Σάββατο 25 Φεβρουαρίου 2023

Reply to the Iranian Communist's (Torab Saleth) article on the constituent assembly.

Reply to the Iranian Communist's (Torab Saleth) article on the constituent assembly.
He rightly accepts that this demand is not exclusively reformist, nor limited to a bourgeois outcome and demarcation of the revolution.
However, it does not refer more extensively to the structures of democracy that a non bourgeois version of the revolution will bring.
What little and hypothetical is said on his part sounds rather like a typical Bolshevik falsification of the free will of the people, despite his efforts, indeed, not to dogmatically follow the institutional logic of the Bolsheviks. The triple system of representation he proposes can work precisely as a falsification of the immediacy of the electoral process.
There is no mention of the historical failure of bureaucratic and sectarian communism to help create a truly democratic central representative body composed of freely elected representatives of (socialist) society.
Like all Marxists today he speaks as is being in a historical metaphysical Beyond, in which Marxism had no negative contribution to the destruction of the possibility of a real workers' socialist democracy.
He rightly judges the impossibility of conceptualizing the socialist revolution not exclusively in relation to the workers' councils, but the broader political body that he posits as possibly adequate does not meet the needs of a modern representative workers' democracy, since it is understood as non-regional and non-local/geographically determined.
It is even considered that the geographical definition of democracy is limited to bourgeois contexts.
However, a democracy without narrow and at the same time broad geographical territorial determination in relation to the principle that each vote has the same institutional weight in relation to another (one person one vote), does not exist.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

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