Σάββατο 18 Φεβρουαρίου 2023

A critical point for the democratic revolution in Iran.

A critical point for the democratic revolution in Iran.
Neither the bourgeois forces that "support" the would-be Shah, nor the left-wing forces, put forward a demand for the formation of a constituent assembly, which will be made up of freely elected representatives of the people.
We understood the Bonapartist "nature" of the anti-theocratic but ultra-conservative Iranian bourgeoisie, but we also see that even the Iranian left does not make such a democratic revolutionary demand.
The Iranian left is locked in "Soviet-Leninism", in various harder or softer versions of it, so it does not want anything resembling "parliamentary democracy".
Given that even the global (revolutionary) left has not yet been able to solve the riddle of the positive-modern form of the central representative institution that will be corresponding as a "socialist democracy" to a socialist classless society, and also given that the Iranian (revolutionary) left expresses an obsession with the old outdated, and essentially Bonapartist, sovietic model, in relation to this critical issue, bad developments are perpetuated for this revolution.
A right-wing monarchist or militarist version of the revolution's post-revolutionary institutional developments is most likely to prevail, unless strong pro-Western but anti-royalist centrist democratic forces emerge.
However, in any case, the dogmatism of the Iranian left leads the democratic movement in Iran to an absolute dead end, since only through the Iranian left could perhaps be ensured a real democratic transition in Iran, and as it seems, beyond radical democratic imaginations, the Iranian left is not interested in such a comprehensive parliamentary transition.
These people live in another era.
The historical creation from the point of view of the people, of the working class, of a central representative "body" of freely elected representatives, which will positively replace (determined negation) the leading democratic institution of the bourgeois democracy which is the parliament, has not been still exist as a creation.
What has been its socialist replacement until now, through workers' and people's councils, has failed completely.
Workers'-people's councils cannot "alone" meet the task of the democratic functioning of a society in its entirety through a central legislative and governmental institution.
The highest expression of bourgeois democracy at this central level, the national assembly and the parliament, has not found a suitable and stronger "antagonist" and replacement on the part of the anti-capitalist left forces.
I emphatically emphasize here, that the problem of the central institution of sovereignty is not a "part" of the "superstructure" as the "Marxists" claim, but a determining element of the total production relations themselves, therefore the non-solving it no will lead to an authoritarian socialism of the working class, which then in a more mature phase will establish a more open workers' democracy, as perhaps the "Marxists" imagine it in their "realist" imagination, but ( as non-resolution) it will again lead to an exploitative class system.
Therefore, the left, especially the Iranian left, if it is NOT planning a form of Marxist dictatorship and wants to respond to the contemporary facts and understand the limits that still exist in terms of the strategic political alternative that the left does NOT offer, globally, yet, MUST become the preacher and ardent supporter of the (already existing, in West) parliamentary model of central government of a country, especially when we are talking about a phase where, as in Iran now, the type of political power is at stake in the immediate future.
If in a country under a regime of fascist rule (or hybrid semi-fascist rule) there are no political forces that openly support the formation of a national assembly (and then a parliament) of freely elected representatives of the people, in the end, after the fall of the existing dictator regime, a dictatorship or an authoritarian semi-democracy of the Bonapartist type will emerge again.
To the Iranian comrades:
Given the historical limits and impasses of the left worldwide, on the basis of the strategic ineptitude of creating a truly democratic central institution for the management of the social totality, which would positively replace (''with'' positive-determinative negation, Hegel my baby) the model of bourgeois parliamentary democracy (I have analyzed this, extensively).
If you don't turn your ideological-political rudder a little "right", demanding a democratically elected (through free elections) government and also a constituent assembly, then the rudder of your beloved country will go even more "right".
The more leftist line in the Iranian movement leads to a more rightist post-revolutionary Iran.

Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

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