Κυριακή 15 Ιανουαρίου 2023


Some, not a few—perhaps most of the followers of the great (always maleish) Ideas— whose minute hand is stuck to a certain time-moment, they think, so pitifully, that when the time (of history) passes from this moment of time, they are vindicated!
Stop at last with the "truth" that will be revealed when the masks fall.
All the ideologues, this is what they proclaim, that they will drop the masks, that the masks will fall.
Sorry to upset you, but such truth does not deserve to be called truth, whatever forcibly threw off a mask with such a declaration wanted to build an eternal mask, so says the famous (Hegelian or not) History.
Waiting to drop the enemy's mask, when that enemy can no longer keep it on his face, you put your own mask on him, duplicated.
In short, anyone who claims that the crimes of the Soviet Union in the Caucasus, in the Ukraine, in its southern Russian countryside, from the time of Lenin, not only after, have no connection with Soviet Communism, from its inception onwards, and incriminates only the tsarists, who were and are now being burdened as neo-tsarists with equally inhumane mass crimes, one thing is, a Liar. 
Also Liar is who is -certainly- the liar who acquits the mass murderer Bandera (the Poles, who are now friends of Ukraine, they know, and they don't give their dead who were exterminated en masse by this fascist, to the lie).
So let go of the great truths, and see the guilt that all these great YOUR ''truths'' carry.
To Iranian Friends.
Be careful, get rid of the theocratic regime, without the Shah sitting on your head (again), and put the term "capitalist" as many times as you want on this regime, before you crush it or after.
Do your Marxist rites, cast your anti-capitalist curses, curse the West too, lest you sin of the great sin of pro-imperialism, it will be a shame to be maligned by your left-wing comrades in the West, though they neither care nor have strong feelings about you, nor did they show any remarkable solidarity towards your struggle, while some liberals I know, even right-wing ones, care about, while for your comrades you exist as "tea and sympathy", still at least, because if you take the power with the blood and sacrifice of youngs of Iran, well, then, even Varoufakis will visit the new Iran.
When masculine men question themselves, they make sure to do so to the accompaniment of a raucous brass band while write their autobiography at the same time.
Their pain and the self-destruction of THEIR BIG, ALWAYS BIG IDEAS, which also disappointed them and brought them to the brink of the abyss, must they are proclaimed throughout the universe.
The very masculine men who even call themselves "male A", make big premarital promises, but not only that, they also make big premarital Ideologies that promise that they will solve, after the marriage takes place, all the problems.
Putin promised his deranged drunken People that he would conquer Ukraine in 3-4 days.
I wonder how is found a woman, to marry this worthless man.
Girls beware, they are in all ideological families.
Masculine men promise everything but do little or less than what they promise, women promise little and do almost everything.
The ideal situation is not to choose an internationalpolitical master, the ideal is to be independent, like the fantasy of every right-wing or left-wing maleman, but I am not persuaded by men, I am persuaded by whores with guns.
If the "world proletariat", more specifically the proletariat of the East, does not do the job, the evil one wicked rogue western imperialism, will.
What a fuck, that's life.
I am to favor the full armament of the Ukrainian army.
Give the Ukrainians the more modern weapons.
I am for the completion of the war with the total defeat of the Russians.
I'm not a pacifist.
The Russian empire of the whip should finally be dissolved, that China should enter its middle-to-down place in the relations of power until it is democratized, that the state unity of Turkey should be broken, the theocratic regime of Tehran should be destroyed.
When I hear that "masks must fall", I think that you are trying to put on the mask of eternal truth, to you stick to us eternally over our heads.
The "Light from the East" today is pro-Western, and hates the fascist propaganda and act of "multipolarity".
The emergence of non-Western imperialism-capitalism as a would-be new super-pole of global Dominance is perfectly symmetrical with the emergence of neo-fascism within the Western imperialist-capitalist world.
End of story.
Until capitalism and social inequality are abolished, the West must have the most Power and Dominance on the planet.
I don't make fun of myself, nor my friends, when I take a position in politics.
What a fuck!
I will immigrate to the USA, to make a point to idiot comrades, we vote for Democrats, without Marxist sophistry!!
In fact, by voting for the Democrats, we are simultaneously voting against each of their "left wing", voting for their most aggressive centrist wing that wants to oppose directly the extreme right in the West, China, Russia.
Simple as that, no more bullshit.

To the Democrats themselves I would say:
Throw the far-left morons out of the store!
If the purpose is "holy" the means of its realization will always be "dirty", oh clever Marxists!!!
I answer with clarity to forced dilemmas, I don't resort to sophistry to answer only in practice but not in my Speech.
I will not answer your sophistry, dear Michael, I don't need Marxism to make a strategic ideological policy and value decision.
The lives of everyday people would be better without forced and negative dilemmas, but if you see the world through the eyes of these people, you must answer clearly, also through your Speech.

I am simple, straightforward, clear and honest with you.
If presented with a dilemma that must be answered, between imperialist West and imperialist East, I openly choose imperialist West.
The conclusion of a lifetime, along with other conclusions.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος


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