would-be Shah does not make clear statements on this, so he is complicit about the theocrats staying in power.
The hardest internal boundary of the Arab world, the one that prevents every non-naive democratic citizen of the world, from sympathizing with this world and standing in solidarity, is religion. The Arabs in their vast majority are deeply poisoned by religion, which in their case is the most cruel, demanding, male-dominated patriarchic religion that has ever existed since the human world existed.
I have no intention of flattering Arab hyper-religiosity, not because I dislike the Arabs as they present themselves to me in my immediate perception, but because I want at some point the Arabs themselves to be rid of this vampire in their minds which drains them of all positive and creative power.
Who does not know the shocking achievements of the glorious era of the Arab boom? Science, philosophy, art, at some point also a state of tolerance for otherness, at the same time of course that the Arabs were champions in conquest, the slave trade, forced violent Islamizations, etc.
What stopped progress in the Arab world?
The West; Not so much.
Colonialism? Not so much.
Neo-nationalism? Not so much.
Religion, that's to blame for everything, that ruined everything, stopped everything.
As in 1939-1945, today there is a fascist axis (which is not only geopolitically and geographically defined) and against it is everyone else (some of whom are not particularly progressive).
The geographically determined fascist axis consists of neo-tsarist Russia, China, theocratic Iran, North Korea, and has as semi-allies or subordinates the Erdogan regime in Turkey, the Assad regime in Syria and the statist leftist movements in Latin America ( not Lula, not Boric).
Qualities of the new fascist axis:
1. Revisionism in relation to intra-European or Euro-Asian borders.
2. Anti-Westernism using a spiteful diversion of the anti-colonial ideology, for which diversion the anti-colonial post-colonial ideology itself is also "responsible".
3. Anti-woke homophobia/transphobia, idealization of the family institution and revival of misogyny, with this idealization as a pretext.
4. Adoption of the harshest Speglerian and neo-Speglerian ideologies about "closed cultural circles" with geocultural characteristics.
5. A model of mixing state capitalism/socialism with extreme neoliberal policies is proposed.
The New Left of the West in its vast majority watches the neo-fascist phenomenon dumbfounded, frozen, ideologically unarmed, politically guilty, morally disengaged, and this is done in a strange way that has to do with its traditional vindictive and ideologically dead-end anti-Westernism, wich is rooted in extreme hetero-determination of Left from the cynicism of logic "the enemy of my enemy is my friend".
The index of ''collective guilt'' is always an ''already collective innocent'', on the basis of which all the sacredinquisitors pass judgments of condemnation.
Η αριστερά και ο αναρχισμός πιστεύουν βαθιά ότι η ανθρωπότητα είναι ένοχη, πίστη που μοιράζονται με την άκρα δεξιά και την θεοκρατία.
Βέβαια, κάθε συλλογική και οικουμενική ενοχή έχει στο τέλος τού χρόνου της, μερικές φορές στο τέλος τού χρόνου, μια λυτρωτική λύση, η οποία είναι και το τέλος αυτής τής ενοχής και η έναρξη μιας χρυσής εποχής αθωότητας.
Μετά από την ισραηλινή επίθεση στην Τζενίν που είχε 9 νεκρούς, ένας Παλαιστίνιος τρομοκράτης επιτέθηκε σε συναγωγή στην Ανατολική Ιερουσαλήμ, σκοτώνοντας 10 ανθρώπους που παρακολουθούσαν τελετή εις μνήμην τού ολοκαυτώματος, και οι τρομοκρατικές ισλαμοφασιστικές πολιτοφύλακες τής Χαμάς και τής ισλαμικής τζιχάντ έσπευσαν να επικροτήσουν την ενέργεια.
Στη Γάζα έγιναν διαδηλώσεις πανηγυρισμού.
Οι αντισιωνιστές αριστεροί, το πιο ύπουλο είδος, θα τονίσουν την σειρά των γεγονότων αποδίδοντας όλη την ευθύνη στο Ισραήλ, το οποίο και σε αυτή τη σειρά των γεγονότων ήταν αυτό που ξεκίνησε τον κύκλο τής βίας.
Δεν θεωρώ ό,τι λένε απόλυτα ψευδές, άρα για μένα επίσης το Ισραήλ έχει ευθύνη, αλλά ταυτοχρόνως πιστεύω ότι ο αραβικός και ισλαμικός αντισημιτισμός θα έπραττε το ίδιο ακόμα κι αν δεν υπήρχε πρόκληση βίας από τη σκοπιά τού Ισραήλ.
