Τετάρτη 22 Φεβρουαρίου 2023

Secular religions

Secular religions have a quality that gives them both an advantage and a disadvantage compared to purely transcendental religions: the hope for the realization of the heavenly vision on earth.

When this heavenly vision is "applied" there are some problems, paradise then appears either as a semi-paradise (at best) or as a normal hell. But even then, if the visionaries are at a guaranteed great spatial distance, then the vision can remain intact, with propaganda lies and ideological drugs. That is why modern ideological religions keep their "self" strong when they "operate" idealizations from a safe distance, "away from our ass".

But when the existence of this false State ceases, when the realization of Paradise collapses even far away from us, then there is a problem. Paradise was fake, even though it existed somewhere as a Name as a point as a flag, while now it has disappeared from the earth, so what do we do?  

Here is the disadvantage compared to purely transcendental religions: 

The (imaginary too) Paradise of purely transcendental religions is so ... far away that no refutation can touch it.

The wounded visionaries of the worldly Paradise, however, counterattack and close their deep wound with a new vision, of a distant place, yet existing on earth again.

So they discover new exotic movements, heavenly, far removed from their ass.

And the life of religions goes on.


Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

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