Τρίτη 24 Ιανουαρίου 2023

The new doctrine.

The New Internationalist Doctrine it mandates that you vote against the war spending of a bourgeois state, and anyone who supports that spending be accused of being a nationalist, a warmonger, a patriarchal sexist, a militarist.
My own political and politico-military Doctrine says that all of this is under review and constant review after the defining global historical event of World War II, where all alliances and therefore war spending became legitimate as long as they serve an anti-fascist purpose.
Turkey is not just an authoritarian capitalist state but an expansionist fascist state that has specific territorial ambitions against Greece.
There is not simply a competition between two capitalist states/capitals and countries but the competition of an authoritarian democratic capitalist state that has no territorial ambitions with a fascistized state that has territorial ambitions.
And when we talk about territorial ambitions, we mean a politico-military goal that includes the expulsion and ethnic cleansing of the innocent Greek people, especially the islands of the eastern Aegean.
What is the point of the leftist and anti-capitalist Doctrine when it does not allow one to face this reality?
Not only does it have no meaning but sometimes it has a clearly negative destructive meaning, in short it does harm.
Are the Greek anarchist leftist anti-capitalists adapting this destructive Doctrine?
No, anything else.
In fact, they intensify it, sharpen it, push it to its limitless consequence.
Anyone who criticizes them, is slandered, in the way they know and learned from their environment, as a nationalist (at best) or (usually) as an ethno-fascist and far-right.
They are brazen sycophants who have no guts and little brain in their skulls.
So what should be done with this political space in Greece? Nothing special.
The democratic people just need to lead him back to the political sidelines.
There they can weep and wail about how evil and alienated the world and the damned people are, and we'll get into politics again.
Enough with the fools.
Those of us in Greece who support national defense against Turkish expansionism, if we were on the left have been expelled from it, and are now forced to shift the ideological, political and cultural axis of our subjectivity towards the "center" at least (some they go further to the right, not necessarily to the right-far right).
All this is a result of the politics of the Greek left in its entirety and of Greek anarchism.
So since the Greek left has decided to form in this way its absolute dividing lines, even hypocritically disguising them as moderate "patriotism", as Syriza did, we too are now obliged to fight this political opponent with hard lines.
No more political mercy towards Greek leftism and anarchism.
We will crush them.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

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