Τετάρτη 1 Φεβρουαρίου 2023

When in dialectics you rush to unify determinations, you do not unite, you weld.

You need to know who disagrees with you but could sacrifice his life for you and who agrees with you but may sell you to the enemy at the crucial moment.
What if you can fit another one, two thousand infinite hearts in your heart, and you can't operate on the wound.
Better an empty heart with strong hands and mind.
When in dialectics you rush to unify determinations, you do not unite, you weld.
But in order not to rush, you have to accept the possibility that this unification of the determinations you wish to unite will never happen.
But in order to accept this possible possibility, that propably will there is no final unification of these determinations, you must clear your thinking, as much as possible, of "desire"...Gentlemen, "Marxists", Lacanians and Deleuzians.
Marxists! I want to see you progress.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

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