Σάββατο 18 Φεβρουαρίου 2023

February 18, 2022, Shortly before the beginning of the Russian fascist invasion (Facebook).


Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

The Russian liars
Lying is closer to the fetishistic notion of ontological unity.
Lies look like other lies, one lie leads to another lie, a lie can be a false imitation of another lie.
There are a number of false reflections to live an entire life with one or more lies.
But lies also create a constant rivalry between them, one lie opposing the other and claiming a greater truth than the other, conquering an even higher position in the realm of falsehood.
But there are also lies that are not based on their false confrontation with another lie as truths but are based on a false reconciliation with an old lie without actually manifesting themselves as different lies.
The new Russia falsely presents itself as a continuation of a lie that falsely had the name of socialism, the new Russia lies that it is a form of continuation of another lie that lied that it is socialism.
Those deceived by the original lie that the Soviet Union was a socialist country even for a moment (because it was never a socialist country) are easily deceived by the lie that the new Russia of Putin's mobsters and thugs is in some sequel to the lie of the Soviet Union.
When they have been deceived by such a frightening lie that the Soviet Union had something to do with what would be real socialism, how can they not be deceived by the new lie that the new Russia has something to do with this first lie?
Lying destroys any possibility of discrimination even between different lies.
Anyone who is used to loving a lie has no problem loving a false imitation of it.
Anyone who cannot distinguish the lie from the truth can also not distinguish a lie from a false imitation of this lie.
Greece 2022.
The pro-Westerners are miserable supporters of the EU and the US and the anti-Westerners are pro-Russian former Stalinist or Orthodox Christians (theocratic worms), who also like the theocratic regime in Tehran.
The revolutionary left / anarchy has a position of neutral observer of geopolitical data, but tends to follow indirectly the narrative of anti-Western reactionaries.
No way out.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

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