Σάββατο 25 Φεβρουαρίου 2023

Imagine when the regime falls in Iran..

At first, joking a little.
Imagine when the regime falls in Iran, what.. nice political interactions there will be in the post-theocratic political scene -of the street though.
Crazy royalist Persians who think they belong to the "Persian-Aryan race" and hate everyone else, want a monarchy, communists who think it's time for a socialist revolution, ethnic minorities or nations who want to secede, and of course quite a few supporters of theocracy even if has just fallen, but so have other groups.
Everything will be transformed in good, if -at least initially transitory, will transform into a multi-party democracy otherwise there will be a bloodbath.
They need all of them prudence and realism, as long as the destructive of the Pahlavi-scenario about the triumphant return of the Shah ceases in advance.
The only thing that would "enable" the royalists not to destroy everything, but also their stupid selves, would be to build an ultra-conservative party and nothing else. Otherwise, they lead Iran to an absolute dead end.
In the first revolution, the mutuallymirroring between far-right fascist royalist semi-secular absolutism and emerging left-nationalist bonapartism (which had both a secular and a semi-secular wing), was reflected (as mutuallymirroring) in the theocratic bonapartism.
Today, already at the beginning of the second great Iranian revolution, the game with Iranian mirrors has become even more dangerous and impasse.
I am unable, not only because I am a foreigner and irrelevant, to understand where this game of political and ideological mutuallymirroring will go in Iran.
The most consistent non-compromise of the Iranian democratic revolutionary forces, apart from class-worker non-compromise (respectable logic, perhaps even holy, I have followed it for 54 years), would be possible if an open parliamentary multi-party institution (consisting of freely elected by society representatives) would emerge as the dominant representative political body of the entire social body.
Now, why aren't the Iranian leftists saying this?
Because are they perhaps afraid of "becoming bourgeois"?
I don't know what to tell you anymore.
May the Buddha enlighten them.
I now give up the arguments.
Everyone is dear to me.
Good luck.
Ο πιο συνεπής μη συμβιβασμός των ιρανικών δημοκρατικών επαναστατικών δυνάμεων, εκτός τού ταξικού εργατικού μη συμβιβασμού (σεβαστή λογική, ίσως και σεβάσμια, την ακολουθούσα 54 χρόνια), θα ήταν εφικτός, αν εδραιώνονταν ένας ανοιχτός κοινοβουλευτικός πολυκομματικός θεσμός (απαρτισμένος από ελεύθερα εκλεγμένους από την κοινωνία αντιπροσώπους), ως κυρίαρχο αντιπροσωπευτικό πολιτικό σώμα όλου του κοινωνικού σώματος.
Τώρα, γιατί οι Ιρανοί αριστεροί δεν το λένε αυτό;
Γιατί ίσως φοβούνται ότι θα γίνουν μπουρζουαζία; δεν ξέρω πλέον να σας πω.
Ο Βούδας ας τους φωτίσει.
Εγώ πλέον εγκαταλείπω την επιχειρηματολογία.
Όλοι μου είναι αγαπητοί.
Καλή τύχη.
They told you, they told him, you heard, you heard that someone heard, that the West does not want to help the people of Iran to overthrow the theocratic regime, because it is cold and only thinks of its own interests.
But if it goes to help then it is imperialistic.
You in the east don't know what you want sometimes.
First decide what your limits are in terms of the help you want from the West, then let's discuss what the West wants, what the West is, etc.
Σου είπαν, τού είπαν, άκουσες, άκουσες ότι κάποιος άκουσε, ότι η Δύση δεν θέλει να βοηθήσει τον λαό τού Ιράν να ρίξει το θεοκρατικό καθεστώς, γιατί είναι ψυχρή και σκέφτεται μόνο τα συμφέροντα της.
Αν όμως πάει να βοηθήσει τότε είναι ιμπεριαλιστική.
Εσείς εκεί στην ανατολή, δεν ξέρετε τι θέλετε μερικές φορές.
Αποφασίστε πρώτα ποια είναι τα όρια σας ως προς την βοήθεια που θέλετε από τη Δύση, και μετά ας συζητήσουμε τι θέλει η Δύση, τι είναι η Δύση κ.λπ.
The West helped Ukraine after Ukraine stood alone without any help at first, having only its democratic values, its united people and its clown hero president.
We democrats want to be Clowns, you see, you the serious leftist anti-imperialists, what are you?
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

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