Σάββατο 18 Φεβρουαρίου 2023

When the Leninists use the term ''directly elected and revocable'' for the people's representative..

When the Leninists use the term ''directly elected and revocable'' for the people's representative, they hide from us (through an ideological bureaucratic silence) the scandal they promoted and promote, that, this direct electability-and-revocability, in their so-called ''worker's'' institutional vision, do not extend to all central legislative and governmental institutions, especially to the from them beloved so-called "party of the working class", which in the monstrous political system that they promote as so-called "workers' power" acquires brutal and total authoritarian legislative and governmental power.
This Thing has never brought and will never bring workers' and people's democratic power.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

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