Τετάρτη 22 Φεβρουαρίου 2023

Hekmat and Kurdistan.

Hekmat slandered the idea of ​​a federation as a vehicle for Kurdish nationalism and said in one of his sophistic arguments something like this: Leave the idea of ​​a federation, if you want you can leave a united socialist Iran, but federation? No. 

It put the Kurds in front of a blackmailing ideological and political dilemma, which in fact functioned and functions as an ideological-moral repression. When you put someone in front of such a dilemma, you are actually depriving them of the opportunity to think beyond the terms of a metaphysically meant extreme polarization in which there are only two absolute possibilities and thus moderate intermediate solutions are ruled out. Because people know that secession means bad things, you push them to accept a somewhat better scenario, to exist in a single territory without direct oppression, thus wanting to make them forget the really best scenario which is the federation. 

Ultra-Communist ideological chauvinism that fits snugly with the wishes of the Persian ethnic majority and with the ideology of the ethnically assimilated Kurds whether they are communists or not.

Thus, through the assimilation of Kurdish left-wing patriots and nationalists through an abstract super-internationalist Marxism, there was no national movement analogous to that which existed in Turkey. The chauvinist Turkish Maoists and communists did the same, but the great leader of the Kurdish people, Ocalan, blocked their way, establishing a great and militarily incomparably effective national democratic movement. 

If Ocalan had not prevailed in the factional struggle, even by hard means, there would be nothing in Turkish-occupied Kurdistan today, and the Kurdish-Turkish Marxist-Leninist left would still be discussing exactly what Marx, Lenin and Mao said in the letter ''a'' or ''b'' etc. 

Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

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