Σάββατο 21 Ιανουαρίου 2023

Every wrong contains a degree of subjective guilt..

Every wrong contains a degree of subjective guilt, not absolute guilt, since there is always a heterodetermining system that co-creates ('with' the subject) that wrong.
When the guilty (individual or collective) subjectivity recognizes its mistake, openly and without excuses, then it can correct it and not repeat it.
After the self-destruction of the authoritarian and exploitative statist system of bureaucratic "socialism" (Soviet Union, etc.), but also before its fall (by anti-Stalinist leftists and anarchists) the left and anarchism sought to find "what was wrong'' and who was its subjective bearer (on a macroscopic historical-subjective and micro-subjective level).
The variously and polymorphously unified answer of all was that the fault was again capitalism, or (in a more anarcho-communist version) capitalism plus the abstract structure: ''State''.
Even when capitalism was not defined by some directly as directly responsible, e.g. the Trotskyists, the bearer of the error was responsible because it brought capitalism "through the back door" (bureaucratic Bonapartism which ultimately leads to capitalism, etc.) .
When Stalin died and his potential successors were neutralized (a similar thing happened with Mao), those who remained loyal to the Stalinist version of state authoritarianism accused their opponents of introducing capitalism (this is what all Maoists did after Stalin's death, but, also, after the death of Mao and the neutralization of his widow who wanted to continue the Maoist version of state authoritarianism).
But there were also the far-left "workers' council" anti-Leninist communists, such as Pannekoek and Gorter, who believed that bureaucratic "socialism" was from its inception a "state capitalism", again..capitalism.
Some Leninists, who were not Trotskyists though, thought (and still think) that in "socialism" after Lenin there was a return to capitalism as "state capitalism".
The anarchists, from a distance, believed that all the evil happened because the authoritarian structure of the "state" was maintained, but they also (most of them), believed and still believe that the result of ideological and political submission to the institution of the state, had as a direct result the rapid predominance of..capitalism, state capitalism or as they call it in their slang, the predominance of the nexus "[state] Capital-State".
As you understood, it is all the fault of the enemy, satanic capitalism, which was able, through its flexibility and known indirectness, like any satanic spirit, to penetrate the insufficiently virtuous souls of believers.
If this thing comrades is "self-criticism" then there is no doubt, I am the Caliph of Baghdad.
In order to fight capitalism and statism again with sufficiency and new strength, we must, in addition to capitalism itself, strictly judge ourselves, not (only) because the leftists retreated to the capitalism (again some others, not us! from the other leftist sect ), so it's not just capitalism and its disguises that are to blame for every stupid thing we've done, but also us, not completely, but somewhere and in something.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

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