Τετάρτη 22 Φεβρουαρίου 2023

The Kurdish nation.

The reason why Kurdish left-wing patriots are turning to separatist nationalism is that you, the super-internationalists, Iranian communists, under the guise of hypocritical internationalism, are you denying the Kurdish people the right to autonomy within a democratic federation. 

The ideological attack and slander they have exercised e.g. the Hekmatists against the federal idea leads the Kurds directly to the idea of secession, and so super-internationalism is once again revealed as a tool of chauvinism of the powerful ethnic groups (in this case the Persian national majority once again), on the basis of the ''logic'' of assimilation and cultural alienation of oppressed and weak ethnic groups. 

What else can these ethnic groups, such as the Kurds, do but turn to autonomism after all this? 

It was inevitable, and in this light it was entirely expected that Komala would disintegrate again and that a united Kurdish national front would emerge, beyond vague, imaginary chimerical and ultimately dubious internationalisms, which always "accidentally" prevent an ethnicity, a nation, to find its own independent path.

In the beginning there was the possibility of a federal democracy, but the Iranian communists blocked it, they wanted everything, now they will have nothing. 

The Kurdish nation is finding its way, like any other nation. 

Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

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