Το γεγονός ότι ο Παλαιστίνιος τρομοκράτης επιτέθηκε σε συναγωγή στην οποία υπήρχε τελετουργία για τη μνήμη των θυμάτων τού ολοκαυτώματος, και το γεγονός ότι παλαιστινιακές αραβικές μάζες πανηγύρισαν για αυτή την πράξη, δείχνει πολλά, δείχνει την ιστορική καταγωγή τού αραβικού εθνικισμού και σωβινισμού από μια θεμελιωτική ιστορική στιγμή όπου υπήρξε πολιτική γεωπολιτική και ιδεολογική συμμαχία του με τον ναζισμό.
The genocidal attack on the Yezidis was proportionately the Holocaust of the Kurdish people, because the Arab and Turkish Islamofascists targeted the deep heart of the Kurdish nation that was and is the Yezidis.
If Arab and Turkish pride and arrogance could, this would be the fate of the entire Kurdish people.
No solidarity with Arab and Turkish movements, until they recognize without excuses and conspiracytheories the Yezidi Genocide, and until the murderous intent and anti-Kurdish hatred is rooted out from within the infected Islamic heart of these movements and peoples.
If your words don't align with your heart, something is wrong. If your words that are not in tune with your heart, are spoken to lay people, something will go wrong.
Let's say what we feel, and let it's wrong, let's say what we think, even if it's not as brilliant as the brilliant idea.
Many days have passed, and I will point out the temporary retreat of the libertarian movement in Iran.
It wasn't defeated, it folded in self, but at the same time I don't know, I can't know what sufferings the fighters are subject to, now.
The conclusion: the time of revolutionary militarism is coming.
But progressive revolutionary militarism without PKK-style militarism cannot exist in West Asia.
I don't know what the Persians will do in the end, and the Iranian-Kurdish communists integrated into Iranism, I know that the Kurds in Iran must start forming themselves without internationalist moral and political inhibitions, as an effective armed force.
Try as you might, but I cannot claim to be able to overcome my one-sidednesses that was fueled because the values wars in which I participated.
Here it is:
Since NO Palestinian organization has condemned the Genocide of the Yezidis, an innocent, almost unarmed, harmless people, I do NOT believe any Palestinian or Arab in general, when they claim that they do not have a problem with Judaism but with "Zionism".
They lie, most Arabs are Liars, because they half-recognized the Holocaust against Jewry because they were forced to do so, calculating international public opinion and the power of the Zionist state.
If they had good intentions and a healthy view of recent history, they would show this in the case of the Yezidi Genocide.
They do not clearly say that this Genocide was mainly committed by Arabs, Turks (and other nationalities) jihadists and nationalists.
Also some of the Lying Arabs have dared bigoted Lie to imply that the genocidal persecution of the Yezidis was secretly organized by "Zionism".
Western leftists and anarchists may be mocked by the Arabs, but not me, because I am not Western, I am Greek.
I am not so dishonorable as to claim that my heart is driven by impartiality, but I have a pretension to you accept that a man's partiality may be the result of an injury which he has been because he has tried to be impartial to all,
especially with the wronged people, and has seen that the the first to violate impartiality and the universal moral criterion were sometimes those wronged.
I am not a Christian, I do not want nor can I be a Christian, nor a post-Christian, and my anti-Christianity which is as deep as the well of hell leads me to Achilles'screem:
You betrayed me and I will betray you, because if I do not betray you traitor I will betray myself.
The non-pathological response to the holocaust seems to be that it should never be repeated ("NEVER AGAIN"), against the Jewish people but also against any people, and that this good of non-repetition will be the result of the humanization of humanity through elimination of ultranationalism totalitarianism etc.
The pathological response, e.g. Zionism, is to say "Never again" for your own people, never a victim again, even if that means you'd rather have the people become the victim as the perpetrator to build a steel wall of invulnerable defense, to never become a victim again.
It is easy to choose the blameless moral and non-pathological response, but I, the sinner and eternally sick, will choose to defend -also- the pathological response, not only this one, because nothing can yet convince me that the "healthy '' response will result in the actual survival of a people that simply almost ceased to exist, completely.
Let the "healthy" examine a little more their health, the impeccable.
If I want to realize universal global morality, I must arm myself with the duty of an impeccable consistency, where all the earth is the moral homeland.
If I cannot do this, even if I desire it, if I cannot yet rise to this Height, then, I will fight so that my people are not wronged, and if they are wronged, then I will reverse your lie, people of big words and small deeds, and yes, I will even become a liar if I can expose your lie, your so blameless self, and yes, I will fight to prevent annihilation from happening again.
Whoever judges Zionism, after what has happened, without taking all this into account, let him come to my place and let us duel.
Freedom to the Ukrainian, Iranian and Kurdish people.
Crush fascist Russia. Brotherhood of Jews and Palestinian Arabs, democratic confederation without colonization and murders, down with Hamas, defeat to the Muslim brotherhood, defeat until the ground for Likud and the Kahanist fascists.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

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