Πέμπτη 16 Φεβρουαρίου 2023

Δημοσιεύσεις στο Facebook, ένα χρόνο πριν, ακριβώς, λίγο πριν την φασιστική εισβολή τής Ρωσίας στην Ουκρανία.

Δημοσιεύσεις στο Facebook, ένα χρόνο πριν, ακριβώς, λίγο πριν την φασιστική εισβολή τής Ρωσίας στην Ουκρανία. 

Ιωάννης Τζανάκος


Iranian comrades, watch and study the biopolitical strategy of late neocapitalism:
It is not mediated "secretly", it is not "conspiracy", but it is deceitful, manipulative, insidious, cynical, meticulous and masses and their inactive vanguard are unprepared.
The geopolitical wisdom of most "Marxists" has reached the skies. These people can not see the obvious on planet earth.
The Russians imperialists make jokes by encircling an entire nation. 
They are not like their friends Turkish imperialists who have no humor. 
Genuine Vampires have no humor.  
It's blindness:
You don't see as an aggressive conquering force a state that threatens to occupy a country.
International bullies want to have a "safety belt" around them, made of blood, death and ethnic cleansing.
What is the "safety belt" that the "male" states around them want to have?
They want "around" from their state "body", submission, death, blood, rape, humiliation, that is, a death pillow. ... 
The alphabet of totalitarianism: "safety belt" and "Lebensraum".
It's students today:
Turkey, Russia, China.
Most Maoist and Stalinist Marxists have renounced present-day Russia and China as semi-statecapitalist countries, but a small but strong flame of love remains, and this sick flame makes them, on the one hand, wounded and frustrated as lovers, on the other hand, their wound does not extinguish their deep love with these countries of once-but-non-existent socialism. 
Thus, while cursing and harshly criticizing at the same time they keep deep inside their benevolence and positive one-sidedness for these countries of the once-but-non-existent socialism. This passion of theirs has become slimy. 
These people have as much to do with the ideal of a classless society as I do with understanding the Chinese language, that is, none at all.  
When was true socialism in the Soviet Union and China?
Until the time when Lenin and Mao died and not after the successors came? or even after? 
Until Teng and Khrushchev?
Hard truth:
Yes, I'm right.
Socialism as a first model and as the first form of classless society, has not yet existed.
If you can not stand this harsh political and historical truth you can continue to live with dreams fantasies lies.
Reality and historical research itself will constantly refute you.  
Putin and his military state do not only want eastern Russian-[speaking] Ukraine, they want the whole of Ukraine.
Do not Ukrainians have the right to be part of the West? Why are they not entitled? 
Will they lose this right because Russia does not want it? 
Will an entire nation lose the right to define its place in the world because the neighboring arrogant hostile nation does not like it? 
So also Poland should not exist. 
Isn't that what the Russian nationalism wanted for a lifetime? 
To Exterminate Poland as an independent national entity. 
Russia to go to hell. 
Enough with the Moscow clique and its slaves.  
The biopolitical manipulations made by the powerful states are not done in secret, but with moralist craftsmanship and the use of the long-term horizon that the naive masses can not conceive mentally.
Turkey and ISIS are building a state of war on the racist remnants of so-called "European solidarity".
What does the Greek ruling class (bourgeois and intellectuals) do?
It hopes for "European solidarity" and when the critical moment comes, it expects something to stop Turkey.
What is the Greek left / anarchy doing?
It is waiting for the internationalist revolution, but without doing anything in practice for this revolution to take place.
What are the Greek people doing?
Nothing. They are just waiting.
All intellectual endeavors to understand the current geopolitical and biopolitical totality-framework of capitalism began with the erroneous assumption that we are active and coherent subjects of this situation.
The post-structuralists analysts, led by Foucault, have not escaped this sharpened delusion, despite their assurances. 
Those who raised the issue,
the post-structuralists,
they gave even his most erroneous explanation.

Who can understand the current geopolitical and biopolitical totality of modern capitalism?

Let us remind you of something. 
If French imperialism had not intervened with military presence and equipment of the Greek state, Turkey would have already invaded the eastern Aegean and started a war and ethnic cleansing.
The war was not stopped by the EU, nor by Germany, nor by NATO, nor by Russia, nor by the international labor movement, but by French imperialism, the French state. 
We are subservient to imperialist interests and the accidental synopsis of capitalist interests.
Our lives depend on the interests and whims of the "Gods" of destruction.

Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

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