Σάββατο 4 Φεβρουαρίου 2023

The right historical narrative corrects mistakes, and safeguards the right future.

The right historical narrative corrects mistakes, and safeguards the right future.
Iranian leftists recount the Bonapartist Khomeinist diversion of the anti-monarchist revolution by using the word "hijacking".
This verbal expression of the Bonapartist diversion [made by Khomeini together with the theocratic-nationalist factor of the Iranian political life, of that time (also helped by the all-wise Tudeh, the stupid pro-Soviet party)] hides something that the Iranian leftists don΄t want to admit nor to themselves: no ideological or political faction at the time held the concept of "pluralist democracy" in high esteem, the left itself envisioned a revolutionary socialist anti-Westernimperialist regime, which might wear the already worn clothing of "socialist democracy" but it would be a left-wing dictatorship through perhaps popular workers' councils, for a time, until the Iranian version of the left-wing Bonaparte Stalin or Trotsky appeared. 
Known ending, in similar cases, repeated like the succession of day and night.
At that time there was no other, non-authoritarian, mass ideological trend in Iranian society, I don't know if it exists now, I hope it exists through the heroic Iranian youth inside Iran.
So who, with what ideological load, could beat Khomeini in an ideological-political struggle?
Khomeini didn't hijack the revolutionary plane, he just won the battle about which Bonapartism will prevail, the ultra-leftist or theocratic?
Stalinism takes its surreal revenge deep existing within the anti-Stalinist left & anarchism as a solipsistic cult of violence.
Don't look at the articles in the "serious" left magazines, look at the comments, under the articles, and you will understand how rotten the left people are, mainly in the west, but also in the non-western world.
They have become completely bogged down in an anti-Western grudge that brings them very close now, almost all of them, to a pseudo-neutral grey-red zone of moral-ideological twilight.
I'm not going to read an article in such a magazine before reading the comments, if I even read an article in a leftist magazine.
Some leftist intellectuals are trying to plug the holes in a sinking boat, but they are not going to do anything.
The 1% of the global left believes that the 1% of the Ukrainian people who are Nazis do not identify with the 99% who are not Nazis, and half of that 1% do not believe that the Ukrainian people are fighting as a proxy for NATO, and should Ι stay in left, because there is this 1%?
Those idealistic intellectual leftists some of whom are my friends here consider me more of an idiot than 99% of the majority.
I don't know how they feel, but I'm not fooled again.
You don't have to be 55 to realize you're an idiot because you think some other idiots are listening to you.
But if, nevertheless, you have succeeded in this way, then you must write your pseudo-epic of stupidity as a soap opera and not as if it were the Divine Comedy.
This is a difficult thing, especially when you leave a place where this thing is common, i.e. they narrate the stupidity of a soap opera life as if it were the divine-human drama of the purification from...alienation.
Intellectuals of the Western New Left! (except Pasolini only).
You made a monster worse than the old fashioned one, almost sympathetic, Stalinist monster.
You won't see it clearly appearing in the proper articles of Jacobin magazine (and in other magazines).
You'll see it pop up, below, in the comments, usually made by your crowd, by those people wich are always irritated by "western colonialism" etc.
You may think that it's all the fault of the old Stalinist tradition in the leftist populace (Stalinism as the perpetrator for all sins), you may think that the Russian disinformation machines, with many rubles, have done a great job, and you will thinking all right, in part. Because the other part of the responsibility lies with you.
Now, fend for yourself your movement, with "your people".
I'm going to the center.

So the old left had in its ideological arsenal a "must" to be moral, to be educated, not to burden the work and responsibility on someone else, not to justify your unjust actions towards other "simple" man, but the new left forgot this and created the saga of the always wronged always victims, always irresponsible because society is "to blame" capitalism and I don't know what other structure (maybe Althusser who drowned his wife, once, knows, since he could not be accused of femicide, so as a leftist of the new left he was saved from hell).
Let me tell you. From all this ideological havoc within the movement, only one contradictory person named PP Pasolini is saved as a moral subject. He alone is worth dealing with.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος


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